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[IC] An RP about RP-ing


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[OOC thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/269746-ooc-an-rp-about-rp-ing/]

Hatcher entered the YCM High Game Club Room a tad late, and looking a bit like a disheveled mess. The buttons on her blouse were slightly off, each lining up with a hole one spot lower then it should have been. Her hair was let down, and her typical ribbon-tie was completely undone, resting at her neck like a string. She gave her skirt a quick tug, to make sure nothing was showing, before beginning.

"Sorry I'm late guys. I know I was supposed to be the game master but, in gym class today we..." She paused, looking the room over. Typically the game room was much more crowded on Mazes and Monsters Day. Had they all decided not to show up because they heard [i]she[/i] would be the Game Master today?

She sighed, sweeping her hands through her bangs. She wouldn't let her insecurities keep the group from having a good time.

"Alright, forget it." She took a seat. She quickly produced a hair tie from her pocket and began fussing with her hair, putting it in a ponytail as she spoke.

"Today we'll be playing the Kingdom of Betrayal adventure from that old 1974 expansion pack. It's about like... War and Dragons and Princess and like... Kingdoms that Betray each other or something? I didn't really read much about it or whatever. Anyway... let's all have fun... or something."

She gave a quick shrug, feeling a tad awkward and tense before speaking. She cleared her throat as she began, reading the introduction from a paper she had prepared.

"The war that had claimed the lives of countless citizens had at last come to an end. The kingdom of Barlow and kingdom of Prashant had at last put aside their differences, and come together to form a truce to end the Millenial war of the Ancients. The princess of Barlow was to marry the princess of Parshant." Hatcher blinked, perhaps realizing a little too late she had mispronounced a word.

"See... Barlow and Prashant were like... really liberal with laws, and honestly who doesn't wanna see two girls making out, right?" She gave a nervous laugh before continuing.

"A-n-nyways... Two of the victims of the war were the the princess's fathers, the kings of both nations. With no one else to lead the war, and neither girls really caring to continue the war, they put aside their differences and agreed to unite both countries under the treaty of Toulouse. They were to be wed at the city of Toulouse, the site of the first major battle of the War of the Ancients, but fate had different plans."

"A grand event likely drew upon people from all creeds, races and religions. There were..." She looked up at her paper. "Elves." She gave a quick nod to Issun. "Dwarves" a nod in Thar's direction. "And... umm... other things too?" She gave a quick and awkward smile at Azure before continuing.

"However, it wouldn't take long for the scene of the wedding to turn into chaos. A load noise erupted from nearby. Explosions! It seemed a band of terrorists, not content with the terms of the Treaty of Toulouse, had begun starting to make trouble! They still had a surplus of magic or gunpowder or something, and had started firing off cannons and aiming them towards the blushing brides. The guards quickly ushered the girls to safety, however the scene was left in utter chaos. Horses were galloping, guards were rushing, and people were moving every which way."

"So then... it's... your turn now!" She pointed at the person sitting to the right of her, whoever that may have been.

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Thar was already there by the time Hatcher walked through the door. He was sulking in his chair, as always, with his notebook in hand. His bag of dice sulked with him on the table to his left, closed to prevent spillage. Half asleep, his eyes were watering when he rose his head from his comfortable hoodie sleeves. Wiping them, he sagged back, leaning on the back of the chair while he made himself comfortable, which was nearly impossible, for the game. It has been several months since his last real game, so he put effort into remembering the rules.

After seeing the game master take her seat, he struggled to sit up straight, still partly drowsed. He put his notebook on the table to his right and aligned the pencils parallel to the notebook, cause he could not stand a crooked placement on any surface he was sitting over. With a stale emotion glued to his face, he turned to look at the game master, whom was reading the scenario to the party. Thar absorbed the information, taking it into account when she finished reading.

[i]"So then... it's... your turn now!"[/i]

"Alright. A wedding is crashed. Chaos. A great place to start. Hmm..." Thar pinched his chin in thought, looking up at the ceiling hoping to get an idea, "Guards and horses running everywhere. Explosions. Cannons firing... ... ...I will make my first move targeting the nearest terrorist. Where are they placed in the scenario? I'm gonna take a swing at them with my battle axe." Grabbing the 2-liter from under his chair, Thar took a swig, erect with excitement from a long desired game.

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Hatcher scratched her cheek as she thought his question over.

"The terrorists plotting the death of the princesses are about 10 meters away, but they are incredibly easy to see even if you didn't know that. One is casting fire based magic, wiping fireballs to the direction where the princesses were ushered off to. One had hid a cannon in the stage coach he had brought. Furthermore, it would be the direction that those who are not brave adventurers were running away from, they stood in a clearing."

She blinked, hoping it had made sense in the way she had intended.

"The palace guards however are also rushing to the scene, but as they started from the palace, the great and powerful..."

She paused as she looked a sheet of paper over. "Bu.... Butter... Burtler... Butler..." She gave him a blank stare.

"Your guy! He makes a heroic dash, slicing at the fire spell user and inflicting a ghastly wound. However, this has only alerted his comrades that you are nearby, and the palace guards are still not close enough for reinforcements. You're unlikely to win on three-on-one fight. You may either charge ahead recklessly or [i]wait for other nearby heroes to help[/i]."

She winked at the other two.

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Thar heard the story of his actions taking place, taking note of where the terrorists were and what they were each doing. However, he laughed at Hatcher trying to pronounce his character's name.

"Burtelga. Ber...tell...gah. Haha don't worry, nobody gets it right the first time."

His smile disappeared immediately as he thought of the situation he was in inside the game world, analyzing his actions and the possible outcome, but since he was a dwarf, he knew that deep thought wasn't a key factor to his character.

"Very well. My first swing was at the fireball caster, which damaged him greatly so my guess is he is in severe shock and can't move, so I'll just take my axe and go for the next one nearest to be, maybe the one controlling the cannon, since he could be the biggest threat. Yeah, I charge at the one controlling the cannon."

Taking another swig of Dew, he grabbed his bag of dice and threw it in his bag, seeing no further need for it.

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OOC: gah.. why won't this post o.O (three times without anything happening)

IC: Kazuya made his way towards the game room slowly passing doors until he found it, opening it quietly and trying to move inside unnoticed, a feat which was probably near impossible due to his size. As Kazuya made his way towards the others inside the game room he grabbed a vacant seat and sat down dropping his bag. He then pulled a small screwdriver and a tamagotchi game from his pocket and as he sat there waiting for his turn he began to undo the screws on the casing of the small electronic toy, taking it apart piece by piece which ended up leaving him with the case and various electronics which he slowly began to rearrange and put back together. As Kazuya took the device apart as though unconscious due to how many times he had done so he retrieved some pencils and a notebook from his bag placing them on a table simply having the pencils on top of the notebook before returning proper attention to the device.

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Issun couldn't help but roll his eyes at the ABYSMAL performance Hatcher was putting on as gamemaster, [i]'God bless her she's trying, but still, this is just plain bad!' [/i]he thought to himself as he watched, then when Thar finished his bit of character actions, Issun thought of something, "Well, if you don't mind, Imma just cut in" he announced straight away. "Now, what I'll do is this: I nock an arrow on my bow, both of which I stole from a nearby guard when he wasn't looking, and aim it at the same guy at the cannon that he" he began, motioning to Thar, "Is charging for, not taking any precautions to make sure I don't hit anyone else" he decided, [i]'I have to wonder though,' [/i]he began to think, [i]'What kinda rewards are we gonna get for doing this?'[/i]

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Azure sat on the left side of Issun, keeping his hands crumpled as fists tucked inside the deep pockets of his skinny jeans as heard the GameMaster read the instructions then giving a quick look before continuing. He quickly noted all directions and instructions and quickly synchronized himself into the gaming world.

"...worth a try." His enthusiasm to play the game was small, but since he had another better else to do, Azure looked at all of the angles of the game, thinking of a strategy that would help him.

"Hmm... seeing as the fire caster is paralyzed and cannot move, the dwarf..." referring to Thar's character," Burtelga is rushing for the character with the cannon as the other character," Azure referring to Issun's character, "aims a crossbow at the same person. Knowing reinforcements have arrived, have to break them piece by piece in order to obtain victory. So what i'll do is this:[list]
[*]Take care of the reinforcements quick enough for Burtelga to get to the cannon on time. If any reinforcements come elsewhere, i'll switch to gun mode and shoot them in the kneecaps to where they cannot escape, severly injuring them.
So let's run to the others in front of the guy with the cannon, slice and slash the on comers to get them out of the way and sway to different angles to dodge incoming attacks while jumping over a few to leave the rest."

Azure kept his focus on the game, now more interested then usual. Having not played a real game since before, his movements might be a little off key point. It was time for him and his team to win this round, then easily move on to the next.

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Hatcher picked up the familiar twenty sided die. She gave it a quick toss, to determine whether or not Burtelga would succeed in his assault on the 3 gaurds. He would most likely need a roll of 15 or better to succeed.

A roll of a three. "Well-" Hatcher began, sorry to have to break the news to him that his character was now dead, however Issun quickly interrupted.

She listened to what he had to say, completely unsure of what to do for right now. The 20 sided die stared back at her, before she gave it subtle poke to push it forward, the dice now had the 'sixteen' side up.

In all the confusion, it seemed Hatcher had nearly missed a newcommer, Kazuya. She gave a quick wave, followed by a quick and hastily put together summary.

"Kingdom of Betrayal. Royal Wedding to unify both warring countries. Put on hold by terrorists." She nodded quickly, picking up the die and giving it a quick spin.

She did her best to speak towards Kazuya, while also listening to the actions of Issun and Azure, though she most likely missed a few things.

"Okay so..." Hatcher blinked. "The uhh... reinforcements are working on the side of the princess, not for the side of the terrorists..." Hatcher awkwardly touched fingers together, wondering how that misunderstanding had come up, but never-the-less felt it necessary to charge forward.

"The fire mage is injured, the cannon weilder however, being a long range warrior can't risk firing his cannon while aiming at Burly... Butler... Beetlejuice, because shooting a cannon at a target so close, and getting closer, would be a bad idea. However, he is still armed. While his cannon is unmanned, he is not. The third and final terrorist is a large Orc, with a similarly as large club. He takes a swing at Burt and..."

She rolled a dice. "Strikes down, delivering..." Another roll. "2 points of damage. Apparently the dwarf's armor worked exceptionally well, much better then the terrorists had envisioned."

She cleared her throat. "Meanwhile, the palace gaurds begin to draw closer to the group of terrorists. However, just as it seems they are closing in on the fight scene, a mysterious assassin deftly begins to take them out.

"'You there! By order of princess Catalina I hearby-' begins one. He reaches for his prized bow, only to find it missing. With no weapon to help him, he is quickly cut down.

Hatcher blinked. "The terrorists at the party are all but down for the count, the orc reluctantly tends to his mage friend's injuries. Which leads to the question..."

She smirked, perhaps now would be a decent time to test their morals. "Killing the terrorists now would seem to be the easiest solution, however... it's unlikely these 3 acted alone. Perhaps they are a smaller team of a larger division? So... to the assassin with the gunblade, sights trained on the cannon wielder." She gave Azure a quick nod "The elf with the bow, and a clear shot of the orc" a nod to Issun "The dwarf within striking distance of the mage." One final nod to Thar. "You all have the chance to kill one of each terrorist. Take the shot, or spare their lives?"

She blinked. "Oh and, the uhh..." she looked at a piece of paper "Dark Eleven Mage... he was probably around too." A quick and nervous laugh.

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Issun placed his hands behind his head, leaned back in his chair, and let off a slow, questioning hum. "Let's see... Kill them now... or Spare their lives..." he repeated, then remembered something, [i]'If I kill them, the rest of the group may come for me, and that could be bad... On the other hand, killing the group so easily could earn me enough respect and/or shock time to trick them into handing over their entire orginization over to me!' [/i]he thought, then grew a smug smile as his plan formulated, then turned to Hatcher, "Alright then, I'll nock another arrow, take aim at the Orc, and let loose a shot straight for his head" Issun explained, [i]'And, of course, if there ISN'T a bigger group, there's always the fact that I just killed 1/3 of a terrorist organization, the Royals are sure to pay BIG money for saving 'em like that'[/i]

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Excited by the progress of the encounter, Thar took another swig.

"Awesome. Now, what do do ne-"

A beeping sound immediately stopped his words. It was coming from his pocket. Struggling to get his hand in, he slipped out his phone and opened it, seeing a text from his dad:

[i]Matt, where the hell are you? You have a presentation to finish. Get your ass back home and get it done.[/i]

Sighing, Thar's head drooped back in frustration.

"Damn it. Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to leave and come back. My dad is such a control freak."

He continued to mope, packing up his things and walking towards the door.

"Just tell them that Burtelga went to chase off a hoodlum for personal reasons. I'm too lazy to come up with one right now."

Walking out the door, Thar left the party one member short.

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"hm.." Kazuya muttered almost soundlessly thinking of what to do as he heard that the orc had most likely been killed which from what had heard heard was one of three enemies. "Hm.. I guess I'm going to use magic performing a smaller fireball spell to try not to hit the nearby Dwarf with the flames though depending on what he was wearing the spell would probably set him on fire." he then said as he thought of what had happened so far if the mage was killed by his fire or the Dwarf then there would just be the cannon-man who had no weapon aside from the cannon left. "I would then approach the others moving closer to the fighting area, asking them to leave the cannon-man alive so we could find out why they attacked and if they had anyone else nearby.. I think that's pretty much it.." he then said his voice seeming calm as he looked upon the others having made sure to have packed away any electronical devices he had.

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