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Workout & Fitness Section


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It is very unlikely and it is down to the mods at the end of the day. I want to prove that this site would benefit from a workout & fitness section and I hope to do so by getting 10+ pages on the thread posted in general:



I hope if the thread does get 10+ pages that the moderating team will take the idea into consideration.

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Well both of those are fair points. But to be honest I don't think that it really matters if it doesn't fit in with the forum's general concept. I know plenty of forums that have sections that aren't about the initial focus of the forum. The Naruto forums have a fitness section and it raked in more members and convinced them to stay because of the wide variety of sections that they could select to post in.


I guess the card maker is a reel of a sort but does it really get the members to start posting? And if they do start posting do they stay for more than a day? Not really, because they wouldn't know anything much about OCG and such (as I still don't) it is more likely they will post, get a bad review on a card, get stroppy and leave. To be honest I think if we expanded our section range members would feel more incline to stay as having a section or two more will increase the likeliness of them being interested and wanting to stay.


In my opinion there isn't a better way to go about it than a fitness section that includes a Martial Arts sub-section. This is an anime/TCG forum and let's face it, a lot of anime fans like martial arts and martial arts and fitness go hand in hand nearly 100% of the time.


Please think carefully before you decide so easily as it could potentially effect the forum

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4) Do not request new boards to be created that cover a narrow topic.

Some sites have lots and lots of boards - in some cases literally millions. YCM has 33. And you can't even see them all. And you can't post in all the ones that you can see. Because of this, every board must count. Therefore, any new board that would be added to YCM needs to cover a reasonably broad topic, or there is simply no point in making them. Video Games? Broad enough; we added it. Movie Reviews? Not broad. Not added. Use discretion here, but as a rule of thumb, any board that would be less popular than Debates will not be created.

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