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ZeXaL Force

Shadow Zero

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[spoiler=A little bit of history]
Here's a little story for you guys. One upon a time there was a forum-goer named Oleon4. He created a Yu-Gi-Oh club/discussion thread called Stardust Force, and for a while, things were good. However, this annoying not so little thing that existed before the move of the forums to the IP.Board Servers called the New Page Glitch (NPG for short) which occurred on account of post deletion caused many in Stardust Force to fall away and form their own new thread that was free of the glitch called Absolute Powerforce.
Some moved entirely to AP, but some like myself also stayed loyal to SDF. And then Oleon4 got banned for trolling and AP was the only game in town. However, it wasn't all bad. AP was quickly becoming a new powerhouse thread that was rising through the rankings, gaining new members that actually stayed active, and had weekly discussions on the newest Yu-Gi-Oh episode to come out in Japan, which was usually subbed in less than a week for the rest of us to watch.
5D's was indeed an awesome series, despite some haters and naysayers telling otherwise, and in time it reached it's climax. And just like that, the series was over. What was there left to talk about now that 5D's was over? Fortunately ZeXaL (pronounced Zeh-Uhl) started within a week or two. To some it was immediately awesome. To others it looked merely as though it was another version of GX. I was one of those in the latter group, although I changed my mind within the first ten episodes. But I digress.
So ZeXaL started, and at first it seemed as though there would be some conversation on it, right? Well sorry to disappoint, but it seems that it is now no longer being discussed in Powerforce, which is SUPPOSED to be the place you go for those types of discussions. I've seen this happening for a while, and I ultimately came to a decision. I would make a new thread for Yu-Gi-Oh discussions, both old and new, and hope that it would not fall by the wayside like unto its predecessors.
tl;dr, The first fell due to the glitch and the creator being banned, and the second one has fallen far and away from what it once was when 5D's ended. So here now is an attempt from one who has been here since the beginning, and I hope that it will do at least marginally well.

[spoiler=Rules: Please read]
1: No trolling
2: No flaming
3: No trolling OR flaming (yes, this needs to be said a second time)
4: no S.P.A.M., which means no short pointless annoying posts. Same for the longer version. Posts that contribute nothing to the thread are unwanted and unseemly, so let's try to avoid those, okay?
5: Whatever I say goes. Don't like it? PM me politely about it. No? Then deal with it.
6: I reserve the right to add any other rules I see fit as I see a need for them. I also reserve the right to repeal said added rules for the same reasons.

[spoiler=The Warning System]
You get three strikes. That's it. Then you are banned. No take backs, no pleadings, and NO repeals (unless there is a damned good reason). Here's how it works.
You get a warning if it is decided you are deserving of one.
That warning stays unless I say otherwise.
Once you have three, you are gone. No exceptions.

How to Join?: Just ask. You'll be accepted, unless I know of a reason not to.
Oh, by the way, occasional side conversations are okay, but if I see things getting out of hand, I will step in.

Well, I suppose that covers all of the important stuff for now. I'll just leave this here for anyone who wants to join.
[spoiler=Members listings]
[spoiler=Astral World Residents/Leaders and Co-Leaders (if any)]
Shadow Zero
[spoiler=Earth Residents (Members)]

[spoiler=Photon World Residents (Banned Members)]
None as of yet. Let's try to keep it that way, okay?

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