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Minecraft - The Myth / Co-Hosted by Kanade (Not Started, Accepting)

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[left]This might actually work for me.[/left]

[left][spoiler=Imma submitting mah app!!][/left]
[left]Username: Brothar
Character Name: BludMonkey (Blud for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Biography: Way back when Blud was a sophomore in high school, he became good friends with a group of guys that had an old history of gaming including roleplaying, TCG's, and computer games that were not free. As he got to know these people well enough, he started to get more into this gaming conspiracy by Junior year. Then, one day, he walked in on a conversation about Minecraft being the best sandbox game ever. Interested, he looked into it, signing up for the free version and building whatever he felt like building before winging it and exiting from boredom. It wasn't until after he graduated and moved across the country when Blud bought the Beta version, but along with the move came a great loss, his friends. Due to a stupid argument, one of his friends lost all respect for him and wiped herself away from him reaching her. At this point, Blud did not find any reason to get on anymore, so he left it. However, after several months passed, he came across a thread on a forum, a thread that might give him another chance to get back to building blocks once again.
Personality: Shy and reserved. Not too social but not too shut in for his own sake. Mood swings at night, however he refuses to sleep unless he gets bored enough.
Minecraft Specialty: Mining, exploring, building basic structures[/left]

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Okay guys, really sorry about not being active. I've been distracted lately, and Dane's been rather busy IRL. He isn't on very much, but he promises to post before the night is over.

Anyway, going through Brothar's app, I don't think Dane will have a problem, but if he does, he'll let you know. Accepted from me.

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Username: <~}Legendary{~> (Call me Legend)
Character Name: B_Awesome
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Biography: One day he was bored, sitting on his couch listening to his iPod. Suddenly a text message notification popped up "Hey Ben! U gotta check this new game out! It's called Minecraft!" He sighed the last few games his friend had told him about had sucked majorly; but he decided to check this one out. He made an account and asked for permission to buy the game from his Father. "Sure." So he loaded up the game and started a new world. When he spawned he was standing in front of small hut made of what looked like wooden planks. There was a small door on the left side so he opened it and stepped inside. To his surprise there was a strange person that looked like him smelting something in a furnace. The strange man turned around. "AAAAH!" He screamed the man looked exactly like him exact with no pupils in his eyes. He quickly pressed F2 to take a screenshot then pressed the Escape key and tried to log off. it didn't work and he started smashing the button. The strange man flashed and the last thing he remembers is falling off his chair as he blacked out.

Personality: Friendly and cheerful, although is somewhat depressed. Likes working together.

Minecraft Specialty: Building, Trapping and Redstone.

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