Premier Alexander Romanov Posted November 20, 2011 Report Share Posted November 20, 2011 Itsu shook her head at that question. [color=#ff0000]"Let's just say that I have been around people long enough that I can very easily tell if they are lying or not. It's all a matter of your tell, the odd little quirk that gives you away. You hesitate slightly when you aren't telling the truth, like you are hesitating right now, because you are flustered. On that note, you probably should never play poker against me."[/color] Itsu then asked. [color=#ff0000]"So what is really going on? What are you trying to show to your grandfather? And, most importantly, do you think your grandfather is in trouble with Sector Security? Because I could intervene, if you will let me become a part of whatever you are doing."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 [color=#800080][i]'So she [b]can[/b] see into my mind,'[/i][/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]Kira gulped, [/color][i][color=#800080]'Well, no use lying to her now.'[/color][/i] [color=#800080]"Grandpa should be fine,"[/color][color=#000000] she then proceeded to say, [/color][color=#800080]"He's fought Sector Security before... dozens of times. What I'm more concerned about is the... certain something, which... I don't actually have."[/color] [color=#000000]Kira suddenly grew a little teary-eyed. All she could think about now was her failure in obtaining No. 17: Leviathan Dragon. It was all because she hesitated... although being unable to catch the train [i]did[/i] make matters worse.[/color] [color=#800080]"It's a Number Monster,"[/color][color=#000000] Kira admitted, [/color][color=#800080]"A specific one that could fit really well with my deck. I just managed to glimpse of it and... oh god, I [i]knew[/i] I shouldn't have hesitated, I just knew it! But... I don't wanna look like a bad person. I mean, we as a family have been shunned down just because we're Number Hunters... and [i]I'm[/i] only doing it for the family..."[/color] [color="#000000"]All of a sudden, she started to regret saying all of that. Perhaps paranoia had returned to her... what if Itsu was lying? Could Kira even [i]trust[/i] the woman, when she couldn't even trust her own instincts?[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Itsu was rather surprised, but she didn't let it show to her new acquaintance. An entire CLAN of Numbers Hunters was something she would have to see for herself. [color=#ff0000]"I will go and get the Number for you. Tell me where, when, and how you lost him, and I will see if I can take the Number from him. Also, telling me which Number it is would be very helpful, so I could develop a countermeasure against it, if necessary." [/color]She clasped her amulet, but looked back at Kira. [color=#ff0000]"However, when I return, and we go help your Grandfather, you will have to do me a huge favor. I carry two Numbers myself, but they are not any of the Numbers you seek, a fact that I will explain later. A person with a Number that you might be looking for, Number 96: Black Mist, took one of my Numbers. I want it back. And I figure a clan of professional Hunters could give me a hand in reacquiring what is rightfully mine. I will even pay you."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 [color=#800080]"Forget after you returning, I can fight this bad guy right now!"[/color][color=#000000] Kira suddenly had a boost of confidence in her voice... or perhaps it was arrogance, [/color][color=#800080]"My family's always held on to any Number Monsters they've acquired, and I'm not gonna be the exception! No soiree, Jones. So anyway, about that card... it's No. 17: Leviathan Dragon, and I've been after for quite a while but... I... I hesitated, just as I saw that thing for the first time. I didn't know how to approach the guy."[/color] [color=#000000]Kira sighed after admitting her hesitation from earlier. She didn't want to droop back down to such a lowly state as this, especially considering that she was so pumped up just a few seconds ago.[/color] [color=#800080]"The last time I saw him was on that train,"[/color][color=#000000] Kira proceeded, [/color][color=#800080]"I tried to tell him to hang on and wait for me to catch up, but he wouldn't listen! That selfish bastard! He deserves to lose that Number Card for that!"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 X drew his card then smirked when he saw his hand,[b][color=#0000ff]"I'll start by summoning Wattwoodpecker then I'll equip him with Wattcube which normally increases the equipped monster attack by 100 times the number of thunder monsters in my graveyard, BUT it has another use I can destroy it to have a thunder monster I control gain 1000 ATK and next I'll activate my Wattkey this card lets all Watt monsters I control attack directly this turn so now I'll have my woodpecker attack you twice thanks to his effect followed by my cobra which will allow me to add any watt monster in my deck to my hand!"[/color][/b] Life: 4000->9000 Hand: 0->1 Mon: Wattcobra (ATK 1000), Wattwoodpecker (ATK 1000+1000=2000) Field: Wattcastle S/T: Wattcine, 1 F/D Grave: 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 [color=#008000]"First I activate Scrap Iron Scaredcrow and then I'll activate the other face , Raigeki Break , so by sending one card from my hand to the grave I destroy Wattcastle!" [/color]Maiko took in the rest of the hits which added up to be 3000. [color=#008000]"Oh my I only have 1000 left two more attacks and I'm finished!" [/color]Maiko realised the stakes and quickly paid more thought in the duel. LP: 1000 H:1 M: Gem-Knight Pearl S/T: Scrap Iron Scarecrow F/D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 X smirked at his opponent's comment, [b][color=#0000ff]"I'm sorry to tell you this but you've already lost the duel unless you can bring out your Number on your next turn there isn't a chance that you'll win so you might as well give up during my next turn I'm going to end the duel." [/color][/b]X new his opponent would still put up a fight but the question is which of his monster would his opponent destroy either way X had already set up his method of victory and he could tell that his opponent would fall into the same trap the last one had. Life: 7000 Hand: 1 Mon: Wattcobra (ATK 1000), Wattwoodpecker (ATK 1000+1000=2000) S/T: Wattcine, 1 F/D Grave: 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Maiko drew a card and started to shake but then he figured out a combo. [color=#008000]"First I activate Monster Reborn! This allows me to summon the monster I lost because of raigeki break! Say hello to Manga-Slash dragon! Next I'll activate Mystacal Space Typhoon to destroy your face down." [/color]Maiko always made sure it was safe to attack. [color=#008000]"Finally, Pearl destroy his wattwoodpecker and Manga-Slash destroy his wattcobra! You take damage equal to 2200." [/color]Maiko knew he could lose but he chose to ignore it. LP: 1000 H:0 M: Gem-Knight Pearl ATK:2600 Manga-Slash Dragon ATK:2600 S/T:Scrap Iron Scarecrow F/D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 As monster reborn was activated the card it was set to destroy was flipped up, [b][color=#0000ff]"With that I'll activate my Wattcancil with it I can tribute my cobra to negate the summoning of your Magna Slash Dragon though any other attacks you have planned will go through." [/color][/b]X new something was up both of the cards his opponent just used were limited and the chances of drawing either of them at this time was next to zero if he was going to defeat his opponent then he would have to find some way to make it past his opponents incredible "Luck." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 [color=#008000]"Darn I'll just end my turn." [/color]Maiko knew his luck was pretty much run out so he let Toron take over. [color=#40e0d0]"Your letting me take over?"[/color][color=#008000] "yes"[/color][color=#40e0d0] "so you understand what I said about you losing? If you did your smarter then I think." [/color][color=#008000]"No. I didn't understand a word you were talking about its that well it hurts to lose."[/color][color=#40e0d0] " Yes I know that feeling and what I meant was you will lose b-" [/color][color=#008000]"Wow real special to tell a friend." [/color][color=#40e0d0]"Never interupt me. Never..... Oh, yes thats what I was saying. You can't win by yourself. Don't get me wrong you have an extreme amount of luck, you just don't know what to do with it. I do. Back at my world I dueled and was good at it unlike some people. You can't win ..... But I can!" [/color]With that said Toron took control over Maiko and Maiko let him [color=#40e0d0]"Lets do this!"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 X was confused by his opponent's actions but remembered that the kid probably had mental troubles so he decided to let it pass, as he drew his card even he was surprised by what he had gotten, [b][color=#0000ff]"I'll start by summoning the Wattpheasant that I got via Cobra's effect and then I'll activate the card I just drew Electro-Magnetic Pulse and with it for a number of turns equal to the number of Thunder monsters I control you can't activate card effects which includes Scrap-Iron Scarecrow so now with my pheasant's effect direct attack for game!"[/color][/b] Life: 6400-7400 Hand: 0 Mon: Wattpheasant (ATK 1000) S/T: Wattcine Grave: 7 [spoiler=[font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]Electro-magnetic Pulse[/font]] Quick-Play Spell Activate only if you control 1 or more Thunder-Type monsters: Your opponent cannot activate card effects equal to the number of Thunder-Type monsters you control.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 [color=#008000]"What did you say about winning?" [/color][color=#40e0d0]"You set me up for defeat you numb skull! Good thing he's only taking Giga Brilliant or I would be finished. Next let me duel because your the worst duelest ever!" [/color][color=#008000]"You sais you could win! Give me my body back so it seems I went down with some fight left!" [/color]Maiko took his body back as the attack hit. Maiko didn't mind attacks because they usualy didn't hurt but for some reason this one felt like it had burned through his skin. [color=#008000]"AAHHHH!!" [/color]The boy fell on the ground with major woundsand blood poured from his nose and mouth. The attack was real. Now he wished that Toron had taken the blow. [color=#008000]"H-h-h-heres y-y-your c-c-c-card." [/color]He dropped Giga Brilliant and blood poured from his lips. Maiko was halve dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 X walked over and took the card more confused then ever there was no reason hi attack should have done any damage but this was a very weird kid so he had to do something so he had Orbital call an ambulance for the kid and after they arrived he left once again in the direction of the bar, [b][color=#0000ff]I'm seriously confused by what just happened I've never heard of anyone with a condition that makes them spew blood if they lose a duel, maybe that kid is in some weird masochist cult that has them take real damage when they duel...[/color][/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Itsu smiled as her amulet flashed again as soon as Kira finished, surrounding her in a brilliant green light. When Kira could see, Itsu had vanished without a trace. About a minute beforehand, as Kira wept on the platform of the station, she didn't notice a flash of green light emanate from further up the train. Neither Kira, Itsu, nor the twins saw Itsu take a seat in the car, which sped off. When the twins got off of the train, Itsu followed, walking leisurely behind the duo until they reached their house, at which point she knocked. When they answered, she looked at the twins and asked. [color=#FF0000]"Hello. Would either of you happen to have the card 'Number 17: Leviathan Dragon'? A friend of mine would really like that card, and I would be willing to pay you any sum of money for the card. However, if you want, I am more than willing to duel you for the card as well."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted November 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Kai looked at the woman who now stood in their doorway, puzzled. "Well, yes, I do happen to have a copy of that card..." Kai began, slipping a hand into his pocket, taking hold of the card in question. "...But, it isn't for sale, unfortunately." he said. [i]"Someone else knows about this card? Huh... She must know something about it, if she knows I have it."[/i] Kai thought. He let go of his Xyz in his pocket before speaking again. "Uh, before you leave, I'd like to ask you how exactly you know about that card." Kai asked, genuinely curious. [i]"Finally, I might get some answers."[/i] he thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Itsu grinned, not relenting. [color=#ff0000]"A friend of mine wanted to duel you for that card, but she was unable to flag you down. Shortly afterwards, she asked me to duel in her stead, so here I am inquiring about your Number. However, that does not answer the question of where I learned about Numbers. That I am willing to wager for the card, if you are truly curious. Win against me, and you can have all of my knowledge regarding the Numbers phenomenon, which is rather comprehensive, much more comprehensive than you could ever imagine. Lose, and you give me that card. I think that sounds reasonably fair. Don't you agree?"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted November 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Kai stared at the woman strangely. [i]"Phenomenon?"[/i] Kai thought. [i]"Regardless... This woman is saying she knows about these 'Numbers' cards, and wether I like it or not, she's the only possible source of information on these thinigs left open to me. Even if she's lying, I've got no choice but to believe her. Looks like I'll be fighting for the answers."[/i] Kai finished his inner-monologue after a short few moments. "Fair enough. I'll accept that challenge." he said, tapping a button on his Duel Disk, causing it to spring to life. "But, a doorway is pretty cramped, don't you think? Let's move outside, where there's more space." he added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Maiko was being pulled out of the ambulance and into the hospital when regained vision a little[color=#008000] [/color][color=#008000]"Toron, Toron whats happening?" [/color][color=#40e0d0]"The body switch and the attack caused a chain reaction in which the intense attack made your systems pump up and we switch with you having a very high stress level and me having a very low one and your body reacted to it in a odd way. You're going to have to stay here until they figure out what happened which they never will so I'm going to get you at of here." [/color][color=#008000]"How?" [/color]Before Toron answered he entered Maiko's body and Maiko couldn't fight back because his level of life was very low. [color=#40e0d0]"The only way I know how." [/color]Toron stood up and walked out the door with people yelling at him. [color=#40e0d0]"How about we get some number cards?"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Itsu was about to demand that they indeed do duel in the doorway, but she complied and followed Kai outside. As they walked, her right wrist turned metallic, and a bubble seemed to pop out that then became a red and black deck holder, which started filling itself with cards from thin air, though she walked behind the twins so they would not see this. Upon taking her position, she drew her sword, which gained yellow lines on it that designated what zones were which, and held it in her right hand horizontally at waist level so she could use it as a Duel Disk. [color=#ff0000]"So, who is going to go first, and who will go second?"[/color] She asked her opponent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted November 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 "Nice disk" Kai said, a both awestruck and wondering look spread across his face. The automatic deck-shuffler in his disk flipped his cards around for a few seconds, before Kai slid the top cards of his deck out, fanning them out in front of him. "I suppose you're my guest here, so why don't you take the first move?" Kai suggested. [i]"Besides... It's better if I know exactly what kind of deck you're using..."[/i] Kai thought. He gripped the Number in his pocket again, pulling it out and sliding it into one of the slots on his disk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Itsu was about to make her move, when she heard a familiar voice. [color=#a9a9a9]"There you are."[/color] Itsu turned to see a woman a few years younger than her with short blonde hair, purple eyes behind glasses, a white lab coat, and a silver and red bodysuit. She had pulled up on a red and silver motorcycle, and had just put her lab coat back on, a helmet on her motorcycle's seat. She commanded. [color=#a9a9a9]"Judith, disengage Duel Disk."[/color] At which point her motorcycle complied, a Duel Disk detaching from the side of the vehicle, which Delilah put on. [color=#a9a9a9]"You have a twin brother, do you not? How about we make this a tag duel? The winners receive 1 Number of their choice that the losers possess, as well as any knowledge they have of the Numbers phenomenon."[/color] [color=#ff0000]"Delilah, are you willing to risk your research for just 1 Number?"[/color] Itsu wondered. [color=#a9a9a9]"Your time ripples were quite noticeable."[/color] Delilah replied, rubbing her shoulder. [color=#a9a9a9]"You wouldn't have abused your amulet's abilities unless it was for a good cause."[/color] [color=#ff0000]"Fair point."[/color] Itsu pointed at Kai. [color=#ff0000]"Get your brother out here so we can do this!"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 21, 2011 Report Share Posted November 21, 2011 Toron grabbed Maiko's duel board and used it to board out of site. He was going to something in the distance that looked like a purple jack-o-lantern. Once they got there Maiko began to cry. [color=#008000]"That's my apartment complex! Grab something do something we have to do anything!" [/color][color=#40e0d0]"Fine I'll check it out." [/color]Toron went towards the burning building but the flames were weird. They were purple and blue and looked like some sort of monster's shadow. They waited until the fire died down and then Toron went to inspect. [color=#40e0d0]"I found some sort of black box." [/color][color=#008000]"Thats tape and maybe it can show us what happened." [/color]Toron popped it in to a slightly scorched TV. They watched as the tape played it looked like an intense duel went on. [i]"And now I summon Number 100!"[/i] This is where the fire started. The summon of the monster was so strong it produced a weird flame that Toron and Maiko found out was called nether fire. They also found out it happened in the basement. [color=#008000]"Toron basement now." [/color]He ran to the basement and found that nothing there had been touched by the fire. There was one thing that cought both there eyes. It was a number monster that was left and no one claimed it. Maiko claimed his body back but fell on the floor instantly he held the card in his hand and said [color=#008000]"Number 39: Utopia" [/color]This was all he could do soon he had to let Toron take control again. [color=#40e0d0]"Good. One new number card. This makes up for the one you lost." [/color][color=#008000]"Yes, but this doesn't make sense. Who would just leave a valuable card like this here." [/color][color=#40e0d0]"I bet the card he already had was much more powerful then this."[/color][color=#008000] "It makes me want the card even more."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted November 22, 2011 Report Share Posted November 22, 2011 [color=#800080][i]'Huh? Where did she go?'[/i][/color][color=#000000] Kira blinked dumbfoundedly as to Itsu's sudden disappearance, [/color][color=#800080][i]'Hmm, maybe I should focus on getting her Number back. Maybe she'll reappear then. Now... if only I could find the... oh, god.'[/i][/color] [color=#000000]It was right there, an hallucination of the No. 96: Black Mist, and it looked so... real. Almost like the monster itself had been summoned to the real world through some kind of supernatural event. The Number Monster suddenly appeared to be levitating towards Kira, barely giving her a chance to brace herself before collding straight into her.[/color] [color=#000000]Kira snapped out of the hallucination, only to find a female duelist on the ground, her cards strewn all over the place. No. 96: Black Mist, was the first card to hit the ground, and landed face-up. This was it, the person who had stolen a card from Itsu. Kira had to avenge Itsu, and her Duel Disk was already at the ready.[/color] [color=#800080]"I believe you have something of a friend of mine's!"[/color][color=#000000] Kira spat at the fallen duelist[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted November 22, 2011 Report Share Posted November 22, 2011 Really, it could be argued that it was Celes' fault for not looking where she was going, but she had her own thoughts to be lost in, and things like that happened. Black Mist's presence normally would have alerted her to anything out of the ordinary, but it wasn't until she ran into someone that she was jolted back to attention. She landed on the ground, her cards inexplicably spilling out. While she was quick to retrieve them into a single pile, but the frustrating aspect was that her Number had slipped out and had been easily spotted. Lifting the card up and carefully sliding it into her Extra Deck, Celes raised an eyebrow at the other girl's aggressiveness. "An odd accusation," she said delicately, waggling her fingers indifferently. "I have not the slightest idea who you are, nor who your friend is, or even what it is that I supposedly have of your friend's." She smirked condescendingly. "And I daresay a Duel would only settle this alleged claim if there was something to actually gain from it. So what is it that you're looking for?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 22, 2011 Report Share Posted November 22, 2011 "[i]Somehow you always drag me into your shenanigans, Kai[/i]" Kenta sighed as he looked up from his textbook. He stood up and bent over, reaching inside his backpack, where he quickly extracted a duel disk. He followed Kai outside, then turned to face the two strangers. Kenta tossed it upwards, and it latched onto his wrist as the card zones materialized out of thin air. [i]"Well then...shall we start?[/i]" Kenta asked, attaching a D-Gazer to his left eye as a set of life point meters appeared around them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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