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Catman is my main homeslice, i like his furry sack.


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Lighting is so awkward in this, in my opinion :S Accurate, but getting on the slightly artificial side as there is no clear light source in this.

Depth is overdone in the lighter areas too. Where there are light sources, for some reason, depth is completely overdone. Extremely blurred. Except from the two light sources on mr assassin guy's back. Which are pretty sharp.

Contrast is probably the best thing on this piece. Cool juxtaposed dark background. Plain, vivid, simple colour scheme.

Not perfect, but it's NW, so it's obviously amazing.

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My lighting is always accurate but on the wonky artificial side because I always end up going for multi-luminescent sources that seem to be impossible to make realistic without a proper stock implemented as a BG.
What I mean by that is, with the BG I went with it's quite hard to get the lighting to look realistic because the setting is rather unrealistic.

I'll admit that I blurred this piece aimlessly to add depth, but then again it was a request so spending 2 hours on it was more than enough.

Thanks for the cnc though.

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@kitteh: <3. if you're looking at the piece from 5 different views then i guess you could say i executed well.... ? And yeah i feel like there is something missing as well.

@Kenito: The negative spaces makes the illuminated areas look that much more enhanced. You taught me 'dat senior.

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