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My Tales Of Symphonia Set! Part of the jspamax Network!


What should my Next Set be based on?  

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  1. 1. What should my Next Set be based on?

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Okay! Thanks to all of you for your nice Feedback on my first Cards! Now i've started to create a set based on my Favorite RPG Tales Of Symphonia!

Now before I begin I would just like to say yes..... My OCG is kind of bad... If you can help me out then that would be great!

I'll post more here as I go, For now I present the Main 9 Characters!

http://rizyukaizen.deviantart.com/art/TOS-2-Lloyed-Irving-21281292 (Link to owners image!)
http://mousegirl.deviantart.com/art/Genis-gift-19943054 (Link to owners image!)
http://raikita.deviantart.com/art/Raine-Sage-58631336 (Link to owners image!)
http://zero-sum.deviantart.com/art/Chosen-One-15307576 (Link to owners image!)
http://silvericywolf.deviantart.com/art/Kratos-Aurion-61038816 (Link to owners image!)
http://vhea.deviantart.com/art/Sheena-tales-of-symphonia-16175708 (Link to owners image!)
[IMG]http://i26.tinypic.com/vral5h.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i28.tinypic.com/zvfix.jpg[/IMG]
http://gemiange.deviantart.com/art/Commission-TOS-Zelos-29304103 (Link to owners Image!)
http://emilianohc.deviantart.com/art/Presea-22241338 (Link to owners image!)
http://genis-the-elf.deviantart.com/art/Photoshop-Regal-64349348 (Link to Owners Image!)
[IMG]http://i30.tinypic.com/281927m.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.tinypic.com/15n4qcz.jpg[/IMG]
http://ellana01.deviantart.com/art/Gnome-is-Back-71187006 (Link to owners image!)
http://ehllychan.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Chibi-Sylph-73757121 (Link to owners image!)
http://raizy.deviantart.com/art/Noishe-Hearts-Lloyd-13374232 (Link to owners image!)
http://joodlez.deviantart.com/art/Tales-of-Symphonia-13353900 (Link to owners image!)
[IMG]http://i32.tinypic.com/2it3692.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.tinypic.com/34hgbvt.jpg[/IMG]
http://rainoerus.deviantart.com/art/Arbor-Vitae-58705757 (Link to owners Images!)
http://dayu.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Lloyd-and-Colette-75905614 (Link to owners image)
http://thegreatrankotobuki7.deviantart.com/art/Colette-72895945 (Link to owners image)
http://silvair.deviantart.com/art/Katz-Genis-22136088 (Link to owners image!)
http://dayu.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Genis-vs-Raine-76106341 (Link to owners image!)
http://sam241.deviantart.com/art/Play-time-with-Noishe-14059734 (Link to owners image!)
http://duckstapler.deviantart.com/art/Weird-Perspective-B-33310150 (Link to owners image!)
http://kazzisato.deviantart.com/art/Noishe-13645684 (Link to owners image)
http://sylph92.deviantart.com/art/Falling-Kratos-and-Colette-45698699 (Link to owners image!)
http://budgie.deviantart.com/art/Collab-Part-1-Zelos-TOS-36579647 (Link to owners image!)
NEW!!!!! Chibi Characters![/b][/size]
http://dawnwarrior.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-colette-and-Lloyd-56386882 (Link to owners Image!)
http://nacrym.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Chibi-Presea-39069239 (Link to owners image!)
http://nacrym.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Chibi-Colette-39175880 (Link to owners Image!)
http://nacrym.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Chibi-Genis-34876603 (Link to owners image!)
http://nacrym.deviantart.com/art/ToS-Chibi-Raine-39069369 (Link to owners image!)
http://eeveelover.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Halloween-Genis-Sage-11622808 (Link to owners image!)
http://ledah.deviantart.com/art/Mithos-And-Martel-25593859 (Link to owners image!)
http://noirrac.deviantart.com/art/Random-Desian1-23386068 (Link to owners image!)
http://inkskratches.deviantart.com/art/Forcystus-Is-Happeh-76619759 (Link to owners image!)
http://rocker-artist.deviantart.com/art/Tis-Magnius-54215569 (Link to owners image!)
http://desian-club.deviantart.com/art/Kvar-by-Elie-Crystal-19053111 (Link to owners image!)
http://cabbit-cat.deviantart.com/art/Sheena-and-Lloyd-from-TOS-75060356 (Link to owners image!)
http://fanart.onlinewelten.com/fanarts/output/?fa=1126738&sort=thema&sort_def=1912 (Link to owners image!)
http://ellana.deviantart.com/art/Tales-of-Symphonia-We-Chosen-61626371 (link to owners image!)
http://sirenae.tripod.com/art/tales/tos-snooze.jpg (Link to owners image!)
http://www.elfwood.com/fanq/c/y/cyllya2/wanchantachi01.jpg.html (Link to owners image!)
http://vally8.free.fr/jeux/talesofsymphonia/images/224.gif (Link to owners image!)
http://vally8.free.fr/jeux/talesofsymphonia/images/238.jpg (Link to owners image!)
http://vally8.free.fr/jeux/talesofsymphonia/images/raineandgenis5xr.jpg (Link to owners image!)
http://vally8.free.fr/jeux/talesofsymphonia/images/ZelosKratosetLloyd.jpg (Link to owners image!)
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All Cards now moved to the Top for your Viewing Pleasure! Thanks for all your Positive Feedback everyone it means the world to me! If anyone has any ideas for cards I could add her please let me know and i'll create them! I'll still be doing more myself though!

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I like. Tales of Symphonia is freakin' awesome!!!!! I noticed a few minor OCG errors. Mainly capitalizing stuff that doesn't need to be capitalized. But about Zelos' effect, the Female/Male Monster thing is a little weird. I get what you mean by it, but I think it looks a little... uh... I don't know. If you said something like "reduce the ATK of Raine, Sheena, Presea, Colette...." I think it would look a little better than "reduce the ATK of every Female Monster...". I don't know. That's just what I think. Anyway, my slightly biased Tales-related vote is a 9/10.

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I wanted them to owrk well with Sheena. So I decided they would be Equip Spells to change her Attribute and grant her powers of Instant Destruction of Certain Attribute Monsters.


But just for you my friend I will make some Ritual Monsters! Should be there by tommorow.

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Hmmmmmm..... Sounds like a alright Plan! So for example


"Sylvarant Lloyd Irving"

"Tethe'alla Zelos Wilder"


I used the Mana Tree as a Ritual Summoning card for Martel. Although the World Tree could be used to Ritual Summon any Summon Spirit. I can't think of many more Symphonia Characters (Apart from the Seraphim Like Mithos) The Summon Spirits will be fun.


I was also thinking of Fusion Cards but haven't found any good piccys to work with yet. (God I hate that 1 Normal Monster..... *Desian Grunt*)

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Meh...I made a trap card in my one called "Back to Back" which showed Zelos and Sheena and stated this.


"When you activate this card, select 2 monsters you control. When 1 of the select monsters is selected as an attack target, its original ATK and DEF is equal to the added ATK and DEF of the two selected monster, untill the end of the turn."

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You accidently included the " at the start. And it's kinda my card you just modified it slightly. But as far as I can see from my massive list of cards saved, the only ones that had an image (Not sure if there are more TOS cards but there probably is.) were Back to Back and Collete. Collete's image was a very awesome image too.

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