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Greenfrog100's shop for editing(Lock)


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1. For edits on your effects:

Fee-1 point



*How many do you want changed-

*When are you willing to pay me-


2. For edits on cards:

Fee-2 points




*How many do you want changed-

*When are you willing to pay me-


[spoiler=Not allowed]1. Xyz

2. Token

3. Joke Card


Will add more if necessary


Request List:



1. Effect Edits

Wrong:Tihs is jut a exmpole

Correct: This is just an example.


2. Card Edits


Lore:Once pr trn, u can sho youre oponant that this is just an exampool?


Lore:Once per turn, you can show your opponent that this is just an example.

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So your saying that you help with the OCG?



1) Reps cannot be used as payment.

2) Explain to me more about your effect/card edits.

Effect- I just fix OCG and other errors such as misspells, capitalization, etc.

Card- *If it is a monster-Same thing as effect along with fixing attribute, name, type, sub-type, level and/or ATK/DEF, and image if I have to.

*If it is a spell/trap-Same thing as effect along with fixing spell/trap type, name, and image if I have to.

*If it is trap that should be a spell, a spell that should be a trap, etc.-I will change it to what it needs to be and go from there.

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