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Warhawk Shop

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Ok heres how it will go, I will put offers in a spoiler, i will sell scratch images with if you want a cirtain type, Dragon, Zombie, ect. PM me a scetch. and I will make Banners, and Avatars. They ar custom and might have effects that you request. Fonts i DON'T have are:

Angry Blue, well alot to be spoken of. So anyone who has 1or more abilatys, post here. I will put you as a worker.




Q How do I special Order?

A All you have to do is post what you want or, PM me and ill PM the picture back.


Q: How do the Fusions work?

A: I will make it then i will post it, that simple.





What are the Payment costs?

A Fusions= Free, becuase i will post when i have 1 done

Banners/not with render= 2 points

Banners/W render= 4 points (harder for me)

Scratch Images/W options= 12 points (Special Ordered Image)

Scratch Images/ No options= 6 Points (Any image I made)





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