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STAR WARS Episode i: The Subtle Nightmare [Started] [Always Accepting]

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
[center]STAR WARS
Episode i
Peace! After a half-century of conflict, the warring planets of the galaxy have come together to form the GALACTIC REPUBLIC.
But all is not well. The Republic is weak, and it has many enemies. It has turned to the JEDI ORDER, the scholars of the Force and defenders of the weak, to keep the peace.
You are a Jedi on a mission to Varluscant, a world where mercenaries rule, violence is power, and three new Republic Senators must assume their offices....[/center]
[b]Current Mission: The Fatal Trinity[/b]
On the Outer Rim world of Varluscant, three Senators will be assuming their offices in a fortnight: the humans, Wilhuff Tavsiri (male) and Savmi Faran (female), and the Trandoshan, Drakaron (male). The Order fears that the three mercenary firms that form the bulk of Varluscant's galactic economy -- Tarturus Security, Gundine Escort Forces, and the Kraant Private Security Foundation -- will attempt to assassinate the trio. Your job is to discover and thwart any attempts on the Senators' lives. Be warned: in this roleplay, failure [i]is[/i] an option.
The main gameplay hook of this roleplay is that you get to play as one half of a Master-Padawan bond; another player is the other half, and you'll have to work together to accomplish much of anything. You pretty much have to interact with your Master or Padawan. That said, activity would be appreciated. If you don't post for 48 hours and your Master or Padawan is being left hanging, I'll take over your character temporarily as best I can to keep the roleplay moving.
That said, we'll probably have two-to-four Master-Padawan groups on the mission. Obviously, you can and should interact with whomever your character has chemistry with.
[spoiler=Game Info]
This story is set in an alternate universe from Star Wars. Thus, this information is useful for all roleplayers, regardless of your familiarity with Star Wars. I wouldn't call it "required reading," save the parts necessary to fill out an application, but the information is here if you want or need it.
Because my keyboard is broken, all incidences of the 26th letter of the modern Latin alphabet have been replaced with "s," and incidences of the 24th letter may be missing. There's a [i]lot[/i] of information here, and it took me long enough to type it without using the onscreen keyboard or copy/pasting those two letters every time I wanted to use them. I apologise for the inconvenience.
[spoiler=The Jedi Order]
The Jedi Order is a group of monks who practice vigilantism and a connection with the Force, the mysterious energy field that binds all things.

The Jedi Order was founded by a group of Miraluka monks who settled on Tython, then a habitable world that lacked sentient life. The Order is believed to predate the terraforming technology that makes so many planets across the galaxy habitable today, making it thousands of years old already. When other species discovered the Order, the Miraluka welcomed them, gladly allowing any Force-sensitives into their ranks. Unfortunately, not all of the expanded Jedi Order studied the pure art of the Force. They let their emotions and past ties overcome them and fell to the Dark Side. The new Dark Siders attempted to rebel against the Jedi Order. Despite the heavy casualties they inflicted upon the Jedi, however, the Dark Siders all died, victim of either battle or suicide. The Order began to institute policies preventing future Dark Side influence, such as vows of chastity and 'curriculum' on controlling emotions, at this time. That's also when the Order began to ordain Jedi Guardians to go out into the galaxy and fight injustice for the first time.

The Jedi Temple, the 'home base' for the Order, is still located on Tython. That's where you'll be spending about a third of your time. Know it well.

The Sith don't exist. Period. First of all, the order got started hundreds of millennia later than the original, since hyperspace was invented much later. Secondly, there are no Sith purebloods. Korriban is a barren world with no life. Thirdly, the only Dark Side users in history have been wiped out. There is no Sith Order yet. End of story.
[spoiler=The Lightsabre]
The lightsabre, the traditional weapon of the Jedi, was developed by the Jedi Temple on Ilum in response to the development of the first blasters. They were trying to wrap the traditional Jedi swords, thin, double-edged blades with small hand guards, in an energy field using the unique properties of Adegan crystals, Force-receptive crystals found on Ilum. However, the energy loop they created stood independently of the swords -- and also burned through them. Eventually, after a bit of refining, the modern cylindrical lightsbare was created. Ilum's crystals burned green, blue, and yellow. For a time, the colour of a Jedi's Lightsabre signified their path in the Force -- adventuring Guardians used blue, administrator Sentinels used yellow, and scholarly Consulars used green. However, the Jedi later began choosing whatever colour they preferred. But even now, when Sentinels and Consulars go on Guardian-like missions regularly, many Jedi choose the ancestral colours of their role's sabres.

Acquiring crystals from Ilum was a dangerous task. The Crystal Caves were infested with powerful monsters, and the area was so strong in the Force that it severely tested the mental fortitude of any who entered. Acquiring crystals with which to infuse training lightsabres for the young initiates and Padawans of the Order was very difficult. Thus, a group of Consulars began arming training lightsabres with synthetic sabre crystals. The swords could still burn through most metals on their highest settings, but the could never match the power or precision of Adegan crystals. However, their power could be modulated, permitting non-lethal contact. These synthetic crystals were all red, and they were given to Jedi initiates and Padawans. Before becoming a Jedi Knight, a Padawan would construct his or her own lightsabre.

Red lightsabre hilts are also mass-produced, since a Padawan doesn't have the skill to craft his or her own lightsabre. They're unadorned silver cylinders thirty centimetres long with several ring-like grooves along the hilt.

There are two variant forms of lightsabres for those who would like to use them.
>The shoto is a smaller version of a lightsabre. The blade is only 60 centimetres, compared to the metre-long blade of a normal lightsabre; the hilt is usually 20-25 centimetres, compared to a lightsabre's 25-35. It can be used as a normal weapon for those who like fighting up close or as a sidearm by experienced masters; however, the normal sabre is superiour in almost every way as an ordinary weapon.
>Makashi users sometimes curve the hilts of their sabres to allow them to better fit their palms. Curved sabres are very difficult to use two-handedly or spin to deflect blaster fire, but they allow for unparalleled precision. A curved lightsabre is the sign of a dangerously specialized duellist.

No other variant forms you might have heard of (double-bladed sabres, etc) are permissible.
[spoiler=Lightsabre Forms]
There are seven principal styles of lightsabre combat. Together, they pretty much cover whatever sabre styles you can think of. For balance reasons, you'll only have access to 6 of them.

This is the most basic form, and the one that all Jedi have a grounding in. All Padawans know this form unless they've gone out of their way to study something else. Knights can be assumed to have studied one of the other forms during their Padawanhood. Don't be fooled, though -- while Shii-Cho contains only the fundamentals of sabre combat, a scholar of Shii-Cho can be as deadly as any other master Guardian. Shii-Cho consists of basic slashes, blocks, and parries applied with relentless persistence. It is not called the "Perseverance Form" without reason.
Those who fight tenaciously and never give up are probably Shii-Cho specialists.

Makashi is a specialist's form that dates back to the old Tython Wars. It relies on precision, strategic parries, wrist and finger movements, and absolute control of the lightsabre even in the heat of battle. On the one hand, this makes it an ineffective form to use against blasters or multiple opponents. On the other hand, it's indomitable in a sabre battle. For you folks, it's pretty much useless, since you have no lightsabre-wielding enemies and vibroblade-wielders can be easily dealt with.
Those who value precision but fare poorly against groups most likely prefer Makashi.

One might call Soresu a practical version of Makashi; it uses the same wrist- and finger-centric sabre control as its chronological predecessor. However, it sacrifices the offencive power of Makashi to create an impenetrable defence. Soresu is perfect for deflecting blaster fire or stopping enemy blades cold in sparring matches or against vibroblades. That said, it requires endurance, patience, and energy efficiency to use effectively, since a Soresu user won't attack until their opponent lowers their guard. Soresu users also tend to become rooted in one place much more often than the other forms.
Those who fight defencively or specialise in protecting innocents would probably favour Soresu.

Ataru was created in response to Soresu as a way of ending missions quickly. Soresu practicioners were too often pinned down by blaster fire for so long that their quarries were able to escape. Ataru practicioners, in contrast, use the Force to move around quickly and use broad, momentum-filled strokes. They move all over the place; Force Speed and Force Jump are their best friends. Ataru practicioners aren't useless at close range, either; they're still capable of impressive sabre play up close. Ataru controls distance absolutely. The downside to Ataru is that it isn't wonderful for blocking blaster bolts. Truly skilled Ataru practicioners would rather dodge blasters than deflect them.
Are you a Fragile Speedster? You're probably an Ataru specialist.

Lightsabre combat was going swimmingly until the invention of the deflector shield. Ataru specialists would have to strike at a shielded enemy from far away to crush their shields with a momentum-filled slash; clustered shielded enemies could tear them apart. Soresu specialists simply couldn't work up the leverage. A Shien practicioner would use Force Might and powerful, often two-handed swings to batter through enemy defences. Shien is also useful as a relatively aggressive form that could still deflect blaster bolts well. Shien specialists love to deflect blaster bolts back at their shooters. The downside? Shien uses broad movements that often leave the user open to precise or well-timed shots. Shien is so broad that it's impractical for combat against lightsabres or vibroblades, so a sub-discipline called Djem So helps modify Shien cuts to leave the user less open at the price of poorer deflection skills.
If you take your combat inspiration from Iron Knuckles and use broad, powerful strokes, you're a Shien specialist for sure. Djem So is a package deal.

After the formation of the Galactic Republic and the legal recognition of the Jedi Order, their ranks started to swell. Consulars and Sentinels began to increase in number, providing the Jedi with a host of diplomats and scholars as well as warriors. These specialised pacifists didn't have time to study the finer points of lightsabre combat; they were too busy delving into the depths of the Force and forging bonds of peace throughout the galaxy. Thus, Niman was created. The strength of Niman isn't in its sabre movements, but how it complements the use of the Force. Niman strikes pave the way for the use of Force powers, such as Push, Pull, and even Judgement against synthetic enemies. Niman also perfected the sabre throw to an art, so Guardians have an incentive to study this form, too, but the main draw of Niman is that Force specialists can use their connection to the Force in battle.
If you like using skills more than mêlée and prefer the Force to sabre combat, Niman is the form for you.

Don't even think about it.
Juyo uses a feedback loop of Force power to steadily increase a user's agility as the fight goes on. It's a blend of forms III through VI used by only the greatest swordmasters. In the galaxy you know of, Mace Windu elevated Juyo to an art form, calling it Vaapad and dialing the 'feedback loop' up to eleven to get the full benefit fresh off the bat. Everyone else who tried to use Vaapad turned to the Dark Side from the aggression; Windu only kept his sanity by being Mace Windu and using his incredible willpower to the fullest.
In this universe, however, Juyo hasn't been invented yet. Even if it existed, though, I wouldn't let anyone play a Juyo specialist, since the seventh form is the go-to for godmoders. I reiterate: Don't even think about it.

If you're a Jedi Master and a Guardian subclass, you can choose this form, which requires two lightsabres. Actually, that's basically what Jar'kai is: the twin sword equivalent of Shii-Cho. Jar'Kai is a form that requires intense mental acuity and concentration, since it's necessary to keep track of an additional blade. At its best, Jar'kai can overwhelm enemy defences with coordinated slashes, and Jar'kai practicioners are nimble enough to keep an enemy running. The problem? Jar'kai is [i]very[/i] awkward at close range, and since it's incapable of two-hand slashes or blocks, its attack and defence are both weak. Jar'kai practicioners train the strength of their wrists to allow them to block at all.
Basically, don't be fooled: as cool as it seems, Jar'kai has its weaknesses. Shien can overpower its defences; Shii-Cho users won't be easily overwhelmed by a Jar'kai attack; Soresu wielders can use their strong, fast defence to deflect Jar'kai attacks and outlast the demanding style; Ataru users might outrun a Jar'kai user; Niman users necessarily have more Force power than Jar'kai users, since Jar'kai users are Guardians who must extensively train their sabre techniques; and the precision of Makashi can undo Jar'kai just as it would any other sabre form: with superior concentration and technique.
Even so, Jar'kai is a powerful form that can end fights [i]very [/i]quickly, and thanks to its intimidation factor, it can sometimes end battles before they begin. If you want to overwhelm your enemy with attacks from all angles before they can retaliate, and you're willing to put a lot of time into sabre practice, Jar'kai is the form for you.
[spoiler=Force Powers]
Stick "Force" in front of all of these. I'm too lazy to type "Force" in front of every single one. These are the /only/ Force powers you can use w/o my permission. If you think I missed something, post to see. (Do note that many powers, such as precognition, persuasion, and farseeing, were omitted because they were too similar to other powers -- in this case, Sense, Mind Trick, and Sense, respectively). Please be good and use these responsibly.
Deflection: A variation of Force Push that goes in all directions. Some Consulars and Masters can reflect blaster bolts with the Force.
Healing: Use the Force to restore the life force of a living being -- yourself or another.
Judgement: Call on the Force to direct bolts of lightning, overloading circuitry and disabling synthetic enemies. Precise use by Consulars or Sentinels can let them hack into secure computers and override deflector shields.
Jump: Use the Force to guide your body through the air.
Mercy: The Force takes a bit of the edge off your lightsabre, allowing you to inflict nonlethal wounds. A mandatory skill to pass the Padawan Trials.
Mind Trick: Use the Force to hypnotize a suggestible being. It doesn't work on everyone, but it works absolutely, even through post-hypnotic suggestion.
Might: Empower your body with the Force, granting incredible strength.
Protect: A variant of Deflection used only by skilled Masters. Create a "shield" with the Force. It's not too strong, but it's very effective in a pinch.
Psychometry: Track the ties of an object in the Force to find what it's been in contact with.
Pull: Use the Force to attract objects. It's actually a completely different technique than Force.
Push: Use a wave of the Force to propel objects -- and people -- forward.
Sense: Get a feel for events in the Force. There are [i]many[/i] uses for this -- seeing without eyes, hearing without ears, even feeling for events far away in space and time.
Slow: Speed in reverse. Thicken the current of the Force around an object, causing it to slow down.
Speed: Time seems to slow down for a user of Force Speed. They move and react at astonishing speeds.
Stealth: Suppress your bodily functions, sonic emissions, and even Force powers to make yourself hard to notice.
Stun: Use the Force to lull an opponent into slumber.
Suppression: Only Master Consulars and High Councilors can use this power, which suppresses the target's connection to the Force. It doesn't work on powerful Force-users, though.
Throw: Refine Pull and hurl a Pulled object in another direction. Completely different from Push; involves different techniques compared to Pull.
[spoiler=The Jedi Hierarchy]
The Jedi Order isn't exactly a military operation. All Jedi treat their fellows as one big family -- some moreso than others, of course. Even so, in order to ensure that Jedi get a sense of the galaxy and can truly hone their connections to the Force while operating smoothly, a ranking system has been established. These are the ranks you have to care about.

Initiates are traditionally accepted into the Temple at the age of six months. This way, they have few, if any, attachments to the world of their birth in their memories (though some Jedi are still attached to their homeworlds). At the age of thirteen, an Initiate can go one of two ways: either they can be accepted as a Padawan and begin down the road to Jedi Knighthood, or they can join the Jedi Service Corps as an Acolyte and aim for the position of Jedi Shaman.

At the age of thirteen, all Initiates take their first Trial. After passing, an Initiate who wishes to become a Jedi Knight is usually selected by an existing Knight or Master to become a Padawan. The Padawan is a mix of a squire, son, and younger brother to the Knight. A Padawan accompanies his or her Master on missions and assists in any way possible while the Knight teaches the Padawan, as best they can, the ways of the Force and how to survive on missions. No Knight, however, would ever contest the idea that a Padawan can teach their Master as much as the Master teaches the Padawan. The symbiosis and mutual respect of a Padawan relationship can often mystify more militaristic or workmanlike orders.

This is what the galaxy recognises. The Jedi Knight is the most recognizable part of the Order. They are formally addressed with the title of "Master." In practice, Jedi often forgo such titles amongst themselves, but The Knight goes out into the galaxy and serves as a diplomat and peacekeeper, with her Padawan by her side. Knights are divided into three specialisations, though most non-Jedi have no idea that's the case: Guardians, who specialise in lightsabre combat; Consulars, who focus on the Force; and Sentinels, who seek a balance.
At age twenty-one, Padawans begin taking Trial missions -- their second Trial so far. The Padawan's Master must recommend the Padawan to the Jedi High Council and prove that the Padawan has demonstrated extraordinary courage, skill, self-awareness, and insight on their recent missions. Then, the Padawan was formally dubbed a Jedi Knight. After a year of service, a Knight is allowed to choose a Padawan of their own to train.
After training a Padawan to Knighthood, a Jedi Knight becomes a Jedi Master. There is no age requirement [i]per se[/i], but since Padawan training takes at least eight years, the practical age limit is thirty.

Like a Knight, a Master is formally addressed as "Master." Masters retain their old class divisions of Guardian, Sentinel, and Consular, but the word "Master" is appended to the front. A Jedi Master has trained a Padawan (or Acolyte; see below if you care) to completion. Masters are mostly indistinguishable from their predecessors in their role, but they've had the time to train their abilities to a new height, and are stronger and more skilled than most Knights. They're also often wiser, having had the experience of training a Padawan/Acolyte and letting them go.

The top twelve.
The Jedi High Council is the administrative arm of the Jedi Order. They pick the missions. They coordinate the Knights and Shamans and put them on certain worlds. These are the best of the best in the Jedi Order. They can only be elected to the Council if there is a vacancy (i.e. a Councilor has either died or resigned) and the rest of the Council has unanimously voted to let them in. A Councilor must also have trained two Padawans to become Jedi Knights (or two Acolytes to become Shamans, but that's kind of irrelevant).

And, for completeness's sake, here are the ranks you can't pick and don't have to care about. I'm helpful.

Not all Initiates seek the turbulent life of a Jedi Knight. These become the Acolytes, in training to become Jedi Shamans. Acolytes are the Padawans to Shamans, one might say. They serve much the same role, only for the purposes of Shamanism -- and they don't, strictly speaking, need a master, but that's a bit of a different story. See below for an idea of what a Shaman might do. Acolytes take a different Trial than Padawans: they have to spend their twenty-first year in service on a faraway world. After that, they become Jedi Shamans.
If an Acolyte was simply not chosen by a Knight, it's possible that they'll be inducted as a Padawan after some experience in the Service Corps. Why do I post this? Well, at least one character (Taska Yzalli) spent a long time as an Acolyte before being selected as a Padawan. (Not all prospective Padawans are selected, though that occasion is rare.) If you became a Padawan after the age of 13, you spent some time as an Acolyte first, and so you have that viewpoint to consider as you play.

Shamans refine the arts of healing, logistics, and connection to the Force alternately. They often 'clean up' where necessary after the missions of Knights, conduct diplomatic missions (though Knights do so as well), and set up long-term schools and medical stations on struggling worlds. Shamans have the same three-class system as Knights, but there are obviously less Guardian and more Consular Shamans. Shamans often teach sabre combat at the Jedi Temple, however, so don't think there are no Guardians amongst the Jedi Shamans.
Shamans share many similarities to Jedi Knights. They are addressed as "Master," and they become Jedi Masters after their Acolytes become Shamans.
[spoiler=The Jedi High Council]
The following characters are members of the Jedi High Council, a group that organizes Jedi missions and keeps the outfit in line. For ease of access, I've included their applications here as well as in Accepted Characters, except for the three NPCs, who assign missions and administrate the Order.
[spoiler=High Guardian Druun Mithna]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Druun Mithna
[i]Species:[/i] Zabrak
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 55
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Padawan:[/i] N/A
[i]Subclass:[/i] Guardian
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Ataru
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Master Druun is a big, broad-shouldered Zabrak that stands at an imposing 186 centimetres and weighs 73.6 kilograms. The steps he takes on his long, powerful legs are slow and deliberate, but in combat, he leaps and moves at incredible speeds. His arms are also long; his torso is relatively small compared to his limbs. Druun has small, focused brown eyes perched above an aquiline nose. His horns are long and straight, reaching straight up. He keeps his hair shaven off, revealing the pale skin on his face.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Master Druun uses a traditional blue Guardian's lightsabre. The hilt is 31 centimetres long, with a heavy black pommel and a mostly-black lower two-thirds punctuated only by some thin "rings" of silver. The upper third, just above the ignition switch, is silver, but punctuated by black rings. The emitter is thin at first, but it widens into a flat, round circle at the top of the sabre.
[i]Personality:[/i] Master Druun Mithna is the High Guardian of the Jedi Council, and one can instantly tell by getting near him. He radiates power and majesty, standing tall and unyielding. His presence, like his Ataru acrobatics, can be overwhelming. That said, Druun isn't especially arrogant. His commanding aura derives not from arrogance, but from confidence, serenity, and strong ties to the Force. He's greatly respected by the Jedi Order, and though a few of his fellow Councilors sometimes worry wheter he's too commanding and authoritative to be a Jedi, the truth is that he respects the Order just as ardently.
Druun is a serious and decisive man. He rarely jokes and almost always wears a solemn frown on his pale face. He thinks quickly, but he can jump to conclusions a bit early in administration. This leads him to clash occasionally with High Sentinel Zavek Naban, who prefers to gather as much information as possible before deciding anything. Druun can also be rather stubborn; he's accustomed to getting his way. Even so, Master Druun always has the best interests of the Order at heart.
Master Druun will always fight for what he believes in. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a Guardian. He's powerfully dedicated to the abstract ideals of justice and universal goodwill. Therefore, he can be unforgiving towards the lower elements of the galaxy. Around students, however, Druun is patient, tolerant, and forgiving. He doesn't believe in harsh teaching, and understands that even the best Jedi can and do make mistakes.
[spoiler=High Sentinel Zavek Naban]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Zavek Naban
[i]Species:[/i] Human
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 39
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Padawan:[/i] None
[i]Subclass:[/i] Sentinel
[i]Preferred Sabre Form:[/i] Shien
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Master Zavek isn't an overly big man; he measures 178 centimetres and weighs 70.3 kilograms. He's thin and lithe, but also physically very strong, with powerful muscles. His hair is blackish-brown and is usually slicked back. Calm hazel eyes rest above his thin mouth, which is often curled into a serene smile. His face is smooth and handsome, adorned with a thin, black-brown moustache.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Naban's yellow lightsabre is an impressive 34.3 centimetres long. The base is a thick, sturdy set of black ring structures. The top half is covered with four bigger, wider silver rings. The ignition switch is on the second silver ring from the top. The emitter is silver and steeply curved, providing some extra leverage for the heavy lightsabre.
[i]Personality:[/i] High Sentinel Zavek Naban is the youngest member of the Jedi Council, and one of the most popular. His calm, easygoing nature is underscored by a sense of power and wisdom. Many in the Order trust him absolutely. He's laid-back, perfectly charismatic, and a kind, caring man. Zavek is especially popular among the young. In addition ot his duties as High Sentinel, Master Zavek enjoys interacting with Initiates. He's a frequent attendee to the Padawan Trials, and he's trained two Padawans to Knighthood personally. Most Padawans trust Master Zavek as a matter of course; he's a father-like figure to them.
Zavek is well-known for trying a bit of everything. He firmly believes that one must acquire all possible information before making a decision. Most obviously, he studied in both the arts of the sabre and the Force. He also tries to see both sides of a conflict before trying to decide it. He can seem indecisive in times of crisis due to his caution. He also prefers not to inflict harsh punishments or execute irreversible deeds -- another trait that can make him seem indecisive. When it counts, though, Zavek is capable of very decisive action indeed. After all, he's a master of the aggressive Shien form of sabre combat, using his powerful body and Force Might to deliver crushing swings that can plow through any defence.
[spoiler=High Consular Wynra Mersac]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Wynra Mersac
[i]Species:[/i] Twi'lek
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 47
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Padawan:[/i] Shadra Seraat
[i]Subclass:[/i] Consular
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Soresu
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Master Wynra is actually a small and slender woman with soft, green skin, musician's hands, and slim lekku. She has a small face comprising wide, blue eyes, a thin nose, and a small mouth with thick lips. However, one would be hard pressed to tell that beneath her voluminous, ornate robes. Her robes are a rich brown, but the sleeves and hem are surrounded by ornate embroidery crafted by Wynra herself. Her robes are charged with the Force, and she rarely removes them; she treasures them just as she treasures her lightsabre.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Master Wynra uses a green lightsabre, the traditional colour of the Jedi Consulars. The Sabre is of an average length, with a 30-centimetre hilt and the usual metre-long blade, but it's unusually thin, allowing Wynra to use subtle movements of the wrists and fingers to precisely manipulate her weapon. The blade is cylindrical near the top, where the ignition button is, but it's thinner in the lower half, before it bulges again to form the pommel.
[i]Personality:[/i] Master Wynra is well-known as the sage of the Jedi Order. She has the ability to immerse herself in the Force moreso than most Miralukas. She is renowned as a font of wisdom on the Force -- and, indeed, on most things.
Master Wynra is a soft-spoken, kind, and gentle mistress, as her last two Padawans will tell you. She has recently taken on a third, the Miraluka girl Shadra Seraat. She is supremely humble, never presuming to speak down to even the lowliest of Initiates. Perhaps because of her powerful connection to the Force, Master Wynra treats all life with deep respect.
Wynra doesn't think quite the same way as most Jedi. More than any other, she trusts her intuition absolutely, and once she resolves something, she can be quite stubborn -- not because she wants to be right, but because she's sure she is, and she doesn't want anyone to suffer for a mistake. Most people listen to her, but she has bene wrong before, and she knows it. Even so, she remains one of the wisest Jedi in the Order, and she serves as an advisor of sorts to all Jedi. Padawans, Masters, and even other Councilors often approach her for some friendly but profound advice on a given topic -- or an insightful opinion on the direction of a mission or the Jedi Order itself.
Unusually, Master Wynra prefers to use Soresu-style parries as opposed to Niman. She's nevertheless capable of unleashing mighty Force powers at what seems to be an impossible time.
[spoiler=Auros Stellae][b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Auros Stellae
[i]Species:[/i] Human
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 45
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Subclass:[/i] Guardian
[i]Padawan[/i]: Torne Keldrona
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Jar'kai and Ataru
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Auros is a fine looking man. He possesses a tall, lean figure standing 185 cm and weighing about 68 kg. He has intelligent grey eyes with crowsfeet wrinkles around them prior to his gentle smile. He has long, slender fingers, which when using a lightsaber, can move extraordinarily fast, flicking the saber around. His long legs allow him to easily stride forward, moving faster than most would, without the aid of the force. Majority of the time, Auros wears a white or grey hooded cloak with brown robes underneath. The clock is loosely held, so it is quicker for Auros to jump out of it/ throw it off.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Auros possesses two lightsabers. He spent much of his time, perfecting his twin blades for maximum performance and to a standard that suited him. Both of them have electrum hilts and a clear translucent ‘window’ in the center which pulses light from the crystal core. They are merely fine accessories to create a more elegant lightsaber. The electrum spirals down the entire hilt, with two rings, one at the start, the other at the end. The ‘window’ is a band in the center of the hilt. Both sabers are golden yellow in colour and are standard blade length. Both sabers are lighter than average. Auros’ lightsabers are his pride and joy.
[i]Personality:[/i] Auros is a friendly and intelligent man who has strong beliefs. He is seen by many, young Jedi and even more experienced Jedi as a wise master and a true friend. He’s confident and does everything at 100%, believing there are no true limits to your ability, if you keep doing your best. As a teacher, Auros is known to be a great man, passing on his knowledge to his apprentices, in which he is currently teaching his 4[sup]th[/sup]. Three of these apprentices grew on to be fine Jedi Knights, except one who mysteriously disappeared, leaving Auros grieving. Obviously, this shows that he is a truly welcoming person, judging someone by their loyalty and by their attitude, rather than their class or rank. He treats his friends as brothers, rather than simply colleagues and this made him very many allies.
Perhaps, at times, Auros’ compassion is his downfall. He cares very much for his friends that he cannot bear to allow those close to him to die. This can lead to him becoming overly depressed and guilty, blaming himself for these deaths. He will often need time to calm himself, and relieve his sorrow.
Even so, Auros is a skilled fighter, famous mentor and great friend. His strong bonds with the force are unquestionable and many would prefer him as an ally, rather than an enemy…
Auros joined the council when his old master Aran Tomo died the high council members observed his etiquette and skills in combat and force and due to the space left by Aran, Auros took his place. He had already taken his first two Jedi Padawans, who were fully knighted. He has taken the position very seriously and aids Jedi whenever possible.
Other: Upon recently overcoming his grief for his lost padawan, Auros has taken up a fourth; Torne Keldrona[/spoiler]
[spoiler=The Galactic Republic]
Fifty years ago, the Warring Planets period began. The Mandalorian warriors of Mandalore, the economic powerhouses of Corellia, the vicious Trandoshan hunters of Trandosha, and the hardy Twi'lek from Ryloth were locked in bitter conflict -- along with their galaxy-spanning networks of allies. The Jedi Order of Tython desperately tried to keep the peace and drive all four factions off neutral worlds. Chaos reigned. The entire galaxy was at war.
However, no war could last forever. The four factions were quickly tiring after fifty years of conflict, and the Jedi were pushing hard for peace. Finally, leaders from all four alliances convened on Tython and signed the Treaty of Tython, which forced all four factions to acknowledge a new government based on the neutral world of Ryelcant: the Galactic Republic. Every recognised planet in the galaxy would send both Representatives, in a number adjusted for population and galactic influence, and three Senators to help create laws that would govern the entire galaxy.
The new system has proven effective thus far. Most importantly, it's passed the Jedi Intervention Act, which gives the Jedi Order more legal authority in its vigilante activities. Of course, no one would really question the powerful, cautious, and legally employed Jedi anyway, but the extra leeway is very helpful in collecting Force-sensitive infants for training, and it gives the Order's decisions some extra oomph. Of course, the reason the Republic passed that law is because it desperately needs the Order's help in facilitating the transition to the Republic's government. After all, not everyone is going to answer to a new form of government right away. Notably, they fear that the Senators of Varluscant are in danger of assassination.
[spoiler=Planet Database]
Ryelcant is the most populous planet in the galaxy, home to fifteen billion sentient beings. Its population is climbing at an alarming rate. The reason? Ryelcant was the most powerful neutral faction of all in the Warring Planets period, a heavily urban world that relied on private security firms for law enforcement and imports for food production. Now, it's the capital of the Galactic Republic. Its socioeconomic position has only been exacerbated -- some predict that in the future, Ryelcant will be completely covered by a single massive city.
Ryelcant is primarily a residential world; it's home to people from every planet in the Republic. It keeps its revenue up by taxing trade and advertising on the planet. The residents are like those of any big city: tycoons, wealthy people in service and finance, and the folks of the slums, who eke out their existences through crime, beggary, and menial labour.
Recently, Ryelcant has drastically improved its space navy and local security, as it's wary of attack by opponents of the new Republic. Some Jedi Sentinels are stationed there as a very advanced level of security.
Tython is a temperate, terrestrial world with a varied biome. The planet is rouughly 80% water, with enormous wetlands and many islands. The deserts of the world mainly comprise rainshadows and tundra; even plateaus receive more rain than Earth.
The majority of Tython's life is aquatic. The high oygen content of the atmosphere made life on the surface impractical due to the rapid, unchecked spread of fire from lighting strikes. Flying animals and insects rule the surface; most notably, a relative of the thranta known as the "Tython dragon" can often be seen, eating the fruits of Thranta's trees and migrating en masse if a conflagration breaks out. Under the sea, however, life thrives. An incredible variety of fish, amphibians, and aquatic mammals inhabit the seas of Tython. Just about any aquatic creature one might name has a relative on Tython -- except the sentient aquatics the Mon Calamari might sympathise with.
Tython is most notable as the home of the Jedi Temple. Tython is under the legal jurisdiction of the Council of Tython, a government with close ties to the Jedi Order -- many Consulars serve the Council of Tython, and the Jedi Order is a recognised entity on the planet. Tython is actually home to about half a billion residents, but because of the careful management of the Council of Tython, their settlements aren't very disruptive; they often build homes using imported materials in wetlands, to avoid disturbing local life. Tourism to Tython is common and welcome -- so long as it's managed by the Tython Tourism Council, which makes sure that tourists don't disrupt the Jedi or the Tython ecosystem.
Despite all this caution, however, the Jedi have had a devastating impact on the Tython ecosystem. The power of the Force pulsing through Tython allowed a certain amphibious creature to mutate into the fearsome Terentatek, a vicious creature that preys on the Force through the blood of the force-sensitive. Terentateks are seen by all as abominations and they're killed wherever they pop up as quickly as possible, often with the help of Trandoshan Jedi hoping to appease both the Trandoshan hunting-goddess known as the Scorekeeper and the peaceful Jedi Code.
Varluscant is a world that the Warring Planets made great. Its industrialised past left Varluscant with no abundance of natural resources, and it wasn't technologically or culturally superior to other worlds or a tourist trap with spectacular natural wonders. It floundered in the Galactic economy for a time. As the number of poor rose, so did crime -- soon, Varluscant was only useful for illicit dealings, since its government was too ineffectual to combat the rampant crime. Then, one Corban Tarturus had the bright idea to clean up Varluscant. He founded Tarturus Securities to do it. The company was a rampant success, striking blows at crime around the world with great succses. Its competitors, Gundine Escort Forces and the Kraant Private Security Foundation, helped on the rest of the world. These mercenary foundations quickly filled the void crime once had -- the movers, shakers, and effective rulers of Varluscant.
Then Mandalore declared war on Corellia and the fun began.
Throughout the war, Tarturus, GEF, and the KPSF provided mercenary forces to various sides of the conflict: Tarturus helped Ryloth, the GEF aided , and the KPSF helped Corellia. The three security forces have been bitterly opposed ever since. When the war ended, of course, the three firms found themselves wary of their future business prospects. While the new Senators have promised that they'll help facilitate the security business as much as possible, all three firms are frightened that the Republic will threaten their businesses. Your job, as Jedi, is to go to Varluscant and make sure that the three firms don't try anything funny with the new Senators. If you fail, the political ramifications for the Republic will be enormous.
The YCM Advanced Clause is in full effect. Besides the forum rules, there's also one rule to correspond to each original Star Wars film:
I) Please don't use any Force powers not mentioned in Game Info unless I specifically tell you you can. I left them out for a reason.
II) PM me or post in the OOC thread if you want to discuss the Dark Side. I've a very sensitive plan for it, so please don't try and invoke it without my permission. That said, I don't want to discourage anyone from developing their characters the way they'd like to, so I'll almost certainly let you go ahead -- I'd just like to help you along on your dark path. >:}D
III) Jedi do not carry blasters. They can pick them up on missions, but they don't carry them. I'm not sure why you'd want to be a gunslinger, but please don't be.
IV) Do try to obey the Council. It's quite reasonable at the moment; it's not sending you on any stupid or morally ambiguous crusades. If you want to be stupid or morally ambigous, I don't want to discourage you, but if you do, see rule II.
V) Feel free to move the plot of a mission forward on your own or introduce small plot twists; you don't have to wait for me to move forward. If you have an idea for a big plot twist, just post it in the OoC thread or PM me. I'll be glad to help you influence the plot.
VI) You can only submit one character at first. I may, at my discretion, allow you to take more characters. After your first character, I can decide whether you will play as a Padawan or a Knight/Master/Consular, depending on how many players want to play. You can never be your own character's Padawan or Master.
Besides that, there's really nothing else. Have fun~
{{Delete everything in double brackets. See Accepted Apps for examples; I've provided five. Don't hesitate to ask for clarification.}}
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] {{Make it fit the species. I recommend [url="http://swg.stratics.com/content/gameplay/characters/randomname.php"]this[/url] or [url="http://dimfuture.net/starwars/random/generate.php"]this[/url] if you're unfamiliar with Star Wars. Twi'lek should have separated names; if you generate a name with an apostrophe, just turn it into two names (e.g. Aaylas'ecura becomes Aayla Secura). If you don't know much about Star Wars, play as a human.}}
[i]Species:[/i] {{No Sith purebloods -- there is no Sith species in this universe. And you obviously have to be Force-sensitive.}}
[i]Gender:[/i] {{If you're playing non-traditional, be tasteful. Don't dare make it the basis for your entire personality. Note that there are no stigmata against non-traditional genders.}}
[i]Age:[/i] {{Padawans are 13-21. Knights are 21+. Masters are 30+. Councilors are 40+. Let me know if you're scaling to adjust for your species; if not, I'll do it for you.}}
[b]Jedi Information[/b] {{This section changes based on whether you're a Padawan or a Knight/Master/Councilor.}}
[i]Rank:[/i] {{Padawan, Knight, Master, or Councilor. Masters and Councilors should fill out Knight forms.}}
[i]Master:[/i] {{Padawans only; knights should delete this. Fill this out only if an existing roleplayer or Councilor catches your eye; otherwise, I'll assign one.}}
[i]Padawan:[/i] {{Knights only; padawans should delete this. Fill this out only if an existing roleplayer catches your eye; otherwise, I'll assign one.}}
[i]Subclass:[/i] {{Knights only; Padawans should delete this. Check Game Info for this information.}}
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] {{Check Game Info for this information.}}
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] {{You should paint a decent picture, but there's no need to go overboard. A paragraph should do the trick. Custom pictures *cough*TekTek*cough* are allowed; no art that isn't specifically of your character, though. POST IMAGES IN LINK FORM ONLY. DON'T USE [img] TAGS.}}
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] {{Knights should describe the hilt and colour of their lightsabre: blue, green, or yellow ONLY. Padawans can simply say that they have red Padawan sabres.}}
[i]Personality:[/i] {{This is how I judge how well you roleplay (well, that and a background check >:}D). Fill it out well. Biographical information should also go here, but I should warn you: EVERYONE was raised at the Temple and has no memory of their old life. Period.}}
[i]Other:[/i] {{Insert other information here. If you have any biographical information beyond "picked up as an infant and raised at the Temple," put it in Personality. Delete this whole part if there's nothing of importance to put here -- or fill in "N/A"; I don't really care.}}
[b]Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac's Characters[/b]
[spoiler=Shrike Arkada]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Shrike Arkada
[i]Species:[/i] Human
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 18
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] Tesar Noga-ta
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Soresu
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Shrike stands 170 centimetres and weighs 62.6 kilograms. Her weight is distributed well into her figure and her muscle. She doesn't tie her chestnut hair even though it extends a tad past her shoulders -- an unusual choice for an aspiring Guardian, albeit far from unheard of. Her skin tone is difficult to place; it's darker than most Jedi, since her parents hailed from Tatooine, but it's much lighter than most Tatooinians, since the climate of the Jedi Temple is cool and temperate. She has sharp brown eyes that seem to focus on everything they see.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Shrike has a red Padawan's lightsabre.
[i]Personality:[/i] Shrike's personality has evolved considerably over the course of her stay at the Jedi Order. When she was young, she was strong-willed, impulsive, and headstrong, much moreso than she is today. Nevertheless, the core aspects of her personality -- a calling to defend and bolster the weak, a logical but thoroughly abstract worldview, and a calm attitude towards new stimuli -- were present in her childhood as well. Most notably, she stood up for her classmate Shadra Seraat as an Initiate; they remain close friends to this day.
Her time on missions changed her outlook on life considerably. She's much more laid-back now; her impulsiveness has been replaced with calm, relaxed analysis. She's taken a much more cautious and circumspect approach to her actions, even going so far as to study the third form of lightsabre combat. She doesn't take circumspection to extremes, though; she can still make decisions.
Shrike has always valued humour, but the form of that humour has varied over time. Five years of dealing with politicians and smooth-talking thugs have given Shrike quite a taste for sardonic humour and backhanded compliments: she has become a Lady Snarker, if you will. She insists on keeping the mood light, since she thinks best in a good mood; irritation, sadness, and excessive solemnity disrupt her concentration, but she can think and fight clearly while keeping up a witty banter.
Despite her preference for sabre techinque, Shrike keeps herself versed in the use of the Force. Training with Shadra, a Consular-to-be, has let her practice the Force to a greater degree than most potential Guardians. She'll stick to her lightsabre for combat, though, unless Push, Pull, or Throw will give her an edge in the swordfight.
Shrike is a curious and attentive person on missions. She'll often pick up on small clues that others miss. That said, she might be led astray by incidental details. She's still in the midst of her training, after all; she isn't exactly a pinnacle of experience and wisdom just yet.
[spoiler=Shadra Seraat]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Shadra Seraat
[i]Species:[/i] Miraluka
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 18
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] Wynra Mersac
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Niman
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] As a Miraluka, Shadra has no eyes. She only has vestigial eye sockets, which themselves are narrow and scarred from an old mission. However, she wears a headdress over them, like most Miraluka. Hers is a simple black cloth folded in the traditional style of Miraluka "blindfolds." Her hair, black, stringy, and reaching to her shoulders, often falls over the place where her eyes might be. Her head is large... compared to her body, which is quite small; she only stands 160 centimetres and weighs 50.8 kilograms. Her pale skin, petite figure, and long, slender limbs make her seem very small indeed. However, if she's wearing her robes and tapping into her considerable Force powers, she can be very imposing nevertheless.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Shadra has a red Padawan's sabre.
[i]Personality:[/i] Shadra is actually a bit odd in the head. She has a permanent case of tunnel vision, focusing on one thing to the exclusion of all else. Training in the Force has helped her mostly overcome that problem; it didn't get rid of her unusual thought patterns, which are so abstract and follow such a strange logic that her peers can't always follow them.
Her small frame combined with her numerous eccentricities made her an easy target for more aggressive Initiates. While the Jedi Order is much better at controlling bullying than your average school district, she still found herself unable to connect to other Padawans for some time until she befriended Shrike Arkada. Then she really got the hang of connecting with other living beings. She found herself the most powerful Force user in her 'class,' and after the Padawan trials, she was accepted as High Consular Wynra Mersac's third Padawan.
In person, Shadra is quiet, soft-spoken, and mild-mannered. She doesn't often contradict others, preferring to keep them happy. That attitude is actually born more of pragmatism than her customary compassion: she's found it much easier to avoid the ire of mission clients and rival Initiates by quietly agreeing with them. If she does bother arguing, it will be with someone she trusts and cares about.
Shadra has a deep-rooted compassion for all living things, perhaps because of her connection to the force. While she doesn't mind sparring, she hates having to take lives or hurt others, and she downright abhors killing -- though she has taken lives before to save the lives of innocents. She's also very emotionally intelligent, as her ties to the Force keep her in tune with the emotions of other beings. It's difficult to deceive her. The downside to all this very Jedi-like thinking? She feels deeply... and hurts deeply. Her master is trying to help her learn to accept and release negative emotions.
Despite her preference for the Force, Shadra keeps herself versed in the use of the Force. Training with Shrike, a Guardian-to-be, has let her practice sabre technique to a greater degree than most potential Consulars. Even so, she usually sticks to Niman in sabre engagements, though she can deflect blaster bolts very nicely in a pinch.
Shadra was always a bit odd in her outlook on the world, and that goes for her understanding of the Force as well. While her views of the Force aren't contrary to the usual Jedi philosophy, they run at a slight angle for sure. Her Master accepts her, but more skeptical Jedi are wary of such a powerful person not quite understanding the Jedi philosophy in places.
[i]Other:[/i] Though she's hardly sheltered, Shadra doesn't often go on missions, since her master is the High Consular. However, she has a keen understanding of what it takes to prepare a mission; she knows logistics, communication, and mission planning well. Thus, she'll be serving as your link to the Jedi Council on your mission to Varluscant -- your Mission Control, if you will.
[spoiler=High Guardian Druun Mithna]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Druun Mithna
[i]Species:[/i] Zabrak
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 55
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Padawan:[/i] N/A
[i]Subclass:[/i] Guardian
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Ataru
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Master Druun is a big, broad-shouldered Zabrak that stands at an imposing 186 centimetres and weighs 73.6 kilograms. The steps he takes on his long, powerful legs are slow and deliberate, but in combat, he leaps and moves at incredible speeds. His arms are also long; his torso is relatively small compared to his limbs. Druun has small, focused brown eyes perched above an aquiline nose. His horns are long and straight, reaching straight up. He keeps his hair shaven off, revealing the pale skin on his face.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Master Druun uses a traditional blue Guardian's lightsabre. The hilt is 31 centimetres long, with a heavy black pommel and a mostly-black lower two-thirds punctuated only by some thin "rings" of silver. The upper third, just above the ignition switch, is silver, but punctuated by black rings. The emitter is thin at first, but it widens into a flat, round circle at the top of the sabre.
[i]Personality:[/i] Master Druun Mithna is the High Guardian of the Jedi Council, and one can instantly tell by getting near him. He radiates power and majesty, standing tall and unyielding. His presence, like his Ataru acrobatics, can be overwhelming. That said, Druun isn't especially arrogant. His commanding aura derives not from arrogance, but from confidence, serenity, and strong ties to the Force. He's greatly respected by the Jedi Order, and though a few of his fellow Councilors sometimes worry wheter he's too commanding and authoritative to be a Jedi, the truth is that he respects the Order just as ardently.
Druun is a serious and decisive man. He rarely jokes and almost always wears a solemn frown on his pale face. He thinks quickly, but he can jump to conclusions a bit early in administration. This leads him to clash occasionally with High Sentinel Zavek Naban, who prefers to gather as much information as possible before deciding anything. Druun can also be rather stubborn; he's accustomed to getting his way. Even so, Master Druun always has the best interests of the Order at heart.
Master Druun will always fight for what he believes in. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a Guardian. He's powerfully dedicated to the abstract ideals of justice and universal goodwill. Therefore, he can be unforgiving towards the lower elements of the galaxy. Around students, however, Druun is patient, tolerant, and forgiving. He doesn't believe in harsh teaching, and understands that even the best Jedi can and do make mistakes.
[spoiler=High Sentinel Zavek Naban]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Zavek Naban
[i]Species:[/i] Human
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 39
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Padawan:[/i] None
[i]Subclass:[/i] Sentinel
[i]Preferred Sabre Form:[/i] Shien
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Master Zavek isn't an overly big man; he measures 178 centimetres and weighs 70.3 kilograms. He's thin and lithe, but also physically very strong, with powerful muscles. His hair is blackish-brown and is usually slicked back. Calm hazel eyes rest above his thin mouth, which is often curled into a serene smile. His face is smooth and handsome, adorned with a thin, black-brown moustache.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Naban's yellow lightsabre is an impressive 34.3 centimetres long. The base is a thick, sturdy set of black ring structures. The top half is covered with four bigger, wider silver rings. The ignition switch is on the second silver ring from the top. The emitter is silver and steeply curved, providing some extra leverage for the heavy lightsabre.
[i]Personality:[/i] High Sentinel Zavek Naban is the youngest member of the Jedi Council, and one of the most popular. His calm, easygoing nature is underscored by a sense of power and wisdom. Many in the Order trust him absolutely. He's laid-back, perfectly charismatic, and a kind, caring man. Zavek is especially popular among the young. In addition ot his duties as High Sentinel, Master Zavek enjoys interacting with Initiates. He's a frequent attendee to the Padawan Trials, and he's trained two Padawans to Knighthood personally. Most Padawans trust Master Zavek as a matter of course; he's a father-like figure to them.
Zavek is well-known for trying a bit of everything. He firmly believes that one must acquire all possible information before making a decision. Most obviously, he studied in both the arts of the sabre and the Force. He also tries to see both sides of a conflict before trying to decide it. He can seem indecisive in times of crisis due to his caution. He also prefers not to inflict harsh punishments or execute irreversible deeds -- another trait that can make him seem indecisive. When it counts, though, Zavek is capable of very decisive action indeed. After all, he's a master of the aggressive Shien form of sabre combat, using his powerful body and Force Might to deliver crushing swings that can plow through any defence.
[spoiler=High Consular Wynra Mersac]
[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Wynra Mersac
[i]Species:[/i] Twi'lek
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 47
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
Rank: Councilor
Padawan: Shadra Seraat
Subclass: Consular
Preferred Sabre From: Soresu
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Master Wynra is actually a small and slender woman with soft, green skin, musician's hands, and slim lekku. She has a small face comprising wide, blue eyes, a thin nose, and a small mouth with thick lips. However, one would be hard pressed to tell that beneath her voluminous, ornate robes. Her robes are a rich brown, but the sleeves and hem are surrounded by ornate embroidery crafted by Wynra herself. Her robes are charged with the Force, and she rarely removes them; she treasures them just as she treasures her lightsabre.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Master Wynra uses a green lightsabre, the traditional colour of the Jedi Consulars. The Sabre is of an average length, with a 30-centimetre hilt and the usual metre-long blade, but it's unusually thin, allowing Wynra to use subtle movements of the wrists and fingers to precisely manipulate her weapon. The blade is cylindrical near the top, where the ignition button is, but it's thinner in the lower half, before it bulges again to form the pommel.
[i]Personality:[/i] Master Wynra is well-known as the sage of the Jedi Order. She has the ability to immerse herself in the Force moreso than most Miralukas. She is renowned as a font of wisdom on the Force -- and, indeed, on most things.
Master Wynra is a soft-spoken, kind, and gentle mistress, as her last two Padawans will tell you. She has recently taken on a third, the Miraluka girl Shadra Seraat. She is supremely humble, never presuming to speak down to even the lowliest of Initiates. Perhaps because of her powerful connection to the Force, Master Wynra treats all life with deep respect.
Wynra doesn't think quite the same way as most Jedi. More than any other, she trusts her intuition absolutely, and once she resolves something, she can be quite stubborn -- not because she wants to be right, but because she's sure she is, and she doesn't want anyone to suffer for a mistake. Most people listen to her, but she has bene wrong before, and she knows it. Even so, she remains one of the wisest Jedi in the Order, and she serves as an advisor of sorts to all Jedi. Padawans, Masters, and even other Councilors often approach her for some friendly but profound advice on a given topic -- or an insightful opinion on the direction of a mission or the Jedi Order itself.
Unusually, Master Wynra prefers to use Soresu-style parries as opposed to Niman. She's nevertheless capable of unleashing mighty Force powers at what seems to be an impossible time.
[b]Passion Pit's Character[/b]
[spoiler=Tesar Noga-ta][b]General Information[/b]
Name: Tesar Noga-ta
Species: Barabel
Gender: Male
Age: 31
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
Rank: Knight
Padawan: Shrike Arkada
Subclass: Guardian
Preferred Sabre From: Shien
[b]Personal Information[/b]
Appearance: Tesar is an average height for a Barabel, about six feet tall. His scales have matured fully to a very dark grey and has yellow slit-pupil eyes, emphasized by the larger-than-normal horns that sit atop his head. Underneath his brown cloak he usually dons black clothing to help him keep a low profile if he needs to. Like most Barabel, he's very muscular and his teeth are a healthy 2 inches in length. As a Barabel, his smile is very unnerving, as you can't tell if he's smiling because he's happy, or he's just imagining how well you'd taste.
Sabre Appearance: A 25 centimeter shoto lightsaber; all indents in the design are painted black, the rest remains silver. The color of the blade is blue. He also possesses a green dual-phase lightsaber with a retaliator hilt used in only larger confrontations, but it's merely a prototype, as he has no original basis to build it off of.
Personality: Tesar can be very impatient and easily annoyed. Usually he conceals it very well both through his physical appearance and through the force, but you can always tell how he's feeling by how his tail is acting, something he's never quite been able to put under control. That being said, if he gets something on his mind, he'll spend as much time as he needs to to figure it out. In many cases that may take to long and he'll need the help of his padawan or another master to assist, but usually he's able to come up with a solution to any problem if he puts his head to it. Metaphorically and literally. He's in no way afraid of hand to hand combat, and most of his original Barabel instincts take over in combat, up until his instinct to kill would kick in. He harbors some resentment for slavery and more importantly, civil wars and strife. Most important of all is always that his first thought is always the most logical, never the most emotional, meaning in many cases, he can be very ruthless and at times appear heartless. Even he himself says that he's still learning and loves it the most when his padawan is able to teach him something.[/spoiler]

[b]Quiksilver's Character[/b]
[spoiler=Silaris Komad][b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Silaris Komad
[i]Species:[/i] Twi'lek
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 37
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Master
[i]Padawan:[/i] Taska Yzalli
[i]Subclass:[/i] Sentinel
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Shii-Cho
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] A tall, spare, figure, Silaris Komad tends to tower over most. Light in frame, the Twi'lek's body has long been stripped of what body fat he might have once had, if all, leaving only hard muscle and bone behind. It lends his face a rather bony quality, although one would be hard-pressed to call Silaris unattractive, though the factors of his race, the majority of whom are rather comely, do play a part in his handsomeness. His skin is a soothing russet shade, accentuating his dark brown eyes and blackened lips. His twin lekku are shapely and rather large, another sign of attractiveness among the Twi'lek. More for ease that anything else, Silaris tends to keep his lekku coiled around his head, like a scarf. Unlike several of his other Master, Silaris tends to dress plainly, and his robes are simple shades of brown and orange.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Silaris's lightsaber is around 32 centimeters long and a silver in color, edged in gold. It tapers into points at both ends, forming a rather diamond-shaped exit hole for the lightsaber and a sharp thorn at the other end. The main part, just below the ignition switch, is ringed in gold rings and the base, constituted of the "thorn" mentioned beforehand, is larger than the rest of the lightsaber, providing a nice grip for Silaris. His blade is a bright shade of yellow, like that of Sentinels come before him.
[i]Personality:[/i] As persevering as the saber form he utilizes, Silaris is a man with almost infinite patience. He never tends to get mad or frustrated, instead existing in a happy sort of balance with the belief that everything does the will of the Force, and therefore there is no use getting upset about that. Impartial in his judgments and wise as well, Silaris Komad is looked up to by many of his junior Knights and Padawans.
A perfectionist of the finest degree, Silaris not only demands perfection from himself but his Padawan as well. He's a fair Master, he just doesn't accept failure. While he tends to be serious most of the time, Silaris is not above cracking a joke every now and then, if for nothing more than his own amusement. If others find these jokes funny as well is yet to be seen.
His cool head is tempered by grief and a private doubt in himself. After achieving Knighthood, Silaris was assigned his first Padawan, a strong-willed Zabrak girl by name of Kaare. Over the course of their many adventures together, Silaris and Kaare grew close and Silaris was quite proud to bestow Knighthood on his apprentice, thus making him a Master. The joy would turn to horror after Kaare would be murdered three days into his first solo assignments, killed by space pirates while investigating missing trade ships. Privately, Silaris believes he didn't train Kaare well enough and tends to beat himself up about it. Now that he had a new apprentice, however, Silaris is determined to do better this time, and make his second apprentice the best Jedi they could ever be.[/spoiler]
[b]Charlotte the Witch's Character[/b]
[spoiler=Taska Yzalli][b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Taska Yzalli
[i]Species:[/i] Cathar
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 20
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] Silaris Komad
[i]Preferred Sabre Form:[/i] Ataru, though she isn't good at it.
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Taska is an ideal example of her species. She is a feline humanoid, about 5 and a half feet tall, with short tawny fur covering her skin, a feline muzzle that has sharp fangs behind them, golden eyes with slit pupils, pointed ears with a few metal piercings in them, black claws at the ends of her fingers, and a semi-prehensile tail about as long as a limb. Her body is lithe and has the frame of a gymnast, her muscles not bulging, but still tight and firm. Her mane is short, spiked back with a few bangs hanging over her face, and cream-colored with the standard Padawan braid attached to the right side of her head. She wears the standard brown cloak, tan overtunic and undertunic, brown leather utility belt, and brown boots, though she hates her cloak and overtunic, and is always glad to get rid of those articles of clothing as soon as she can, needing as little extra weight as possible. She carries various supplies in pouches on her belt, which she also discards upon entering combat, though at least one of these pouches always contains some jerky from some animal.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Taska has a red lightsaber, though the hilt has some Kiltik mandibles from a blood hunt she went on a few months ago, otherwise it is a simple mass-production model. The lightsaber is a regular length, colored in an average silver and black scheme, with the normal features and capabilities. Only Taska's own additions make it hers, though there seems to not only be evidence that this is not her first lightsaber, but that she runs through them rather quickly, as there are several scratches and marks on the weapon that show that it has been used.
[i]Personality:[/i] Taska is similar to Anakin from the first few Episodes, but without any of the incredibly annoying whining. She is headstrong, hot-headed, and tends to speak her mind...a lot...but she is a good student, and is learning to keep her head cool. She was raised by the Temple, but she has always had a problem with her temper, occasionally lashing out and disrespecting her teachers. No Knight or Master would take her under their tutelage until several months ago, when Silaris decided to take up the task. The perfectionist and his fiery Padawan form a surprisingly balanced team, the calm Twi'lek never getting upset at his Padawan, only simply demanding for her to try and strive to be better. The positive reinforcement, combined with a relatively recent visit to Taska's species' home planet to allow her to get in touch with her missing heritage and cleanse herself in a Cathar blood hunt, has shown massive amounts of improvement in her demeanor and skills, even joking with her Master during combat, especially over Taska's ineptitude with Ataru, which she insists, with her species' natural agility, she can master easily. It it clear that her blood hunt not only brought her closer to her Master, being in a sort of debt to him for allowing her to feel calmer than she had ever felt before after the hunt, but it also changed her, making her a bit more level-headed and a bit less likely to slice first and ask questions later. On the other hand, the visit to Cathar has led to the Padawan wanting to reconnect to her heritage, much to her Master chagrin, who thinks that the time she is spending learning about her native culture should be spent practicing that certain lightsaber form she claims she can master.
[i]Other:[/i] Taska is known among the Jedi Order as a problem child, due to the fact that she only recently acquired a Master, while her classmates managed to become true Padawans years ago, and while they haven't been together more than a standard year, and have plenty of room to grow and bond, they are becoming close.[/spoiler]

[b]Thunder End Dragon's Character[/b]
[spoiler=Auros Stellae][b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Auros Stellae
[i]Species:[/i] Human
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 45
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Councilor
[i]Subclass:[/i] Guardian
[i]Padawan[/i]: Torne Keldrona
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Jar'kai and Ataru
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Auros is a fine looking man. He possesses a tall, lean figure standing 185 cm and weighing about 68 kg. He has intelligent grey eyes with crowsfeet wrinkles around them prior to his gentle smile. He has long, slender fingers, which when using a lightsaber, can move extraordinarily fast, flicking the saber around. His long legs allow him to easily stride forward, moving faster than most would, without the aid of the force. Majority of the time, Auros wears a white or grey hooded cloak with brown robes underneath. The clock is loosely held, so it is quicker for Auros to jump out of it/ throw it off.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Auros possesses two lightsabers. He spent much of his time, perfecting his twin blades for maximum performance and to a standard that suited him. Both of them have electrum hilts and a clear translucent ‘window’ in the center which pulses light from the crystal core. They are merely fine accessories to create a more elegant lightsaber. The electrum spirals down the entire hilt, with two rings, one at the start, the other at the end. The ‘window’ is a band in the center of the hilt. Both sabers are golden yellow in colour and are standard blade length. Both sabers are lighter than average. Auros’ lightsabers are his pride and joy.
[i]Personality:[/i] Auros is a friendly and intelligent man who has strong beliefs. He is seen by many, young Jedi and even more experienced Jedi as a wise master and a true friend. He’s confident and does everything at 100%, believing there are no true limits to your ability, if you keep doing your best. As a teacher, Auros is known to be a great man, passing on his knowledge to his apprentices, in which he is currently teaching his 4[sup]th[/sup]. Three of these apprentices grew on to be fine Jedi Knights, except one who mysteriously disappeared, leaving Auros grieving. Obviously, this shows that he is a truly welcoming person, judging someone by their loyalty and by their attitude, rather than their class or rank. He treats his friends as brothers, rather than simply colleagues and this made him very many allies.
Perhaps, at times, Auros’ compassion is his downfall. He cares very much for his friends that he cannot bear to allow those close to him to die. This can lead to him becoming overly depressed and guilty, blaming himself for these deaths. He will often need time to calm himself, and relieve his sorrow.
Even so, Auros is a skilled fighter, famous mentor and great friend. His strong bonds with the force are unquestionable and many would prefer him as an ally, rather than an enemy…
Auros joined the council when his old master Aran Tomo died the high council members observed his etiquette and skills in combat and force and due to the space left by Aran, Auros took his place. He had already taken his first two Jedi Padawans, who were fully knighted. He has taken the position very seriously and aids Jedi whenever possible.
Other: Upon recently overcoming his grief for his lost padawan, Auros has taken up a fourth; Torne Keldrona[/spoiler]
[b]Aesirson's Character[/b]
[spoiler=Torne Keldrona][b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Torne Keldrona
[i]Species:[/i] Miraluka
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 16
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] Thunder End Dragon's character
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Ataru
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Like all Miraluka, Torne doesn't have any eyes, only eyesockets. While most members of his species carries blindfolds to cover up their grotesque facial feature, Torne prefers to wear a red-glassed visor to cover up his "eyes". He has faintly tanned skin, short, blonde hair and a scar on his chin, which he got during a training sword battle. He specializes in stealth and quick attacks, and thus have to keep himself as small as possible (which he fails at doing, standing at 185 centimeters length) He has a slender and agile body, and doesn't work out so much to keep it as thin and stealthy as possible.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] A red Padawan sabre
[i]Personality: [/i]Torne is a bit of a bully. He's the kind of guy who you would expect to proclaim himself leader, and surprisingly enough he's not bad at doing just that. Many of the other Padawans at the temple wants to be his friend, but there's only a few that he calls friends himself. He knows how to act calm, and while he's really hot-tempered and easily angered he does a great job in hiding it. He likes to teach the younger Padawans some tricks that he have learned to do with the Force, which the other Jedis view as a sign of a good teacher. Truth is, Torne just likes to have followers. There's only one thing that he wants more than to be a leader, and that is to be able to see colors, something that his species is forever cursed to live without. He's an artistic guy, after all, and he has a fondness of creating things. Formations of rocks and stones that Torne have created with the Force are often seen on the temple grounds.[/spoiler]

[b]Hydra of Thunder's Character[/b][spoiler=Belis Guntrin][b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name: [/i]Belis Guntrin
[i]Species: [/i]Human
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 18
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] TBA
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Soresu
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance: [/i]Belis is a healthy-seeming young man standing at a respectable 179 centimeters. His face is largely unremarkable, though rather symmetrical, and pale despite any amount of exposure to ultraviolet radiation; his hair usually takes precedence in identification, due to it being a particularly pale and striking blond, kept short and tidy despite a couple of outstanding bangs being allowed to grow out longer. His eyes are colored something between a hazel and gray, largely being small and unobtrusive- often times, it more simply appears that he has black eyes.
More interesting than Belis' physical characteristics, however, are the characteristics of his famously perplexing spectacles. The glasses are a sturdy sort, capable of resisting storm, silt and snow alike- built into a black frame of some unidentified metal, the lenses are roughly rectangular, though they skew slightly to the side and are therefore more properly parallelograms. The ends of both of the arms are bent at a gentle 35 degree sloped angle, keeping them tied to his ears- at the end of each arm is a slightly different metal (or perhaps wood) finish, colored a slight telling off-black. The arms themselves begin as a single line of material, before splitting into three radiant lines that become parallel lines before finally recombining in order to form the sloped edges. On the left side, one of the radial lines is colored a dark red rather than a black, ostensibly for aesthetic reasons.
The lenses themselves are clear, though they seem to have a slight yellow tinge to them from the outside- the quality of the inner lens is henceforth unknown to anyone aside from Belis himself. The bridge is a straight triangle, rather unusual and presumably slightly uncomfortable.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] The typical Padawan red sabre, kept pristine and in near-perfect condition. The only hint his particular unit is in active use is the immaculate shine and buff, rendering the metal hilt in a more immaculate and untouched condition than when it was first produced.
[i]Personality:[/i] Belis is, in all things, a man of few words and effective actions. Impressively stoic, many take Belis' apparent disinterest in socializing as a sort of snub- in truth, the boy is simply most comfortable blending into the background and not becoming the center of attention. Words should be spared for when they are most needed, and meted out only as necessary- conversations with him tend to be rather short, though informative.
Belis allows himself little room for failure. Though he places no pressure on himself for immediate perfection or validation from others in his abilities, he practices every skill he learns to utter perfection before expanding his education- he allows no chance for failure based simply off of his own lack of attention to detail. This way of thinking bleeds even into aspects unrelated to combat or study- Belis is well-known for keeping all of his possessions in immaculate condition, and will not stand disorganization. While he rarely says anything about the fact to others, it's common knowledge that he is a habitual organizer and will spend his free time rearranging things into a more proper position, if not given some other task to occupy himself with.
Belis is exceptionally good at mediating his own emotions- to the point where some tend to doubt he even has them. Belis is not good with expression, and keeps a neutral face even in the most ridiculous of circumstances. It's nigh-impossible to tell if something he says is in jest -until he specifically tells someone it is a joke- and even harder to detect sarcasm, if he ever uses it. In combination with his perfectionist ways, this tends to make Belis appear as a rather responsible individual, far more temperate than one would expect of his age. Because of this, others tend to expect he will achieve Knighthood relatively early compared to the other Padawans.
[i]Other:[/i] It is unknown whether Belis' glasses actually help his vision at all, how good his vision is without them, or if they're actually prescription lenses at all. He refuses to acknowledge questions regarding why he doesn't use a more simple method of improving his vision, and will not clarify if they are simply an aesthetic device. Come to think of it, nobody's entirely certain where he got them in the first place.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
A/N: In case you couldn't tell, the "i" in "Episode i" is the imaginary unit.

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My browser blocked the URL for the name generator, just saying. You should probably look into this.

Also, by the Padawan-master team I assume you mean that means one person will play the Padawan, another the Master? If this is the case, feel free to hook my Twi'lek master with Shrike, or whoever. If I get accepted, that is.

[spoiler=Silaris Komad]
[i]Name:[/i] Silaris Komad
[i]Species:[/i] Twi'lek
[i]Gender:[/i] Male
[i]Age:[/i] 37
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Master
[i]Padawan:[/i] TBA
[i]Subclass:[/i] Sentinel
[i]Preferred Sabre From:[/i] Shii-Cho
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] A tall, spare, figure, Silaris Komad tends to tower over most. Light in frame, the Twi'lek's body has long been stripped of what body fat he might have once had, if all, leaving only hard muscle and bone behind. It lends his face a rather bony quality, although one would be hard-pressed to call Silaris unattractive, though the factors of his race, the majority of whom are rather comely, do play a part in his handsomeness. His skin is a soothing russet shade, accentuating his dark brown eyes and blackened lips. His twin lekku are shapely and rather large, another sign of attractiveness among the Twi'lek. More for ease that anything else, Silaris tends to keep his lekku coiled around his head, like a scarf. Unlike several of his other Master, Silaris tends to dress plainly, and his robes are simple shades of brown and orange.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Silaris's lightsaber is around 32 centimeters long and a silver in color, edged in gold. It tapers into points at both ends, forming a rather diamond-shaped exit hole for the lightsaber and a sharp thorn at the other end. The main part, just below the ignition switch, is ringed in gold rings and the base, constituted of the "thorn" mentioned beforehand, is larger than the rest of the lightsaber, providing a nice grip for Silaris. His blade is a bright shade of yellow, like that of Sentinels come before him.
[i]Personality:[/i] As persevering as the saber form he utilizes, Silaris is a man with almost infinite patience. He never tends to get mad or frustrated, instead existing in a happy sort of balance with the belief that everything does the will of the Force, and therefore there is no use getting upset about that. Impartial in his judgments and wise as well, Silaris Komad is looked up to by many of his junior Knights and Padawans.
A perfectionist of the finest degree, Silaris not only demands perfection from himself but his Padawan as well. He's a fair Master, he just doesn't accept failure. While he tends to be serious most of the time, Silaris is not above cracking a joke every now and then, if for nothing more than his own amusement. If others find these jokes funny as well is yet to be seen.
His cool head is tempered by grief and a private doubt in himself. After achieving Knighthood, Silaris was assigned his first Padawan, a strong-willed Zabrak girl by name of Kaare. Over the course of their many adventures together, Silaris and Kaare grew close and Silaris was quite proud to bestow Knighthood on his apprentice, thus making him a Master. The joy would turn to horror after Kaare would be murdered three days into his first solo assignments, killed by space pirates while investigating missing trade ships. Privately, Silaris believes he didn't train Kaare well enough and tends to beat himself up about it. Now that he had a new apprentice, however, Silaris is determined to do better this time, and make his second apprentice the best Jedi they could ever be.[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Quiksilver' timestamp='1321317078' post='5642253']
My browser blocked the URL for the name generator, just saying. You should probably look into this.

Also, by the Padawan-master team I assume you mean that means one person will play the Padawan, another the Master? If this is the case, feel free to hook my Twi'lek master with Shrike, or whoever. If I get accepted, that is.
[/quote]The site's reputable, but I'll link a few more. I'll also clear up the gameplay section; your assessment of it is correct.

Accepted. I won't link you up just yet; I may as well wait for a few more players to make sure everyone gets their best partner.

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Sorry, but this roleplay is Jedi only. It's even in the tags. In large part, that's for game balan[size=4]ce reasons: anyone without the power of the For[/size][size=4]ce would be killed very qui[/size][size=4]ckly against a set of [/size][size=4]challenges intended for Jedi.[/size] Besides, I'd like to use the Master/Padawan bond in gameplay.

I don't suppose I [size=4]could persuade you to join anyway? Even as a Jedi, there are really no personality restri[/size][size=4]ctions beyond "don't be evil."[/size]

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Certainly, but only on one simple condition...

[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Taska Yzalli
[i]Species:[/i] Cathar
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 20
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] Silaris Komad
[i]Preferred Sabre Form:[/i] Ataru, though she isn't good at it.
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Taska is an ideal example of her species. She is a feline humanoid, about 5 and a half feet tall, with short tawny fur covering her skin, a feline muzzle that has sharp fangs behind them, golden eyes with slit pupils, pointed ears with a few metal piercings in them, black claws at the ends of her fingers, and a semi-prehensile tail about as long as a limb. Her body is lithe and has the frame of a gymnast, her muscles not bulging, but still tight and firm. Her mane is short, spiked back with a few bangs hanging over her face, and cream-colored with the standard Padawan braid attached to the right side of her head. She wears the standard brown cloak, tan overtunic and undertunic, brown leather utility belt, and brown boots, though she hates her cloak and overtunic, and is always glad to get rid of those articles of clothing as soon as she can, needing as little extra weight as possible. She carries various supplies in pouches on her belt, which she also discards upon entering combat, though at least one of these pouches always contains some jerky from some animal.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Taska has a red lightsaber, though the hilt has some Kiltik mandibles from a blood hunt she went on a few months ago, otherwise it is a simple mass-production model. The lightsaber is a regular length, colored in an average silver and black scheme, with the normal features and capabilities. Only Taska's own additions make it hers, though there seems to not only be evidence that this is not her first lightsaber, but that she runs through them rather quickly, as there are several scratches and marks on the weapon that show that it has been used.
[i]Personality:[/i] Taska is similar to Anakin from the first few Episodes, but without any of the incredibly annoying whining. She is headstrong, hot-headed, and tends to speak her mind...a lot...but she is a good student, and is learning to keep her head cool. She was raised by the Temple, but she has always had a problem with her temper, occasionally lashing out and disrespecting her teachers. No Knight or Master would take her under their tutelage until several months ago, when Silaris decided to take up the task. The perfectionist and his fiery Padawan form a surprisingly balanced team, the calm Twi'lek never getting upset at his Padawan, only simply demanding for her to try and strive to be better. The positive reinforcement, combined with a relatively recent visit to Taska's species' home planet to allow her to get in touch with her missing heritage and cleanse herself in a Cathar blood hunt, has shown massive amounts of improvement in her demeanor and skills, even joking with her Master during combat, especially over Taska's ineptitude with Ataru, which she insists, with her species' natural agility, she can master easily. It it clear that her blood hunt not only brought her closer to her Master, being in a sort of debt to him for allowing her to feel calmer than she had ever felt before after the hunt, but it also changed her, making her a bit more level-headed and a bit less likely to slice first and ask questions later. On the other hand, the visit to Cathar has led to the Padawan wanting to reconnect to her heritage, much to her Master chagrin, who thinks that the time she is spending learning about her native culture should be spent practicing that certain lightsaber form she claims she can master.
[i]Other:[/i] Taska is known among the Jedi Order as a problem child, due to the fact that she only recently acquired a Master, while her classmates managed to become true Padawans years ago, and while they haven't been together more than a standard year, and have plenty of room to grow and bond, they are becoming close.

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[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1321397701' post='5644800']
The site's reputable, but I'll link a few more. I'll also clear up the gameplay section; your assessment of it is correct.

Accepted. I won't link you up just yet; I may as well wait for a few more players to make sure everyone gets their best partner.

Hm. Must just be my security program, then.

And...since I'm a grammar nazi, I have to point out you forgot the C for "Quiksilver's Characters". I'm like OCD...it's really bothering me for some reason. Eh...

P.S. I'm fine with having Shadra as Silaris's Padawan, by the way.

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[quote name='Quiksilver' timestamp='1321409320' post='5645319']
Hm. Must just be my security program, then.

And...since I'm a grammar nazi, I have to point out you forgot the C for "Quiksilver's Characters". I'm like OCD...it's really bothering me for some reason. Eh...

P.S. I'm fine with having Shadra as Silaris's Padawan, by the way.

My "C" key was acting up at the time I typed that. Repairing now.

[quote name='Charlotte The Witch' timestamp='1321398749' post='5644849']
Certainly, but only on one simple condition...

[b]General Information[/b]
[i]Name:[/i] Shadra Chi
[i]Species:[/i] Cathar
[i]Gender:[/i] Female
[i]Age:[/i] 20
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
[i]Rank:[/i] Padawan
[i]Master:[/i] Silaris Komad
[i]Preferred Sabre Form:[/i] Ataru, though she isn't good at it.
[b]Personal Information[/b]
[i]Appearance:[/i] Shadra is an ideal example of her species. She is a feline humanoid, about 5 and a half feet tall, with short tawny fur covering her skin, a feline muzzle that has sharp fangs behind them, golden eyes with slit pupils, pointed ears with a few metal piercings in them, black claws at the ends of her fingers, and a semi-prehensile tail about as long as a limb. Her body is lithe and has the frame of a gymnast, her muscles not bulging, but still tight and firm. Her mane is short, spiked back with a few bangs hanging over her face, and cream-colored with the standard Padawan braid attached to the right side of her head. She wears the standard brown cloak, tan overtunic and undertunic, brown leather utility belt, and brown boots, though she hates her cloak and overtunic, and is always glad to get rid of those articles of clothing as soon as she can, needing as little extra weight as possible. She carries various supplies in pouches on her belt, which she also discards upon entering combat, though at least one of these pouches always contains some jerky from some animal.
[i]Sabre Appearance:[/i] Shadra has a red lightsaber, though the hilt has some Kiltik mandibles from a blood hunt she went on a few months ago, otherwise it is a simple mass-production model. The lightsaber is a regular length, colored in an average silver and black scheme, with the normal features and capabilities. Only Shadra's own additions make it hers, though there seems to not only be evidence that this is not her first lightsaber, but that she runs through them rather quickly, as there are several scratches and marks on the weapon that show that it has been used.
[i]Personality:[/i] Shadra is similar to Anakin from the first few Episodes, but without any of the incredibly annoying whining. She is headstrong, hot-headed, and tends to speak her mind...a lot...but she is a good student, and is learning to keep her head cool. She was raised by the Temple, but she has always had a problem with her temper, occasionally lashing out and disrespecting her masters. One Jedi Master thought that assigning her to Jedi that were strict and wouldn't give her any leeway would finally break her, but it took him 3 Knights until Silaris took her under his wing. The perfectionist and his fiery Padawan form a surprisingly balanced team, the calm Twi'lek never getting upset at his Padawan, only simply demanding for her to try and strive to be better. The positive reinforcement, combined with a relatively recent visit to Shadra's species' home planet to allow her to get in touch with her missing heritage and cleanse herself in a Cathar blood hunt, has shown massive amounts of improvement in her demeanor and skills, even joking with her Master during combat, especially over Shadra's ineptitude with Ataru, which she insists, with her species' natural agility, she can master easily. It it clear that her blood hunt not only brought her closer to her Master, being in a sort of debt to him for allowing her to feel calmer than she had ever felt before after the hunt, but it also changed her, making her a bit more level-headed and a bit less likely to slice first and ask questions later. On the other hand, the visit to Cathar has led to the Padawan wanting to reconnect to her heritage, much to her Master chagrin, who thinks that the time she is spending learning about her native culture should be spent practicing that certain lightsaber form she claims she can master.
[i]Other:[/i] Shadra is known among the Jedi Order as a bit of a problem child, Silaris being her sixth Master, and while they haven't been together more than a standard year, and have plenty of room to grow and bond, they are becoming close.
[/quote]Change the name, please. We already have a Shadra (Ms. Seraat, to be precise -- check the character list), and it could get confusing if Shadra on Varluscant had to check in with Shadra on Tython to report her findings to the Council. Oh, and you can't change Master no matter what problems you have -- the Order just works that way. Besides those details, though, the whole app looks quite sound, and it seems like the character would clash just enough with perfectionist Silaris to be interesting without being impossible (though, of course, that'll be up to how you and Quiksilver play the characters). Just tweak the app a bit and I'd be honoured to accept it.

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[spoiler='App: Tesar Noga-ta'][b]General Information[/b]
Name: Tesar Noga-ta
Species: Barabel
Gender: Male
Age: 31
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
Rank: Knight
Padawan: Doesn't matter. Anyone who asks, I suppose.
Subclass: Guardian
Preferred Sabre From: Shien
[b]Personal Information[/b]
Appearance: Tesar is an average height for a Barabel, about six feet tall. His scales have matured fully to a very dark grey and has yellow slit-pupil eyes, emphasized by the larger-than-normal horns that sit atop his head. Underneath his brown cloak he usually dons black clothing to help him keep a low profile if he needs to. Like most Barabel, he's very muscular and his teeth are a healthy 2 inches in length. As a Barabel, his smile is very unnerving, as you can't tell if he's smiling because he's happy, or he's just imagining how well you'd taste.
Sabre Appearance: A 25 centimeter shoto lightsaber; all indents in the design are painted black, the rest remains silver. The color of the blade is blue. He also possesses a green dual-phase lightsaber with a retaliator hilt used in only larger confrontations, but it's merely a prototype, as he has no original basis to build it off of.
Personality: Tesar can be very impatient and easily annoyed. Usually he conceals it very well both through his physical appearance and through the force, but you can always tell how he's feeling by how his tail is acting, something he's never quite been able to put under control. That being said, if he gets something on his mind, he'll spend as much time as he needs to to figure it out. In many cases that may take to long and he'll need the help of his padawan or another master to assist, but usually he's able to come up with a solution to any problem if he puts his head to it. Metaphorically and literally. He's in no way afraid of hand to hand combat, and most of his original Barabel instincts take over in combat, up until his instinct to kill would kick in. He harbors some resentment for slavery and more importantly, civil wars and strife. Most important of all is always that his first thought is always the most logical, never the most emotional, meaning in many cases, he can be very ruthless and at times appear heartless. Even he himself says that he's still learning and loves it the most when his padawan is able to teach him something.[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Charlotte The Witch' timestamp='1321415856' post='5645631']
Sorry. Shadra came up with the name generator.
Edited. Her new name is Taska Yzalli.
I'm afraid I'm still working on my app. If I'm lucky, it'll be up tomorrow; if not, it'll have to wait 'till Saturday.
[quote name='AggroDrago' timestamp='1321473962' post='5646685']
[spoiler='App: Tesar Noga-ta'][b]General Information[/b]
Name: Tesar Noga-ta
Species: Barabel
Gender: Male
Age: 24
[b]Jedi Information[/b]
Rank: Knight
Padawan: Doesn't matter. Anyone who asks, I suppose.
Subclass: Guardian
Preferred Sabre From: Shien
[b]Personal Information[/b]
Appearance: Tesar is an average height for a Barabel, about six feet tall. His scales have matured fully to a very dark grey and has yellow slit-pupil eyes, emphasized by the larger-than-normal horns that sit atop his head. Underneath his brown cloak he usually dons black clothing to help him keep a low profile if he needs to. Like most Barabel, he's very muscular and his teeth are a healthy 2 inches in length. As a Barabel, his smile is very unnerving, as you can't tell if he's smiling because he's happy, or he's just imagining how well you'd taste. He has many scars from early in his life from a civil war that still ravages his home planet, scars, unlike those that he gains from battles as a Jedi, that he prefers to keep hidden underneath his cloak.
Sabre Appearance: A 25 centimeter shoto lightsaber; all indents in the design are painted black, the rest remains silver. The color of the blade is blue. (if possible: he also possesses a green dual-phase lightsaber with a retaliator hilt used in only larger confrontations)
Personality: Tesar can be very impatient and easily annoyed. Usually he conceals it very well both through his physical appearance and through the force, but you can always tell how he's feeling by how his tail is acting, something he's never quite been able to put under control. That being said, if he gets something on his mind, he'll spend as much time as he needs to to figure it out. In many cases that may take to long and he'll need the help of his padawan or another master to assist, but usually he's able to come up with a solution to any problem if he puts his head to it. Metaphorically and literally. He's in no way afraid of hand to hand combat, and most of his original Barabel instincts take over in combat, up until his instinct to kill would kick in. He harbors some resentment for slavery and more importantly, civil wars and strife. Most important of all is always that his first thought is always the most logical, never the most emotional, meaning in many cases, he can be very ruthless and at times appear heartless. Even he himself says that he's still learning and loves it the most when his padawan is able to teach him something.
Other: Tesar was born and raised on a civil war-striken planet and escaped when he snuck aboard a small transport vessel that had had to make an emergency landing on his planet. Once the captain realized he had a stowaway, he was kicked off at their next stop on Corellia, where a Jedi found him and brought him back to Tython.[/spoiler]
[/quote][quote=The App]Biographical information should also go here, but I should warn you: [b]EVERYONE was raised at the Temple and has no memory of their old life.[/b] Period.[/quote]Sorry; Skywalker's case combined with the nature of the Tython Wars, to me, means that the Jedi just wouldn't take any Force-sensitives that had fallen through the cracks. That said, may I recommend that he came across Barab I early in his Padawan-dom, and the brutality of that combined with the knowledge that it was supposed to be his homeworld made it stick with him? 'Cause I like the app, and I'd be glad to accept you. I just have to enforce the rules.

You can have a dual-phase sabre, but I wouldn't think it terribly reliable at this point, with the Order only a few millennia old.


Hydra, TED, DMG, and DK reservations have been honoured but will remain undocumented for simplicity's sake.

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[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1321497102' post='5647741']
I'm afraid I'm still working on my app. If I'm lucky, it'll be up tomorrow; if not, it'll have to wait 'till Saturday.
Sorry; Skywalker's case combined with the nature of the Tython Wars, to me, means that the Jedi just wouldn't take any Force-sensitives that had fallen through the cracks. That said, may I recommend that he came across Barab I early in his Padawan-dom, and the brutality of that combined with the knowledge that it was supposed to be his homeworld made it stick with him? 'Cause I like the app, and I'd be glad to accept you. I just have to enforce the rules.

You can have a dual-phase sabre, but I wouldn't think it terribly reliable at this point, with the Order only a few millennia old.


Hydra, TED, DMG, and DK reservations have been honoured but will remain undocumented for simplicity's sake.
[/quote]I'll fix it up. And might I suggest that the Duel Phase is merely a prototype that he's attempting to build by himself?

And... yes, bibarel...

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[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1321497102' post='5647741']
I'm afraid I'm still working on my app. If I'm lucky, it'll be up tomorrow; if not, it'll have to wait 'till Saturday.
Sorry; Skywalker's case combined with the nature of the Tython Wars, to me, means that the Jedi just wouldn't take any Force-sensitives that had fallen through the cracks. That said, may I recommend that he came across Barab I early in his Padawan-dom, and the brutality of that combined with the knowledge that it was supposed to be his homeworld made it stick with him? 'Cause I like the app, and I'd be glad to accept you. I just have to enforce the rules.

You can have a dual-phase sabre, but I wouldn't think it terribly reliable at this point, with the Order only a few millennia old.


Hydra, TED, DMG, and DK reservations have been honoured but will remain undocumented for simplicity's sake.

Awesome souce. Just discussing who is Master and Padawan before making my app. Also, I work tomorrow until 7:30 at night, then going to my friends house to perfect my Yugioh deck, then leaving for YCS Friday morning and won't be back until Sunday. So...yeah.

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1321513261' post='5648208']
Awesome souce. Just discussing who is Master and Padawan before making my app. Also, I work tomorrow until 7:30 at night, then going to my friends house to perfect my Yugioh deck, then leaving for YCS Friday morning and won't be back until Sunday. So...yeah.
[/quote]U need a master? :3

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