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Toshiro VS Darkplant (Vote now!)


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- The challenger must have 5 Stars or more.
- Challenger can give out requirements
- 4 votes to win
- Votes must have at least 2 reasons and must not only be based on OCG.

Prize: 20 points + 1 rep

[spoiler=Toshiro Hitsugaya's card][img]http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/2487/213613.jpg[/img]

This card is also treated as a Winged-Beast Type monster while it is face-up on the field. As long as this card is face-up on the field, all DARK monsters you control cannot be targeted for an attack, except for "Winged Assassin of the Sky". When this card is destroyed, you can banish this card instead to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of DARK monsters on the field x300.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Darkplant - FEAR's card][img]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/1777/115072z.jpg[/img]

If you control 3 or more DARK monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 DARK monster and select one Spell or Trap card on the field; destroy it. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: Send the top 5 cards of your deck to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Select 1 of your Banished DARK Monsters and return it to your Graveyard.


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If you control 3 or more DARK monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 DARK monster and select one Spell or Trap card on the field; destroy it. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: Send the top 5 cards of your deck to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Select 1 of your Banished DARK Monsters and return it to your Graveyard.

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[b]Darkplant,[/b] because not only does it support it on the field, in the hand, it also supports it by sending cards from deck to grave. That's the key concept. His OCG is also better than yours ^_^

toshiro, your OCG is outdated, sadly. And it's not as flexible as Darkplant's. The winged beast was unnecessary IMO and because of the low stats, why make it the ATK target? It doesn't support it as much as Darkplant's. He fits the criteria more.

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Toshiro Hitsugaya's card:

This card is also treated as a Winged-Beast Type monster while it is face-up on the field. As long as this card is face-up on the field[b]:[/b] [u]a[/u]ll DARK monsters you control cannot be targeted for an attack, except for "Winged Assassin of the Sky". When this card is destroyed[b]:[/b] [u]y[/u]ou can banish this card instead to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of DARK monsters on the field x300.

OCG and other errors:
1.6- 4 errors


Pic and/or name:
1.25-Bad pic, but okay name

3-Good Effect


Darkplant - FEAR's card:

If you control 3 or more DARK monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 DARK monster and select one Spell or Trap card on the field; [u]d[/u]estroy it. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: Send the top 5 cards [s]of[/s] (from) your deck to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Select 1 of your Banished DARK Monsters and return it to your Graveyard.

OCG and other errors:
1.8-2 errors


Pic and/or name:
2-Good pic and/or name

3-Good Effect


Winner-Toshiro Hitsugaya's card
Reason-First, it had a better total. Second, it was more balanced.

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TBH if it were for a card going for my deck darkplant-FEAR would have one automatically without hesitation since i have an archtype SSing by banishing from graveyard so yeah
BUT it is not so i will do a PROPER vote.
Darkplant-FEAR = supports all over the place (hand,deck,feild etc) and also the Spell/Trap destroy would Rap3 the opponent if they have solemn judgement(hate this card honestly, ruined my DS yugioh life)and etc. ANd banish => Graveyard is useful but not TOO much since a lot of grave => hand/feild is banned...OCG its fine looking good

Toshiro = i LOVE the OCG (i use the outdated one too, its orginal) and the Pics good... however 1400 wont do much damage, but protection is good but wont last long (1,3 max 5 i guess),
and also the destroy = damage is good but 300 max is 4 and 1200 wont do much so i would raise

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[quote name='Cold Assassin' timestamp='1322229987' post='5664395']
well please correct me if I'm wrong but both your cards are 4 stars which is LOWER than 5. It may just be my cp messing up though.
Wrong stars.
He means Post Count Stars...

And people who say Toshiro has better OCG, it really depends. [b]Clearly, you have not been exposed to the newest OCG[/b]. Come on.
Yes, he too has not been exposed. I would prolly have voted for him if he had better OCG...

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[quote name='.:Toshiro Hitsugaya:.' timestamp='1322210467' post='5664310']
So did you vote for me or Darkplant?

It's actually up to 3000 damage, including the card itself and your opponent's DARK.

There's a Trap that may last the monster longer. Pixie Ring.
"including the card itself"

Why..... I don't see how it would count as "on the field" if it is banished?

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Assassin has a minor protective effect and does minor burn damage. Neither effect is particularly useful. It falls just under Tomato and BTH range, and it can be used for Icarus Attack. I guess? Interesting art. So-so...

Effigeist's name is ridicu-silly. Special Summon effect shouldn't trigger too often. Pop effect is OK but doesn't trigger Dark Worlds. Helps against Mirror Force, I guess. This seems like Vayu Turbo support. The mill effect makes this card decent. Other effect is a bit situational.

Go, Darkplant.

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Toshiro - Your card just seems so underwhelming. Its a bit redundant to have it be a Winged-Beast, and I don't really see the relation. DARK isn't really associated with burn, and it doesn't really help out the strategies of most of the DARK decks. Drawing attacks to it seems a bit redundant, too, since its weaker than most DARKs you would run.

FEAR - A much more versatile card. A decent summoning condition, good S/T hate, and some unorthodox effects upon destruction. Good deck thinning upon being destroyed by battle, and some good Banish-reuse upon being destroyed by a card effect. Both fuel DaD's effect a ton, which is run in pretty much every DARK deck.

Vote - FEAR

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