Barian Warlord Posted November 13, 2011 Report Share Posted November 13, 2011 Can we use a char form the Balian World??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted November 13, 2011 Report Share Posted November 13, 2011 I'm getting worried about having TOO many people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 13, 2011 Report Share Posted November 13, 2011 I've seen maybe 5, 6 apps but if the host things there are to many they can close it, plus half probably won't be used. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted November 13, 2011 Report Share Posted November 13, 2011 [b]Username:[/b] evilfusion [b]RP Name:[/b] Celes Eisen [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Celes is a little short for her age, with piercing blue eyes and silver-white hair tied in a ponytail. Her usual outfit is a deceptively simple black jacket over a plain red shirt and matching black slacks with a silver belt. She has a deck box attached to her belt containing her Deck, and her Duel Disk unfolds into a smaller version of Kaito's "blade" Disk. [b]Personality:[/b] Celes is a brilliant tactician, but lazy in academic pursuits. She has a strong sense of pride, manifesting in her mannerisms by speaking in a smug tone and with curious emphasis on some words in her sentences, as if speaking to a toddler. She is stubborn in getting what she wants, and has little to no sense of shame or modesty and is extremely upfront about what she wants. She has the unfortunate habit of announcing what she thinks other people are doing, especially in duels when she tries to read their strategies and cards, which can result in blunders, but just as often is revealed to be a bluff. Despite her upfront nature, she is alarmingly deceptive when it suits her mood, which only intensifies her ego. [b]Bio:[/b] As a child, Celes appeared to be slow in developing and her school performance was abysmal. In addition, she had several social problems, in that she would often shun the company of her peers and treated them more often than not as inferiors, despite academic performances implying otherwise. After a number of psychiatrist and doctor visits, her parents managed to get her a tutor for homeschooling. As an attempt to get her more involved in social activities, her parents encouraged her to take up Duel Monsters, which had mixed results. She was definitely more sociable, but she also became more self-absorbed and convinced of her peers' inferiority. Her tutor moved away after the 8th grade, forcing her parents to enroll her in the local high school. When she came across a unique Xyz monster, Number 96: Black Mist, she found an odd sense of fascination that she had never experienced with school or many other activities. She was intrigued by the card text, telling that her new monster could only be destroyed by another "Number" monster. If her card was 96, then there were many others just like it, and she wanted to find out more, but it was a desire much stronger than just hers, fueled by the Number itself. [i]"Collect all the Numbers...crush everyone..."[/i] [b]Status/Faction:[/b] Heartland High Student - Numbers Hunter. Celes seeks the Numbers for their power and as proof of her skill as a duelist. [b]Deck Type:[/b] Sea Lancer Frogs [spoiler=Ace Card(s)]Number 96: Black Mist, Sea Lancer [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toon Chaos Posted November 13, 2011 Report Share Posted November 13, 2011 [b]Username: [/b]Toon Chaos [b]RP Name: [/b]Maiko [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance: [/b]Maiko has black hair with one strand of blue sticking out from his duel gazer when it's on his forhead. He wears a tiedye shirt, blue jeans, and black vans with blue shoelaces. [b]Personality:[/b] Maiko is very fun to be with and always looks like he is having a good time. When he gets mad (which rarely happens) his face gets red and he tightens his hands into fists. He does the same when he is embbarassed, but thats because he is mad when he is embbarassed. He's a great duelist but sometimes he has a long streak of loses. [b]Bio:[/b] Maiko was born in a hospital like any other baby born, but he was born in the hospital [i]waiting room.[/i] Maiko lives in a giant apartment complex in a small town just off of Neo Domino city. The apartment building he lived in was the biggest building in town besides the prime location for a card making company's factory. Maiko and the other kids in town got most of their cards this way, because the interns often put the left over cards in boxes outside the building and the kids took them. Maiko went to school in Neo Domino and had to take the bus there which was ok because the bus he took was a Kaiba Corp. Hover Bus. Kaiba Corp. tricked out most the stuff in town and when Maiko was 9 he got his first duel disk, he and the other boys in town used duel mats and they think Kaiba knew. When Maiko was 10 he built his first deck instead of using random cards he could find. It was the perfect Crystal Beast deck with a scorched 'Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder'. He thought his deck was complete until he found a floating package, when he opened he didn't completely let the number take hold and the results were Toron. Toron was some sort mystic being sent with the number card and gives Maiko advice on how to duel. [b]Status/Faction: [/b]Number Hunter. Toron said it would give him great power. [b]Deck Type:[/b] Crystal Beasts [spoiler=Ace cards.] [url=""]IllumiKnight[/url], [url=""]Rainbow Dragon[/url], and [url=""]Gem Knight Pearl[/url] [/spoiler] Do I have to do a app on Toron too? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 13, 2011 Report Share Posted November 13, 2011 I haven't seen it yet but anybody using either Vylon or Wind-Up archetypes??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 Reserving Freezerdon and Gishkis. If either of them end up being taken, I'm gonna be pissed! D:< Working on app now EDIT: App (WIP at this stage) [b]Username:[/b] Admiral_Stalfos19 [b]RP Name:[/b] Kira Bozica [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [spoiler=Appearance:][img][/img] ^left one[/spoiler] [b]Personality:[/b] Unpredictable to say the least. At one stage, Kira can act like a sweet-loving girl that wouldn't likely hurt a fly, only to turn into a complete and utter b**** within seconds. She can even go from one emotion to another that's completely off into the opposite side of the spectrum. However, there [i]is[/i] one thing about Kira that can be certain: if she sees a Number Monster that would benefit her deck, she won't hesitate to duel over it, and if she wins, that card will be in her hands one way or another. Right now, she's set her sights on No. 17: Leviathan Dragon... and she won't rest easy until she's found it and collected it. [b]Bio:[/b] Kira Bozica's parents have been searching for Number Monsters all their lives, and did their parents before them, and [i]their[/i] parents before [i]them[/i], and so on and so forth. Now, it was Kira's turn to start her days as a Number Hunter. But to be honest, she's never been too keen on it. In truth, she felt that the whole Number Hunting thing was just... wrong, robbing someone of what could possibly be their rarest card just because of one's own inner greed. Kira didn't want to be that type of person, she didn't want to resort to such lowly methods. However, all went well when her father had taught her about ante duelling, a type of duelling where one would offer the rarest card in his or her deck, which would be forfeited upon a loss. Well, Kira may have been burdened with the cardinal sin of being a family-tradition Number Hunter, but at least now she had the means to be a lot more chivalrous about the whole thing, and yet, with any luck, she could still make the Bozica bloodline proud. [b]Status/Faction:[/b] Number Hunter... but only because she's keeping the family tradition. [b]Deck Type:[/b] Gishki. There ARE other Water monsters and Support Cards in Kira's Deck, however. [b]Ace Card(s):[/b] No. 19: Freezerdon, No. 33: Anguis Incantator, Evigishki Rituals [spoiler=No. 33: Anguis Incantator][img][/img][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b]Username:[/b] [b]Trimage[/b] [b]RP Name[/b][b]:[/b] [b]X[/b] [b]Age: 21[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Male[/b][/font][/size] [b][font=times new roman][spoiler=Appearance:][/font][img][/img][/b] [b]He wears more normal clothes when teaching[font=times new roman][/spoiler][/font][/b] [b][font=times new roman]Personality: [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]X is normally very calm and can easily get what he is trying to say across which is very useful in his day job as a teacher. When not at work he is normally more cocky and treats people like they are dumber then him because almost everyone is. He hates history do to the fact that it is different in the 2 worlds.[/size][/font][/font][/b] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][b]Bio: X is the last member of the Tron family which caused some 'trouble' for Yuma and his group before the defeat of Dr. Faker. He lived most of his life in the Balian World until the Astral World was attacked and the Numbers descended onto the earth. Feeling uneasy leaving such power in the hands of people who would just be consumed by it X decided to go to earth and collect all the Numbers himself before anyone else could. After entering Earth X decided that the easiest way to collect the Numbers would be to go to the place they were most likely to gather, Heartland and the most likely place in Heartland would be the high school because most duelists were still students. With his knowledge of advanced science he was easily able to forge the documents he needed in order to become a new teacher and begin his hunt. His duel disk is a robot named Orbital 17 which attaches to his right arm when he duels.[/b][/size][/font] [b]Faction: Heartland High Teacher/Number Hunter[/b] [b]Deck Type: Watt[/b] [b]Ace Card(s): Number 16: Ruler of Color - Shock Ruler, EM Beasts (Xyz monsters that work well with Watts haven't thought any up yet)[/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Trimage' timestamp='1321239791' post='5639792'] [b]Deck Type: Watt[/b] [/quote]<3We have a ridiculously large amount of number hunters, huh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 14, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 We need Clear Brigaders...before the others get flooded Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 I'll consider such a character, if you can give me information on them. If I dont even know what the organization is doing, I can't build a character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 14, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1321242020' post='5639940'] I'll consider such a character, if you can give me information on them. If I dont even know what the organization is doing, I can't build a character. [/quote] Dem can probably tell you more about them than I can Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1321242175' post='5639950'] Dem can probably tell you more about them than I can [/quote]*notices avi* f*** YEA, MAKO WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwarven King Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 I wish to reserve a character that starts out neautral and doesn't run number monsters. :3 *takes out Trishula, Stardust, and Shooting Star* My real life deck is now ready for this RP. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 14, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1321242652' post='5639979'] I wish to reserve a character that starts out neautral and doesn't run number monsters. :3 *takes out Trishula, Stardust, and Shooting Star* My real life deck is now ready for this RP. :3 [/quote] Unfortunately, this RP can't contradict canon, so Stardust and SSD are off limits @ Toon Chaos - Unfortunately, that also means Hamon is off limits. Other than that, accepted. And I forgot to say, but evilfusion, accepted. [quote name='AggroDrago' timestamp='1321242516' post='5639969'] *notices avi* f*** YEA, MAKO WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE [/quote] That took you far too long Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwarven King Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1321242881' post='5639990'] Unfortunately, this RP can't contradict canon, so Stardust and SSD are off limits [/quote] *slaps* Did you not read where I said *TAKES OUT*?!?! >.< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 14, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1321243019' post='5640001'] *slaps* Did you not read where I said *TAKES OUT*?!?! >.< [/quote] I did - apparently I interpreted it wrong; *assumed that "takes out" meant "brandished" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 Yay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwarven King Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Username[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Dwarven King[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#000000]RP [/color][color=#660066]Name[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Jule[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Age[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] 19[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Gender[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Male [/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Appearance[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] [img]*KZR9YFPr3FIYIp-E8QJTtKiLsu55IYsuVlUb36TxTU1QdswgEG4tLpH7ENRoxh9-DofhIso1GvET/AnimeGothGuy.jpg[/img][/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Personality[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Jule is calm and calculative. He tries to visualize every possible scenario before acting acting on the best one. Even if the best option is the hardest one. This makes other believe he is cold hearted, when in actuality he is very kind and caring. Though Jule prefers to keep to himself, so not very many people actually know how he is.[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Bio[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Jule had friends as he grew up, but they were mainly just people he spoke to at school. Rarely did he actually go out and hang with anybody. When he graduated from school, his independence grew while his list of friends withered. The only thing that has remained constant in his life is his deck, which of course is ironic since his deck is unpredictable for even him.[/color] [color=#666600]Not to long after he had turned 19, he was approached by an organization asking him to join them in hunting down certain cards known as "Numbers". He believed it was nothing but a scam and quickly refused. Not to long afterwards, he learned of the existance of said cards and was intrigued. However, he has to decide to try to find one and add it to his deck. Instead, he wishes to only find someone with one of these cards and observe it in a duel. Nothing more.[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Faction[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Independent[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Deck[/color] [color=#660066]Type[/color][color=#666600]:[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Lightsworn. Need a say more?[/color] [color=#666600][[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]][/color][color=#660066]Ace[/color] [color=#660066]Card[/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#000000]s[/color][color=#666600]):[/[/color][color=#000000]b[/color][color=#666600]] Judgment Dragon, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Honest[/color]Spoiler won't work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 ... So no-one acknowledged my reserve? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barian Warlord Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 I have no clue if I'm accepted or not so your not the only person who's lost, and ya if you want people to be villian's they need to know about the organization there in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 14, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1321244189' post='5640050'] ... So no-one acknowledged my reserve? [/quote] Sorry, thought that was established. And Trimage, accepted as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwarven King Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 Is DK accepted? O: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted November 14, 2011 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1321242881' post='5639990'] Other than that, accepted. [/quote] So...yes, you are :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwarven King Posted November 14, 2011 Report Share Posted November 14, 2011 [quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1321244839' post='5640072'] So...yes, you are :3 [/quote] Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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