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Twilight Wings Guild | Welcome our newest Pawn, Jolta


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[quote name='☽☖☠☗☾JAX☼COB☽☗☠☖☾' timestamp='1321273588' post='5640589']
At least your here now.

So tell me, who IS your favorite Fairy Tail character?


Wow, that is quite a hard choice. But I think I have yet to have seen my fav. At this moment I think it is Lyon (Bastia). But he's just slightly higher then many others.

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[quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1321279214' post='5640718']
lol I noticed that too. Well I am gonna go watch a few episodes. Later.

K, till later then.

[quote name='Tentacruel' timestamp='1321280261' post='5640734']
Yay, the club's finally active! I watched the first 20 eps or so with my little sister, then got impatient and sped through the entire manga in a day or two.

Lol, so are you still following the episodes or are you keeping it with the manga?

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