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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328743321' post='5805146']
I say that the guys who made MW2 and got fired should make the next Star Wars Battlefront. Anyone else agree?
I played that game with my little cousin thinking "oh, this is going to horrible." But then I realized it was fun. It's basically a less violent 3rd person Battlefield.

And I probably won't buy the next CoD, because Black Ops caused me to totally lose faith in Treyarch. The only reason I played BO was for Zombies, and judging that the Earth was blown up in Moon, I doubt it's coming back.

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328746880' post='5805246']

I played that game with my little cousin thinking "oh, this is going to horrible." But then I realized it was fun. It's basically a less violent 3rd person Battlefield.

And I probably won't buy the next CoD, because Black Ops caused me to totally lose faith in Treyarch. The only reason I played BO was for Zombies, and judging that the Earth was blown up in Moon, I doubt it's coming back.
[/quote]Blops was better than MW3, I'm pretty much done with FPSs for now unless the next game gets AMAZING reviews.

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[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328747066' post='5805251']
Blops was better than MW3, I'm pretty much done with FPSs for now unless the next game gets AMAZING reviews.
IDK, the main things that I hated about Black Ops was the worst campaign to ever exist, and the engine was pretty bad. The framerate really got bad at times, especially while playing split screen zombies.

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[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328747066' post='5805251']
Blops was better than MW3, I'm pretty much done with FPSs for now unless the next game gets AMAZING reviews.
Don't go by Review Scores, go by your own Judgement :P I might give Infection a go on MW3 tonight. Sounds like lots of fun.

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[quote name='Moe Fantastico J-Max' timestamp='1328747234' post='5805254']
Don't go by Review Scores, go by your own Judgement :P I might give Infection a go on MW3 tonight. Sounds like lots of fun.
I'm going to give Infection a try only because of Whiteboy7thst's livestream. =D

And CoD's reviews are already amazing, thanks to the biased group that is IGN.

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328747212' post='5805253']
IDK, the main things that I hated about Black Ops was the worst campaign to ever exist, and the engine was pretty bad. The framerate really got bad at times, especially while playing split screen zombies.
The Framerate never really got to me to be honest. The Campaign was all right as it switched between different Time Periods. Zombies is always a blast with friends. The only real slowdown I noticed was throwing a Smoke Grenade into one of the houses on Nuketown. Apart from that the game was solid.

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328747212' post='5805253']

IDK, the main things that I hated about Black Ops was the worst campaign to ever exist, and the engine was pretty bad. The framerate really got bad at times, especially while playing split screen zombies.
[/quote]That was my point on how MW is more precise. There's also a big difference in precision between PS3 and Xbox (PS3 requires more precision). Still, overall, Blops felt like a new game rather than a recovered MW2.
[quote name='Moe Fantastico J-Max' timestamp='1328747234' post='5805254']

Don't go by Review Scores, go by your own Judgement :P I might give Infection a go on MW3 tonight. Sounds like lots of fun.
[/quote]Of course, but there are some people who review who have the same opinions that I do.
[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328747298' post='5805257']

I'm going to give Infection a try only because of Whiteboy7thst's livestream. =D

And CoD's reviews are already amazing, thanks to the biased group that is IGN.
[/quote]IGN SUUUCKS.

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[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1328747933' post='5805268']
That was my point on how MW is more precise. There's also a big difference in precision between PS3 and Xbox (PS3 requires more precision). Still, overall, Blops felt like a new game rather than a recovered MW2.
Of course, but there are some people who review who have the same opinions that I do.
IGN is the worst. They gave Soul Calibur 5 a 7.5 because of a "bad storyline." IT'S A FIGHTING GAME!

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328748300' post='5805278']

IGN is the worst. They gave Soul Calibur 5 a 7.5 because of a "bad storyline." IT'S A FIGHTING GAME!
[/quote]Well, in all fairness, that was a nuisance, and they left a lot out there that could have made it SOOO much better.

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328747298' post='5805257']
I'm going to give Infection a try only because of Whiteboy7thst's livestream. =D

And CoD's reviews are already amazing, thanks to the biased group that is IGN.

Well for the GOOD games IGN ratings are good, but for others, they rate way too low

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Well, this is a bit unrelated, here is gameplay of the new maps. Piazza looks really cool, Liberation looks like a ripoff of Operation Metro in BF3. Although it looks good for sniping, and you all know how picky I am for sniping maps. XD


Also, this guy says on the Xbox, all the shotguns (except for the Striker, obviously) have been buffed.

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[quote name='ragnarok1945' timestamp='1328768817' post='5805838']
any reason in particular about the pickiness for sniping?

I tend to accept whatever is thrown at me, usually
Well, I'm not so good at quickscoping, or getting people at close ranges, so I won't do well on maps like Resistance, Arkaden, etc. I need maps with lots of long range encounters like Bakaara. I'm one of those guys that really doesn't use anything besides ARs and SMGs.

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