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What superpower would you have?


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reasons why some powers are horrible

1. flight: no land(air)marks for navigation. unless you're gonna fly around with a world wide GPS system handy you'll be lost for quite a while during flights

2. telepathy: even if you had a mind filter, a persons train of thought, spontaneously changes in rapid succession even for a single thought. So say you were thinking "I'm hungry" telepathically it looks like "I'm, dude I wonder whats for lunch, aww man I'm craving hotdogs, haha dogs that are hot wtf man, dongs, tits, hungry". and that enough to drive any man insane.

3. super strength: in terms of society not all that practical, be prepared for a crap load of law suits.

4. extreme intelligence: ignorance is bliss, realizing every truth may actually be quite sinister to your mental health and stability. what if you could instantly tell when some one hates you, or is cheating on you, or your family happened to be murderers. you'd never give anyone chances totally all your info. you'd be rich and successful, but you'd keep everyone away from you.

5. teleportation/instant transmission: this ones obvious, one false move in navigation can put a phone pole through your body.

6. X-ray vision: have you ever seen an x-ray? a womans body looks nothing like a womans body. it looks like white and black blotches.

7. super speed: your mind can't process the things around you quickly enough to see, then when you stop the rest of the organs in your body are still moving forward, meaning if you were running at 50mph and then stopped, your heart will ram into your rib cage at an approximate 50mph

8. elasticity: your body must still be relatively the same mass, so if your not fat, then this powers of no use to you

9. laser vision: you can't see what you're shooting

10. animal morphing: because your brain will also change its shape and therefore function for something other than humans, once you turn into say a bird, you'll never remember that you can turn back into a human.

11. my personal favorite invisibility: you're invisible only when light is is bent away from you, so in order to be completely invisible you also need to be blind, because your eyes need light to see. unless you want to be a pair of floating eye balls, which I would probably think is more noticeable, with people screaming "WHAT THE f***!?"

if I had a power it would be perfect balance control of my body, at the molecular level

1.enhanced body organ functions, such as perfect heart contractions and perfect distribution of oxygen in body.

2.maximized brain capability (our brain only uses 20% of its possible receptors)

3.hardcore immune system/disease immunity

4. the ultimate bowel system (because only heros take awesome shits)

5. irritability and brain reaction and delivery of neurons to muscles

6. unbreakable bones

7. ridiculously good eyes with also vision of about 50% more of the spectrum then we normally would

7. connection of the senses (this actually exists) so I can pretty much hear colors, taste what I touch, smell what I see from binocular ranges etc... on will

8. direct control of adrenaline and bodily morphemes

9. ultimate homeostatic control, allowing me to survive extreme temperatures without perspiration, allowing me to store more water in my body

10. increases ATP output I don't need to eat a lot to keep up these functions, I can eat the same amount I do now and still run like normal, but enhanced

11. hormonal control

12. ideal felxability

13. maximum fertility and endurance.... lol

14. my trait will most likely be passed on genetically


1. the only issue is if I had all my receptors activated there is a possibility that even though it is assumed to be just the humans maximum potential, it can prove to me mentally lethal, or if not lethal pain full. like mentioned for super intelligence above. like finding out the one true religion, might completely ruin my life, or anyone else's for that matter because that devotion will be the one things worth living for. then if I find out there's no such thing as a true religion, my life will be bent on material things but I will quickly lose faith in humanity as a whole. all those things are worth being ignorant about will disappear, which will pretty much screw over the perfect body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Duh, shapeshifting, even if it's only to wild animals.
Need to fly? Hawk.
Need to go fast? Cheetah.
Need to go fast through the air? 'nother Hawk.
Need to swim? Shark
Need power? Gorilla.
Need I say more?

Of course, I'd much like to keep partial brain functioning of a human.
Enough animal to know how the body works, enough human to think sentiently and know to change back.

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