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Big 3 Post-Time skip Superiority


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Although Naruto is alot further into their Time Skip then One Piece and Bleach, based on naruto returning to the Leaf + the Rescuing Gaara arc, the Strawhats reuniting + Fishman Island Arc and Ichigo regaining his powers + Fullbring Part of the Lost Shinigami Arc, who has had the better time-skip?

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I only read the chapters leading up to the time skip and some of the ones after, and I liked how it was handled. The time skip in Bleach, while necessary, was too sudden. That and the current arc is so obviously just set up and a rip-off of the Chapter Black arc in Yu Yu Hakusho.

People think that Naruto jumped the shark once Part II started. Personally, I like it, and I love how it's developing the overarching plot significantly. What's strange is that the One Piece and Bleach time skips happened so close to each other but Naruto had its time skip years ago. Part II has been the majority of the story by this point, and since I prefer Naruto the most out of the Big 3, it wins by default for me.

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Not Bleach.
I forget the story behind the scenes, but it feels obvious Tite Kubo isn't entirely on board. I mean, one of the villains is a literal self-insertion character.
But while Naruto Part II has definitely upped the ante from ninja kids on missions to full-scale ninja world war, One Piece Part II seems to be going a bit slow on Fishman Island. Technically, they aren't even IN the New World, just UNDER it! But I love One Piece, and I hope it gets better from here.
However, in terms of character redesigns, One Piece takes the cake, as you can tell that most of the cast, who were teens at the time of starting their voyage, are now young adults who are ready to take on the immense challenges ahead of them. Naruto, on the other hand, showed a natural evolution of their character designs, but not much. In fact, Sasuke in Part II looks rather silly to me.
So it's hard to tell between Naruto, who was doing timeskips before it became mainstream, versus One Piece, who is quickly proving that doing something first doesn't mean you do it the best, but Bleach shouldn't even be in the competition.

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[quote name='Charlotte The Witch' timestamp='1321312284' post='5641968']
Not Bleach.
I forget the story behind the scenes, but it feels obvious Tite Kubo isn't entirely on board. I mean, one of the villains is a literal self-insertion character.

Tsukishima's self-insertion nature is exactly [b]what makes him so damn horrifying.[/b]

As I don't read either Naruto or One Piece, I will have to say Bleach.

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OP: the reunion was cool, and so was the start of the fishman arc. But atm I'm finding it horribly boring. The worst.

Naruto: Time skipped years ago, was awesome then, is still amazing now. It's not too fast and not too slow, and is definitely not boring. The best.

Bleach: The time skip was actually needed here imo. The start of the Fullbring arc was kinda boring but had it's moments. The Stolen Power battles we have now are exciting, but seem slow. Then again, character development is what this manga is all about. Close second.

Fairy Tail (because I can): Time skip was totally unnessecary, but helped it a lot. It let the villians/rivals get stronger, and helped, guess what, character development. Plus, unlike the others, it reads almost exactly the same as it did before the time skip.

tl;dr Naruto is best

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