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Verz Bahamut Single - Silent Space

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Since I've just had a brilliant idea, and since Field Spells are popular today...

VBC-049 [b]Silent Space [/b][color=#a9a9a9]S.Rare[/color]
Field Spell
While this card is face-up on the field; all Tuner monsters are not considered Tuner monsters while on the field, in the hand or in the Graveyard.

So, what you going to do now mindless sheep? Mwahahaha *evil face*

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[quote name='Reina Soho' timestamp='1320622542' post='5622475']
You monster!!!

Thank you very kindly.

[quote name='Rai of the Illuminence' timestamp='1320624156' post='5622571']
Synchro Monster: Haha, feel my wrat-
*Silent Space activated*
Synchro Monster: Ah, hell!!!

This would kill off quite a lot of competition nowadays, as the meta is still quite Synchor-heavy.

Well it is a Field Spell, so you can't ping it on someone like that unfortunately. Would have been amusing had someone gone to immense trouble to set themselves up with Birdman or PSZ aiming at Trishula then just I reveal... trololol... That was kind of what I was hoping balanced it in my mind.

I love anti-meta cards, serves dull unimaginative duelists right to have their precious Brionac, Trishula and company taken away from them.

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Awkward moment when you kill off a whole mechanic.

You know, I've never understood all the Synchro hate going on. That's just irrational really.

Brionac, staple.
Trishula, staple.
They are just good. You can't not run something because it's mainstream. Unless you're me, because I'm the Hipster of YCM.

And epic icy dragon things. awesomesauce.

No dissing the icy dragon things.

So, what would I do if I were a mindless Synchro sheep? Use MST, then win.

If you REALLY want to make an anti-Synchro card: turn this into a Quick-Play that treats Tuners as non-Tuners for 1 turn.

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[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1320626575' post='5622670']
Awkward moment when you kill off a whole mechanic.

You know, I've never understood all the Synchro hate going on. That's just irrational really.

Brionac, staple.
Trishula, staple.
They are just good. You can't not run something because it's mainstream. Unless you're me, because I'm the Hipster of YCM.

And epic icy dragon things. awesomesauce.

No dissing the icy dragon things.

So, what would I do if I were a mindless Synchro sheep? Use MST, then win.

If you REALLY want to make an anti-Synchro card: turn this into a Quick-Play that treats Tuners as non-Tuners for 1 turn.

Because seeing 99/100 people using the same card in every deck they make is mindnumbingly dull.

I do love the icy dragon things. I just wish they read '1 Ice Barrier Tuner monster +...'

Obviously this thing is susceptible to MST. Kind of like all S/T's. But hopefully by the time you've drawn one my Xyz's (kill old game mechanic to make sure people spend money on the new one) should have destroyed your redudant non-tuners.

Your suggestion is good too though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What more is there to say?


Ok, here.
As stated before, a teensy-weensy bit awkward as you kill a game mechanic, worked by konami to be over-broken, and so many OP'ed legally.
I use them too.
But only because last time I tried to make a all XYZ deck, it failed spectacularly from lack of support. If this card is made true in any way, shape, or form, XYZ will become the new norm. Personally, I think field spells are the least self-protected spells of all. They can be destroyed just by playing a different field. This card may be OP now, but you just watch as Synchros are shut down in the near future, and XYZ takes the throne. (As the staple, over abused Special Summoning style.)

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It is generic 'I place Stardust, Brionac, Trishula, Catastor and Black Rose in every deck I create' hate on a godly level.

No doubt I will do something eventually about similar use of Levair, Volcasaurus and Chain which everyone seems to shoehorn into every deck they create, although maybe with enough good Xyz reliance on the same old Synchro's may wane.

Thank you for the comments and OCG fix.

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