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YCM should advertise themselves in other forums

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Guest Icyblue

We're ranked #108616 on the web in terms of traffic. The top forum, Gaia Online, is #5889. Seeing as we're a niche, that's not shabby. People find this place through Googling or friends. There's no need to advertise elsewhere.


That's ridiculously impressive o_O... And yea, one thing to remember is. This site no matter what is NEVER about the forum, it's about the CardMaker. Proof? At the time of this posting the basic website statistics is:


34 members, 394 guests, 6 anonymous users (See full list)


Google, Icyblue, john brown*, XNumaBoy, Jazin Kay, johnne, jonasss, HyruleKing, leetendo*, Blueberry23, captain plaid, Soricks24*, Mystery_Bob, LRPXD, DraconicAntihero777, PancreasOfTheCards, Rainbow Dash, Yu Hansung, Yahoo, minuzzz, Kakumei, gimmepie, Azuh, topnacrub*, tranminhduc6698, Discord*, Blackstone Dresden, ShinyButterfree, Poison Love, caleb pg tips, jjurd2, Joshua10172, tjaensch, noscire09, D.Michael, WarKittens, bossou, Facebook, Toxic-skull, Beast1983, DaGremlin, mjohnson741*, Admiral Tim

And that's at 8:39pm GMT -10:00 w/o DST. The forums itself is just a little extra. Not only that but simply typing up "yugioh" in any of its standard forms will result in this forum, on any search engine near the top of their search results. In some cases, even individual cards will link to this site on the first few links. There is absolute zero need to advertise this site, if at all. Ever. (Sorry invisible people who wanted to remain invis ;-; lol).


YCM is VERY active, just not in the parts you pay attention to.

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Guest Icyblue

I did.


Oh and btw 3:00pm -10:00 GMT w/o DST the user statistics are (again sorry to invis users who wanted to stay that way. I won't make this a habit. Promise.):


150 members, 599 guests, 5 anonymous users (See full list)


Icyblue, Anger Level, IcaroNEO, BFG Studios, Flandre Scarlet, GreigaBeastDS, Gandorator, Blackstone Dresden, Google, Rainbow Dash, dbark3, Glowfly, Armadilloz, blackfiremaker, TabaraMiles, jj112112321*, Nomensuper, Nagi Sanzenin, AggroDrago, Yuzuru Otonashi, attacker4500, Techfiend, Leony353*, Shizuo Heiwajima, Lunar Origin, Remo S. Valentine, Icecubezz, Koders, exodia 12345678, c_shaw16, metaknight3000, Legend Zero, parvin, Yahoo, Daemon, Immortal Kween Willow, Agil Ries, Yu Hansung, Ṝaine™, Crash5396, Der Haifisch, I-dreezyAFG, caleb pg tips, Cipher, Thrax, Srharol, willvol, SynjoDeonecros, Mario85555, PanthalassaRex, Shard, .:Blu:., Glitch, Flame Dragon, Ronnie R15, Light Υagami, iCherry*, Izaya Orihara, I_Am_All_That_Is_Man, EricCrisis, Feralsymphony*, BigDuo1000, MajorEdward, anima18, Lucian Barker, Grigoriy Karpenko, .:Toshiro Hitsugaya:., naruto554, BrotherPadorak, jeff hardy56, Kill46, thanonyx, X-Judgement, lil domo kidd, Random Dude, thunderboy123, Michael Khuu, Βlack Knight, Gabriel Maeso, フォトン・ロクサス, PikaPerson01, TommyG, 1SDAN, Omnistar, Chaos Sonic, Shad0w1nf3rn0, Desperado Panda, DeathSDelano, dylan11932, motorcyclez, jeank, Chihaya Kisaragi, Jparksx, Makoto Nanaya, Kyubey, HiZOMBIRyouken, ΩMEGA KAISER, Wandering Artist - Issun, Saikano, macdaddy1, ♥ Chii ♥, Ed00001, ✪✪✪~Star~✪✪✪, carteron, ltorres666, Reina Soho, DeathWish318, Engetsu, Fabio Francisco, TJP12409, Kakashi Prime, odd99, Mako109*, pieman23846, White Archaic Dæmon, Dread689, Mr Spaz, 'raiN, BlueAuraEX, Brushfire, Tentacruel, Heart of the swarm, yurimeshy, Neliel_Tu_Oderschvank, cardideas, Admiral Tim, themintyhipo, NeoTwice, bigpooper, memgon, DaGremlin, Jimmy0208, Blackwing-Master, pielover12, Drmabe27, Alexander Abernathy, Onemannetarox, Thomas Grayson, Facebook, xXxUnDeAdxXx, CononKudo, Jose Tellez, Cursed Reaction, bigdrummerboi13, Leviair the byakk Dragon, TheTurtleOnceCalledGod, -Venser el Transeúnte-, Josh Burlison, Gundam45, Pinkie Pie, shadow12510, radio414, nycpansy12, Tymur Shayk, Mysty, ~Renegade~, Philip 2000, Noa Mckee

This website is plenty active. Nearly roughly 600 guests. Likely here to use the cardmaker (I cant check this though only YCMaker can).

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I did.


Oh and btw 3:00pm -10:00 GMT w/o DST the user statistics are (again sorry to invis users who wanted to stay that way. I won't make this a habit. Promise.):



This website is plenty active. Nearly roughly 600 guests. Likely here to use the cardmaker (I cant check this though only YCMaker can).

Hey look, I was second on the list.


And not even Admins can tell what Guests are doing, it didn't do that for my IP.Board.

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Guest Mr. Striker

8:15 pm -8:00 GMT

I'm sorry Invisible Members.


125 members, 544 guests, 4 anonymous users


Google, Legionnaire, Mr. Striker, Holy Descent, Jack~`, Lunar Origin, Daemon, Hypermario123, Joseph Facio, Shard, Rainbow Dash, Yuzuru Otonashi, Bizarroking101, Trance miasco 2001,Desperado Panda, WTFauKorean, pokemontrainer82, BrokenHeart15, Solrak_N, IshColchado1992, Pinkie Pie, Der Haifisch, :bcoe, Gabriel Maeso, Icecubezz, NeoTwice, Lantern-∞, Yahoo, BrandonSparkman, Rmpblack0i, Squall_Leonhart, Guardian Ceal, Glowfly, Lucian Barker, g5457s, Wandering Artist - Issun, Facebook, keelan10, mspacmangriffin, anima18, Garzard, SugarTits69,Dracinus, shadowblade1224, wingedneoswiseman, Rokugatsu Zugaikotsu, Gundam45, Engetsu, larry4488, subzerowins, Giuseppe Colombo, crossdividex, Loaded Lux, Kurono Kei,SyvaTheWolf123, Immortal Kween Willow, Makoto Nanaya, Brushfire, Yasu, Mysty, poophead1234, evilfusion, TMEGA87, ♥ Chii ♥, AggroDrago, VolTama, skyler_kelly, Alexander Abernathy,Kazekage dragon, go die176, manuex, Veggie Baker, Random Dude, c_shaw16, Camalie, Dog King, Ornaxoxia, Ketodama, Hanshumon, Dark, -Venser el Transeúnte-, ~Applejack~,BattleTalesYumeWo, nathan900130, pokapoka, .:Corbenik:., mrbuilder2000, Lovely Warrior ❤ Fairymon, darkwolf777, Azuh, Mr. Prince, shadowcape, Admiral_Stalfos19, Phantom Roxas, NEOSYUKI, redfinale, ☽☖☠☗☾JAX☼COB☽☗☠☖☾, Nexev the Supreme Party, pielover12, gokuex, tranminhduc6698, ~OW~, Dr. Percival Cox, Marisa Kirisame-ze, 2014233,Neliel_Tu_Oderschvank, Kyubey, bakura duelest 18, Reaper of Shadows, bigdrummerboi13, ScrapAttack, Gigginox Master, caleb pg tips, popcornboshkee, cephalexin, blackberry64, legendhiro, White Archaic Dæmon, Mallory Schneider, GreigaBeastDS, Rafael Olmo-Castillo, sean davis-Thompson, ~King Crouton~, King of Nothing, Wahrheit, gamer13jt, Blue-Eyes493, 1SDAN


We do keep consistant in activity. Also, consider that school is going on.

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8:15 pm -8:00 GMT

I'm sorry Invisible Members.




We do keep consistant in activity. Also, consider that school is going on.

8:15 pm -8:00 GMT

I'm sorry Invisible Members.




We do keep consistant in activity. Also, consider that school is going on.


Its school holidays for me.

And maybe theres users active in General but most other places its pretty much dead.

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Its school holidays for me.

And maybe theres users active in General but most other places its pretty much dead.


Just because it's school holidays for you doesn't mean it's the same for other people. Now shut up and quit whining about how this site is inactive. YCM (YuGiOh Card Maker) doesn't need advertisement, as it was already stated before. If people want to join the forum, they're free to do it, but it's not needed, should they not wish to use the save function.


And you know, it's kinda ironic if you think about it. YCM FORUM doesn't allow advertisements of other sites, and yet, you're suggesting we should do that. That would make us hypocrites.


Moral of all of this? If you think the FORUM is "boring" and "inactive", leave. You would not be missed anyways.

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Well, in all honesty, this site is in fact centrally for the card-making capability, and is unmatched in that repect. One thing I would recommend *cough*staffshouldreadthis*cough* is adding possibly more functionality to the cardmaker.

Which, of course, only YCMaker can do. And he's hardly ever on, usually just to be sure the forum didn't break.

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Guest Icyblue


This site is ABOUT THIS. And it has plenty of activity there. Around 300-400 people using it at any given moment. For a website that isn't about an interactive game, or news site etc, that's ridiculously impressive. I may not know the average unique page hits a day, but a steady number of that IS activity regardless of how you define it. YCM does not need to advertise itself. Topic locked.

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