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Mike2084's Deck

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Here is mine......




The Creator Incarnate

Gemini Elf

The Six Samurai - Irou

The Six Samurai - Nisashi

The Six Samurai - Zanji

The Six Samurai - Kamon

The Six Samurai - Yariza

Gene-Warped Warwolf

Majestic Mech - Senku

Majestic Mech - Ohka

Barrel Dragon


Harpies Brother

Chaos Sorcerer


Electric Virus x2




Hieroglyph Litograph

Spirit Elimination

Goblin Thief

R - Righteous Justice

Back to Square One

Lightning Blade

Dimensional Fissure


O - Oversoul

Advanced Ritual Art





Shattered Axe

Swift Samurai Storm! x2

Return of the Six Samurai x2

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Adhesion Trap Hole

Trap Hole


Tell me if it needs improvments

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Not bad...but where's the creator? Without him, the incarnate is useless.

Also, electric virus may be a problem if your goin against a deck without that type of monsters...so maybe it could be a problem.

Hieroglyph Litograph should be replaced. Ita a life point waster, and it makes you draw what...2 extra cards. Unless you can show me your skills in a duel and prove why you should kep them, you should change and adjust some cards, and focus on some strategy. Nice deck though 7/10 :)

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