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[MTG] Diabolic Tutor


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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1320256142' post='5613050']
I see you Diabolic Tuto and raise you a [url="http://static.starcitygames.com/sales/cardscans/MAGREV/demonic_tutor.jpg"]Demonic Tutor[/url].

Yea, that is why we call searching your deck for a card tutoring regardless of game.

And they are even the same rarity ugh

BTW Best Art:

And My Favourite

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Why is Demonic Tutor good (Juuuuuust kiiiiding)

Anyways, Diabolic Tutor is good (slightly costly, but good) in the right deck, if there's deck space. I'm running GB morbid and since i run so many duplicates I don't really need it. Now, if Demonic Tutor got reprinted...well I'd run 5 (with a 4 maximum, mind you).

I wonder what Magic was like when you could run any amount of any card...

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[quote name='Shard' timestamp='1320326389' post='5614552']
29x Black Lotus
1x Primordial Hydra
24x Ancestral Recall
6x Moxen

Yeah, it probably didn't go like that, but that would be hilarious with Primodial Hydra.
Except Hydra's pretty meh IMO.

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[quote name='Shard' timestamp='1320326526' post='5614557']
ik. But it's the only Pay X this creature Gains +1/+1 Equal to X I know of.
Why would I pay enormous mana to cast big Hydra, and give my opponent 2 turns to kill it before I swing? I'd rather Fireball/Red Sun's Zenith/Devil's Play.

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[quote name='Shard' timestamp='1320326881' post='5614568']
I forgot about Red Sun Zenith =/
I suck at MTG, really bad though.

Problem is...You are going for the Yugimonz Thinking here...and OTK'ing in MTG is something you can do...Only in Legacy/Vintage...and only by playing a seriously skillfull deck...

Yeah...it is not that easy...D:

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[quote name='Shard' timestamp='1320327155' post='5614581']
I suck at Strategy in general. I'm better at YGO, Or atleast trying to get better at it.
No, you're not better. And not improving.

OT: I know that other formats have better Tutors and stuff, but I play Standard, so this is as good :P

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This is the "tutor any card" spell at its fair cost. Any tutor that costs less mana, isn't specific in what it can search, and adds directly to the hand or battlefield, is broken.

I say "hand or battlefield" because Vampiric Tutor is a horrible topdeck. I do admit, though, that, at one mana and 2 life, VT is quite broken as well.

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[quote name='Shard' timestamp='1320327319' post='5614587'] But how can I improve? Seriously, I want to actually be good at YGO and whatever, but I don't know how Q_Q [/quote]

Start for the basics...Studying the game...their rules...the basics...Once you have a medium to good understanding on how the game works...starting to see what's good and what to suddenly becomes not so hard...and testing will improve your skills sooner or later...XD

OT: Card dissapointed me so many times...T_T

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[quote name='King of Nothing' timestamp='1320375090' post='5616059']
Also, I like Liliana over this card. She's more costly, but you get to repeat the effect.
There are a few things wrong with that sentence:
• Diabolic Tutor is in Standard. 5 mana Lili just rotated out. (Okay, maybe this isn't one of the things wrong with your sentence, but it's still a valid point.)
• Lili's search is a Vampiric Tutor search (to the top of the library), not a Demonic Tutor search (to the hand).
• Is your opponent really going to let Lili live more than one turn? My previous experiences say no.

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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1320378510' post='5616152']
Doubling Season make Hydra less killable coz...
My my, somebody likes arguing with me O_O
Anyways, through your logic, any creature without hexproof, shroud, or indestructable is bad. This isn't yugioh, beat sticks can be really fun. And its BEYOND easy for green to take advantage of a powerful creature.

Also at Misty - I'm saying I'd rather run her than this, I'm not saying they're the same card. When I say I'd rather run X than Y, I'm talking about cards that generally feature the same purpose.

And I usually wait till the second set of a block to rotate decks out in Standard. Losing 4 sets and gaining one isn't all that great. My deck currently is standard legal but that's only because most of my rotated-out cards went into a different green deck.

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[quote name='King of Nothing' timestamp='1320393604' post='5616341']
My my, somebody likes arguing with me O_O
Anyways, through your logic, any creature without hexproof, shroud, or indestructable is bad. This isn't yugioh, beat sticks can be really fun. And its BEYOND easy for green to take advantage of a powerful creature.

I Didn't say any creature without hexproof, shroud, or indestructable is bad. The point was...Hydra on its own can't do anything to avoid removal (Pretty Common everywhere) so that the Deck Shard imagined wouldn't be successful (we no mention on how illegal it is) at all by depending on a sole card that it really gives the opponent enough time to deal with it...therefore it is not a reliable win condition as Shard first supoused...that's all...XD

Season + Hydra is a fun combo...sure...you could then argue that Season can be used in much better things...which is actually correct...and we are back to square one...so it is sorta of a pointless discussion

OT: The Card's Cost is a really big turn off...during my time playing the card...I found out that...normally card was dead in hand coz either...I have drawn the stuff I had this card to search for...Normally paying this card + the desired card would take 2 turns and I didn't have the time to waste on that kind of plays (Tapping myself out completely when in a pinch etc)...so yeah...>_<

Unless you use it to find cards for a Game Winning Combo (And Combo not being much...supported this format)...I would rather not run this...D:

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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1320414421' post='5616450']
I Didn't say any creature without hexproof, shroud, or indestructable is bad. The point was...Hydra on its own can't do anything to avoid removal (Pretty Common everywhere) so that the Deck Shard imagined wouldn't be successful (we no mention on how illegal it is) at all by depending on a sole card that it really gives the opponent enough time to deal with it...therefore it is not a reliable win condition as Shard first supoused...that's all...XD

Season + Hydra is a fun combo...sure...you could then argue that Season can be used in much better things...which is actually correct...and we are back to square one...so it is sorta of a pointless discussion

OT: The Card's Cost is a really big turn off...during my time playing the card...I found out that...normally card was dead in hand coz either...I have drawn the stuff I had this card to search for...Normally paying this card + the desired card would take 2 turns and I didn't have the time to waste on that kind of plays (Tapping myself out completely when in a pinch etc)...so yeah...>_<

Unless you use it to find cards for a Game Winning Combo (And Combo not being much...supported this format)...I would rather not run this...D:

I was mostly joking around when I made that

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