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deck on march first ban list.


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before any1 starts gospiling from the ban list this deck is aimed at the spoposed ban list in march. well the deck basicy stops your opponent playing once u get out light and darkness dragon.


2| Light and Darkness Dragon

2| Fusilier Dragon, the Dual - Mode Beast

2| Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys


1| treeborn frog

3| hand of Nephthys

3| hydrogeddon

1| sangan

1| magician of faith

3| Nimble Momonga

2| kiaser sea horse


1| monster reborn

2| book of moon

2| Mist Body

2| pot of avirice

2| monster reincarnation

1| heavy storm

1| mystical space typhoon

2| double summon

1| twister

2| enemy controler


3| skill drain

1| regeki break

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you do reilise that ladd cant be special summoned right


but if you do wanna use one again use book of moon


so neg sheild crush for book of moon and also add in a jinzo and dmoc


so neg drillroid for them ^_^


also get rid of the surzivors


as you dont have macro cosmos or anythting


so if you wanna keep add in dimensional fissure x3 for somthing


take out rfdd and add burial from a different dimension add im imt hinkign a stray lambs for now


do that and this deck will be not bad =)

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