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~The Hand of Fate~


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Alright, Stumble. Let's see what you can do.

1. Either [url="http://www.bishibooru.com/_images/f33e646b73db4fa762464591e4cf023e/55953%20-%20blue_eyes%20brown_hair%20flying%20hand_extended%20kid_icarus%20pit%20sky%20weapon%20wings.jpg"]this[/url] or [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?start=362&um=1&hl=en&biw=1399&bih=642&tbm=isch&tbnid=CginFqRc5EfsBM:&imgrefurl=http://feedthegamer.info/tag/kid-icarus-uprising/&docid=sIG6Uz_PeIRMmM&imgurl=http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2011/09/icarus_2012_01.jpg&w=640&h=360&ei=LMPGTpLcKIrO2AXRotHODw&zoom=1&chk=sbg&iact=hc&vpx=772&vpy=362&dur=236&hovh=168&hovw=300&tx=193&ty=135&sig=111198676449653585512&page=17&tbnh=92&tbnw=163&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:362"]this[/url]
2. Passion Pit
3. Gold words, if you can make them look metallic, so they look kinda 3Dish
4. Make something cool out of one or both of them.

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[quote name='フォトン・ロクサス' timestamp='1321649414' post='5651081']
What you want me to make? and which picture prefer? <--- Only if your choosing one pic
[/quote]Use your imagination! Whatever looks good with the words I asked for in front of it.

Also, the first one.

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[quote name='フォトン・ロクサス' timestamp='1321662723' post='5651516']
Sure can do by Sunday, maybe even earlier. Do you want me to use one pic or two and a sig/logo kind of thing, a stamp kind of thing, or an avi kind of thing?
[/quote]Just one for my sig.

BTW, you should follow your own shop.

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[quote name='フォトン・ロクサス' timestamp='1321663869' post='5651563']
Follow? And so u want a sig? Sure on it :333
[/quote]Yeah, follow. If you look on this page you'll see across the screen from the name of your shop is a button that says "follow this topic". If you follow it, then you'll get a notification every time someone posts.

So for example, it wouldn't take you so long to respond to me right now.

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[quote name='フォトン・ロクサス' timestamp='1321722299' post='5652691']
Hey aggro, cools not really a description. Can you specify please? Example: dark look, light look, old printer look, shattered glass look, etc.
[/quote]xD. What, you can't think of something yourself? :3

Make it darker from the bottom and lighter on top as if he's flying between the Skyworld and a dark underworld. If you could use your imagination for anything else, I'd like that (cause that's what I meant by cool).

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