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Whats so great about Naruto


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Guest ~King Crouton~

What is so frickin great about Naruto that everyone is all obsessed over it?


No idea. I watched up to the end of the Gaara arc on and off and asked myself "why am I watching this crap about Goku as a ninja summoning toads and becoming a naked girl?" I stopped watching Bleach after Ichigo beat Rukia's brother. I was annoyed when they were about to fight 100 episodes before and that cat stopped them to train for 3 days (why didn't they grab Rukia then? Bleach is a stupid series,) then after the fight, I said "DONE!" I stopped watching One Piece after that storyline about Sanji ended. It was a chore to watch every Saturday. How does anybody follow this crap after 50-52 episodes? It's about a blonde kid who wants to be a master ninja. It doesn't need to be THIS long.

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Guest ♥ D.A._Endermen ♥

-Doesn't watch anime in general- I find the manga a god modly good read most of the time. Though I can say I'm not obsessed.


OfT:Anime isn't everything.

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I'm watching the DVDs of the first 26 episodes, and I'm asking myself how the series was able to win me over. However, I do think that the story becomes very interesting, so there's that. It really does have a mix of good and bad, but I feel that the good can so exceptional that it outweighs the flaws of the series.

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I've watched a decent amount of the show, unfortunately. Most all of the original, and up to around where it was 4 tailed Naruto vs. Orochimaru of Shippuden.


I mostly just happened to be in the same room when my brother was watching, but I still know enough that I can complain about it.

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I like how people have the thought that they can label a manga/anime "bad" after watching two episodes and then say something like "what's so good about it?" if this was a serious question of what there is to look forward to then I could understand but if you're not up to date with it and simply write it off then your opinion of the whole series to me becomes invalid :/


Naruto first series: I absolutly loved. I loved the whole Haku/Zabuza saga and was gobsmacked when charcaters like Rock Lee and Gaara were introduced, (Specifically the moment when Rock Lee stopped Naruto and another guy from fighting). After the Chuunin Exams I believe it jumped tio a whole nother level especially when naruto and Sasuke fought.


Shippuden: Meh, start was fair bad, Naruto's been away for 2 years and head learned borderline nothing except he has a bit more strategy when fighting, no new techniques, nothing, that was a downer, really nothing until The Pain Saga really got me overly satisfied not even Itachi's death. The Pain vs Naruto fight was great. And then filler, filer filler, we see sasuke, filler, filler, filler. and as of late the manga has been pretty great what with the new developments.


If you don't like a long lasting anime that centres around a journey of a person seeking to alter the path of their friend then you won't like it.


Also One Piece <3

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I like how people have the thought that they can label a manga/anime "bad" after watching two episodes and then say something like "what's so good about it?" if this was a serious question of what there is to look forward to then I could understand but if you're not up to date with it and simply write it off then your opinion of the whole series to me becomes invalid :/


I keep responding like that to people who badmouth Negima. Honestly, every series gets people like this.

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Guest Random Dude

I like it. It's not my favorite, but I like it. I still find it hilarious that Naruto calls a move "Insanely hard to learn" or anything of the like, someone on DBZ regularly does that. Example, Fireball Jutsu, Dabura Fire breath.

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Okay so the Anime is Good yet Bad, My guy friends are trying to make me watch Naruto and I wanted to know what you guys thought because some of you have watched it. I still will not watch Naruto because its not what i'm into. But Thanks for letting me know why people say "Watch Naruto its cool"

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How to deal with an Anime/Manga that you don't like - just forget about!!

Why complain about something that you were to lazy to keep up with?

I've loved Naruto since I was around 7 or 8 (but now I really don't like the oringal, but that's my own opinion)

It's a great anime/manga if you keep up with it and grow attacted to the characters.

And I admit that some bits of Naruto are boring and there are too many fillers, but they add more backstory so I enjoy them

All this can be also said about Bleach ^

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It's ok. I don't recomend the anime though. If you do watch it, only watch it up until you see the 4th opening. The other 5 openings worth of episodes are useless fillers.

Shippudden's first 2 openings worth of episodes are good. Then third opening's episodes are filler. Here's where I dropped it for the manga, which is already close to the ending (finally) and is getting pretty good if you know what's happening.


I'd respect it a lot more if the creators valued quality over quantity of episodes. Bleach has the same problem.

I stopped watching it when Ichigo and Ulquiorra where about to fight one of the most awaited fights of the season. Until the next episode, I see the new opening pictures all the main characters happily playing in the beach. How could they switch to filler season without any transition at all?

After that I've only watched the openings that followed. After 3 or so more, the story didn't seem to be getting back on track so I don't know about it anymore.

I skipped season 4 too before comming to that.


One Piece I don't know enough to critique on it. It's pretty long though so, I assume it must have the same problem here and there too.

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