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Yugioh: Advanced Battle-Episode 3 Contest

Jack Witt

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Alright I will give 2 reps and 50 points to whomever wrights Episode 3 of Pokemon: Advanced Battle, but it needs to show the duel of Maria and Jack, or a duel of Maria and Quamari




Make sure it follows the right story line, like Jack uses his Crystal Beast, and is good and getting multiples of them out quickly, and Quamari uses cards that are based on chance, Maria uses the Wind Structure Deck but with Hurricana, Goddess of the Storm as well as 3 double summons, and the card Sacred Turbines


This is Hurricana, and Sacred Turbines


[sacred Turbines~Continuous Spell Card~Every turn increase your life-points by 500 for each Winged Beast-type monster on the field.]


[Hurricana, Goddess of the Storm~Wind/Warrior/Effect~8 Stars~Atk/Def: 3000/2500~As long as this card remains face-up on the field, when a Wind-attribute monster is sent to the graveyard, deal 1000 life-points worth of damage to your opponent.]

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