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Card Colors?


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[font=comic sans ms,cursive]I was just thinking and i came up with something...[/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive]You know how Slifer: The Sky Dragon has a red card and Obelisk: The Tormentor is has a Blue card without being a ritual monster?? Would it be a good idea to be able to do that with our cards? I am not trying to bother anyone with this but wouldn't it be cool to have like a super darkness monster and have the card be black without being an Xyz? I think it would...[/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Tell me what you think peoples...[/font]

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[quote name='Pixilism' timestamp='1319659377' post='5601864']
I just think it would be cool. I dont know how to use Gimp and i dont know what PS is. It would be awesome to make a card with like a big strong blue colored monster, have the card be blue but not have a ritual or it not be a ritual monster...

Basicaly, just learn how to use GIMP, PS is PhotoShop, or just go to the Shops sub-forum here on YCM and ask someone.

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