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Pokeformers the RP - The War continues [S/A via OoC]


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FlareShot didn't like this outcome...it wasn't good. He switched back to his robot form and then looked at Thunderbark and his squad. [color=#FF0000][i]There's only one option left... [/i][/color]he thought sighing. He sent out a distress signal and then sent a transmission to Optimus and Teletraan X. [color=#FF0000]"This is FlareShot! Optimus, Teletraan X...requesting a pick up now! We're in a bad situation here...haven't finished the mission, but its been compromised by Deceptimon...we need help or for you to open the Groundbridge to escape...." [/color]he said.

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"Why the worst case scenario. I predicted this. You're coming back too, Echo Squad."
"I don't think so, Optimus, these fiends have killed thousands of us, I can't let them live! Guys!"
"Not now! We have extra bots! They'll take care of the situation. Return now..."
"Alright... then Adios, pals!" Thunderbark growled as a Groundbridge portal back to base was opened. Everyone returned...
"We live to fight another day!" Thunderblast used agility, but not even her speed was a match for the closing of the Groundbridge.

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[color=#FF0000]"Thunderblast nearly had us...that isn't a good thing." [/color]FlareShot said, looking at Optimus. [color=#FF0000]"Mission wasn't a success Optimus, Echo Squad didn't find anything. And knowing our luck lately, Megatron will have Thunderblast investigate what Echo Squad was digging up." [/color]He crossed his arms and then leaned up against a wall. The Deceptimons were getting bolder...even more so than they had before back on Cybertron. He couldn't quite put his circuits on it, but he knew somehow that Megatron was getting desperate...why though was the big million dollar question. [color=#FF0000][i]Megatron is probably just buying time until his new Spacebridge is up and running... [/i][/color]FlareShot though, with a grim look on his face.

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"It is alright, you all require some rest. LOST's squad is still at the mission area, and are still investigating. They must believe that we have all retreated..."
"Take a look, Deceptimon signals and human signals from the Eterna City Museum. It seems that they are working together. To steal... the three orbs - Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous. They represent the power of the three legendary Pokemon of this planet's mythology, that manipulation time, space and void. Should their power be harnessed to upgrade the Spacebridge... the results are better off not spoken of. Most of our scouts deserve rest, I believe I am the man for the job... Teletraan X..."
With that, a Groundbridge opened, and he entered it...

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[color=#FF0000]"Teletraan X, I want constant contact with Optimus and visuals on him." [/color]FlareShot said, deploying some of the little mircobots with cameras built into them. [color=#FF0000]"And prepare the Groundbridge for me. The moment he needs help, I'm going..." [/color]He crossed his arms again and then closed his eyes. He knew what was going to happen...Optimus was going to head for the museum and he'd find Megatron there with his Deceptimon. The last few fights between the two of them, had left Optimus with needing major repairs every time. [color=#FF0000][i]I just hope that this time Megatron isn't there...for Allspark's sake. Optimus you better make it out alive... [/i][/color]he thought sighing.

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Kaname frowned. [i]Jeez, that's annoying...[/i]​ Kaname said, "Well, thanks. I'll start packing now. You can step out whenever." Kaname reached for the Pokeball that held Kogata. She noted his stance was in a bad position if it came to a fight, but she decided to go see Koyuki. After grabbing her bag from the Officer's Tent, she began to walk from her position in the middle of the Legion to the back.
Koyuki saw Kaname coming, and immediately saluted. "Koyuki, you know you don't have to salute me." said Kaname. She noted the soldiers and Pokemon doing backflips. "Koyuki, what are you training them for?" "For stealthily taking out enemies who do a stealth assault." Kaname blinked. "What?" said Koyuki.
Arus sent out a small probe. The probe flew towards Optimus Prime.

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Optimus snooped around the silent museum. Not a soul, not a heart. He needed an actual disguise. He looked left, and right, then he saw a Zekrom statue, and right beside it, an empty pedestal. In-between the statues were some inscriptions. "Cybertronian language? Hmmmm... lets see... the very entities of ying and yang, truth and desire, there is more that meets the eye. Whatever that is... I will note..."
A probe landed in his hand. "Huh? I think I'll wait for this later... someone's coming..."
Optimus shifted into his Reshiram forme, and disguised as a Reshiram statue. "By human ways I suppose..."
He held the probe of his right leg, seeing that Reshiram was the representation of feminity, and it was a culture for some odd reason. Heck, gender differences never even existed back on Cybertron, and sexism never existed even after the invention of CNA.

But the Pokebots migrated to Earth in ancient times. So no big deal, he knows few Earth customs.

He watched as a few Deceptimons and humans ran past him. [i]"I have the worst plan, but it is the safest... wait for it...[/i]

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Arcee continued through the forest, until she heard something on her comms.

[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1319696427' post='5602722']
...cee, ho...ou doi...ere?"

She held up a finger to the side of her head and crouched down behind some cover. [color=#ffd700][font=times new roman,times,serif]"Optimus?"[/font][/color] She tried to contact her commanding officer. [color=#ffd700][font=times new roman,times,serif]"Optimus, can you hear me?"[/font][/color] However, it appeared her transmissions were being blocked by something nearby.

[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1319769895' post='5604165']
"Arc...ave yo...ordina...do you re...me? ...are out...by...mons....back to..."

[color=#ffd700][font=times new roman,times,serif]"Optimus, your signal is breaking up...Optimus, I can't hear understand that you're saying! Optimus!"[/font][/color] Finally, the signal faded, and Arcee sighed, before her brief pause was interrupted by laser fire. She quickly started falling back, away from her pursuers, and leapt through a hedge wall into the backyard of some humans. She looked around the perfectly-mowed grass and the fenced-in yard to see a family of four playing in and around the pool, all four of them staring at her. [color=#ffd700][font=times new roman,times,serif]"Get out of here! It isn't safe!"[/font][/color] She barked, but they only moved after a few seconds, when a laser blast fired through the hedge and hit the wall, at which point they panicked and started to flee inside. Arcee cursed having to put up with these humans, and joined the family as she fired back blindly into the bushes, attempting to protect the humans, as, while the hydrocarbon-based bags of meat were irritating at best, it was the right thing to do, as the Deceptimons would no doubt treat them like non-sentients, and that was if they were in a good mood.
Arcee's polymorphic nanite clusters on her lower arms shifted into a pair of circular objects, each made of a central disk with three curving blades sprouting from the center, like a propeller. She threw the bladed disks, what were called "spinswords" back on her world, into the hedges, where their mononanite edges sliced through the organic matter like a plasma blade through hydrocarbons before subsequently cutting through two of the Startemon troopers on the other side. The spinswords curved around and looped back over the hedge fence to their mistress, who reattached her ranged weapons to her arms. Two of the troopers emerged from the hedges, revealing themselves to be based on a Piplup and a Torchic. The Piplup Startemon fired his freeze ray, which Arcee easily dodged, though the pool turned into a solid block of ice. She cartwheeled towards the Torchic Startemon, her nanite clusters transforming into gauntlet-mounted axes for her to fight against the trench-knife-equipped robot. She swung at her opponent, who blocked, and attempted to knock her down with a sweeping low kick, not the Pokemon move, but the actual fighting move. Arcee jumped up and over, using her foe like a gymnast would use a balance beam, and landed behind him. While this was happening, her clusters had turned into tendrils that has ensnared the Torchic Startemon, and she sent him flying into his companion, who had just started to fire his gun. The Close Combat Startemon was caught in the freeze ray mid-blast, and collided with the Cryo Startemon, freezing both of them together. Arcee subsequently dispatched the pair with a crack of a razor-sharp nanite whip, causing them to explode. She then attempted to contact her comrades again. [color=#ffd700][font=times new roman,times,serif]"Optimus, can you read me? A Groundbridge near my coordinates would really make my day. Is anyone there?"[/font][/color]

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Darkbolt saw the Pokebot on the Teletraan X they used. He lifted his assault rifle to a spot where he could fire on it. The Pokebot was in enemy territory- his territory. He opened fire at the body. Darkbolt loved his job.
Kaname was not overjoyed to have moved. She sighed, and walked back to her tent.
Koyuki saw Kaname walking to her tent. She jumped up to a tree and pulled out a pair of binoculars. She waited for the enemy.
Arus spoke into the probe. "[color=#ff0000]Optimus Prime! I have an important message. You are stranded here on Earth, and know it. I will not return for a while, while I develop a new planet that suits the Pokebots, and a prison for the Deceptimon. When I return, I will take the captured Deceptimon and put the m in prison. Arus, out.[/color]" He said. Arus turned off the microphone and smiled to himself. He liked the sound of "Arus, out."

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