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Gundam SEED

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I've been debating with a friend for a long time because I've heard that this was so bad and I'm trying to get him to understand why. From what I have seen of it, it's not so bad, although I'm guessing that it jumps countless sharks over its run. So, let's discuss one of the most controversial installments in the Gundam franchise.

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It's a pretty standard series. Nothing new, other than the Amuro Ray sleeps with his best friend's unstable girlfriend in the second story arc. It borrows a lot from the original in terms of settings. It starts in space, they have a dramatic battle in the atmosphere, land in the desert, meet an awesome villain who trolls hero (Ramba Ral was better than his SEED replacerment,) they fly around, go back to space, final battle. It's not a stand-out series like Zeta, G, Wing, or, in my opinion, The 08th MS Team, but it's fun to watch.

The lowest point of the SEED universe is that the writers bringing back characters who obviously died and have no logical way of surviving (even Heero Yuy would raise an eyebrow.) Ramba-lite, after getting blown up, inside his Zoid-thing, comes back later on with a scar. The Ryu Jose of this show...

is blown up in space by a mega particle cannon, his Gundam reduced to gibs, and he comes back as the Char of SEED Destiny with just a scar to show for it. You even see him getting messed up in his cockpit before the Gundam gets blown up...IN SPACE.

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