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Ranger ϟ Henshin "To rescue and protect"

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[quote name='YesĜravity' timestamp='1333377312' post='5898843']
Yea you better get that right! lol

But anyway watching Busters... rely I don't like it much.

I didn't like Gokaiger and then after like 10 they were amazing.

If it helps, Episode 6 has Go-BusterOh, the combined machine.

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Nah not it doesn't rely. Go-Busters along with Goseiger are seasons I don't like... out of the ones I have seen. Though it is still visually amazing. One thing that bothers me is the lack of a transformation scene like the others have. I'm only on episode 4 so they may have one eventually.

Out of all the Sentai I have seen I have to say Shinkenger, Gokaiger, and Denjiman are my favorites. I would like to see Jetman.

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Well that's also what makes them unique from other Sentai. Just wait till Beetle and Stag Buster then, if they don't have one then you're out of luck. I'm sure the show will get more awesome later on though.

Oh also Goseiger did seem bad from the episode plots besides the Goseiger vs Shinkenger movie, which I saw. Shinkenger is amazing.

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Mission 6 Extremely Short Summary:

They cannot form Go-BusterOh because Hiromu hesitates. Base is infiltrated. Gamma escapes. Ace, GT-02, and RH-03 can hardly hold off the Gamma and the Beta. Go-BusterOh can kill both in a single hit. However, Go-BusterOh uses twice the Enertron that Ace does. The transformation sequence is super cool though.


The episode is still worth watching though. I think the only filler so far was MAYBE 3 and 5.

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I believe it's because while most other Mecha are combined from the instant they get launched, the Go-Busters have never combined before and it takes a while just to launch their normal Zords.

Also the problem is that unlike previous series (besides Go-Onger), Go-BusterOh has a time limit, and they need enough enertron to transform in the first place. The enemies can take advantage of this rather easy by simply assaulting them and draining their Enertron.

Go-BusterOh's finisher is Dimmension Crush.

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Hey, guys, I made a slight edit in the prologue I made in my PR Fan Fic. And for the bro of Lovely, I'll be back to post the link in just a minute.

Also, my Fan Fic is my own attempt of a Goseiger adaptation. Here's the link.

[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/276458-power-rangers-guardians-of-fate/"]Power Rangers: Guardians of Fate[/url]

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You mean like All Riders vs DaiShocker? It's like a sequel to that and 199 Hero Great Battle, and both antagonists team up to take down all heroes who defend the planet from evil. That's basically what it is. A crossover sequel that has the same basis as their prequel counterparts, except that they team up instead..

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Akibaranger morph with a loli toy that becomes a gun...and the Yellow Ranger wears cat gloves and a blonde wig...and the parody isn't funny at all because they have to explain the tropes...and their helmets are terrible...but their suits are okay...but their theme song sucks...

Power Rangers did a better job poking fun at it's conventions. In Ninja Storm, the original 3 botch the first morph by forgetting the morphing call. In Dino Thunder, Tommy, who was a Black Ranger in this season, joked that he didn't have enough black clothes. In SPD, when Yellow complains about Red and Green randomly getting new motorcycles (to sell toys), Pink tells her "it's a trade-off. They get the speed, we get to look good" (in the U.S. toylines, the male characters get all the Battlizers/Mega Battles/odd misc. toys while the girls just get the standard toys. In-show, only males get U.S.-only power-ups.) RPM had an episode open up by making fun of Go-onger's anime-eye zords, has Green point out the silliness of the exploding background in the morphing stock footage, then Blue questions the point of shouting a morphing call (and a logical reason for this is finally given in-show.) Green's exploding-background-while-morphing reference is even used to solve the episode's problem.

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Akibaranger's first 2 episodes are out (in RAW form at least), and they're good. A funny thing though is that it's a total parody of super sentai and that most of their fights don't show up on camera or to police, which suggest they're fighting delusions. Or maybe only an otaku can see the monsters?

You can go watch to see the episode 2 in the link above.

Also it's geared at older audiences and stuff so there are some inappropriate scenes, but they're mild at most.

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