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EARTH Beast-Warriors


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Werewolf Warrior
[Beast-Warrior/Level 3]
Lore: When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower EARTH Beast-Warrior-Type monster from your hand, deck, or Graveyard in face-up Defense Position, (that monster cannot be used as a Synchro material monster). When you use this card for the Synchro Summon of an EARTH Beast-Warrior-Type Synchro monster, you can banish this card to keep that monster from being destroyed once per turn.

Monkey Assassin
[Beast-Warrior/Level 8]
Lore: 1 Beast-Warrior Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, it gains 100 ATK for every monster used to Synchro Summon this card. While you control another Synchro monster, once per turn, you can pay 1000 Life Points to have this monster attack twice during the same Battle Phase. When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, banish it.

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