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Warhammer 40k vs Starcraft

Great Unclean One: VK

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when I read the title I immediately thought it was a competition of game play, but its not >_>

game play wise I feel that starcraft blows warhammer out of the water
regardless of any of warhammer's bajillion expansions, earlier development and greater variety of races.

the starcraft's series 3 and soon to be 4 games, still have the greater game play factor. This includes campaigns for me (which would be quite surprising for some but if you think about it most warhammer campaigns feel like useless grinding of an RPG)

now if it isn't franchise vs. franchise and more of a crossover in unit vs. unit wise
WTF there's no competition
I swear even the f***ing imperial guard is quite a challenge.

if you matched one space marine to 30 marines the 30 marines would lose, its just not fair.

I mean tyranids vs. zerg they might have the same assimilation rate but those bugs hold frekin guns man, seriously termagant vs, zergling, smallest weakest cannon fodder battle and the termagant still has a gun. Thats pretty much a load of s*** for one side.

protoss vs. elder
okay protoss as of now in sc2 vs eldar then its a fair fight and you really cant, tell. its pretty close possibly protoss with a bit more advantage because the eldar air fleet is probably far inferior to protoss air fleet.

if its protoss at its prime, like before aiur was screwed and they still had dragoon temple and arbitars then protoss win no doubt, compared to the always plotting and hiding eldar (observers duuh)

if you wanna closer match up necrons, eldar, IG and tau vs. protoss (at its prime)
protoss carriers tend to glass entire planets when they're in deep s*** so, thats why i made it 4 races againts just toss, because at their prime they're AT THEIR PRIME

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