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Yu-Gi-Oh! Online

Jacob Slottet

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When i got it i thought it was awesome by it sucks ass for one thing buying those booster pass(not that i am cheap)and by the time u reach lvl 7 if u don't have some good cards, prepare yourself for a losing streak cause non of the noobs will play u..if u do not want to by cards try [www.duelingnetwork.com] all cards are free BUT the whole thing is manual.

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[quote name='david ice' timestamp='1319572978' post='5600240']
When i got it i thought it was awesome by it sucks ass for one thing buying those booster pass(not that i am cheap)and by the time u reach lvl 7 if u don't have some good cards, prepare yourself for a losing streak cause non of the noobs will play u..if u do not want to by cards try [www.duelingnetwork.com] all cards are free BUT the whole thing is manual.

Dueling Network is Dueling. YGO Online is Dueling, Microeconomics, Class Struggle, and a bad movie all wrapped into one, inexpensive combo package.

Don't worry, I throw that around all the time.

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Hmm, I shall try dueling network, then. Thanks.

[quote name='Î’lack Knight' timestamp='1319517700' post='5599458']
It's fun, but I don't want to spend money for BoosterPass Points so I can't do anything as far as getting new cards aside from beating the NPCs enough. XP
That's exactly it for me, hahaha!

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[quote name='Takashi125' timestamp='1320520878' post='5619490']
Dueling Network is far better simply because you can use every card in existence for free! You just have to get use to doing everything manually. It's perfect for a guy like me who loves Yugioh but doesn't want to spend money on Booster Backs and Structure Decks.
but u have to hate when no one know a rulling when an event such as ''you have catastor and the other guy attacks with neo spacian grand mole'' but still make up for the manual controls

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[quote name='Koshej' timestamp='1320844292' post='5628198']
Is there ANY way to play YGO Online for FREE???
I mean, I downloaded it, but was missing ANY Decks...
Do I get a "start" Deck at all???
I got it and the game gives you Yugi Moto's starter deck.When you have started the gave go to ''open main menu'' then ''edit deck''

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[quote name='Koshej' timestamp='1320886540' post='5629299']
Just tried it for real finally.
Well, so it IS playable!!!
Why would I need to get NEW cards if I have a not-so-bad Deck anyways.
There ARE good cards there.

I beat Yugi on the very first duel - and the game FROZE!!!
I never said the cards the game give you are bad, its that most plays as you progress you will see that other player will be sporting better decks such as in most cases dark world.And if i remember the strongest monster in the that deck is dark magician.2500 atk and no eff

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It LAGS hard...
I just 2 min ago had a chance to finally beat that Egyptian dork AGAIN - and the game just LAGGED!!!
My internet is lagging, OK, but why the GAME gets stuck too?!?!?
Should have some "wait for disconnect" time or something.
Cause it feels (the way the "thinking" sometimes lags) that the game is poorly protected against bad connection.
Oh, and yeah, the DECK is playable (with some good cards, it's just that Yugi has better luck sometimes, like 8/10 times we dueled) - though I would prefer some additions. :D

Why is it even "real-time connection while playing" game???
Why not just check for WIN/LOSE after it happens???
Unless there is some point happening during the duel - though I know none.

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Thats way i say www.duelingnetwork.com is better the only time it lags is when you are disconnected from the internet and but some times when you reconnect you can still go on with your game,but if you disconnect for too long then the page is refreshes.And you can log onto the site on any computer with an internet connection.Have you tried duelingnetwork

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