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Lycanthrope Deck


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23 Monsters:


3| Lycanthrope


2| Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

1| Snipe Hunter

1| Sangan

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Morphing Jar

3| Charcoal Inpachi

2| Oppresed People

3| D.D. Trainer

3| Skull Servant

2| King of the Skull Servants

2| Relinquished


13 Spells:


3| Advanced Ritual Art

2| Black Illusion Ritual

2| Magical Mallet

1| Lightning Vortex

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Heavy Storm

1| Premature Burial

1| Pot of Avarice


4 Traps:


1| Call of the Haunted

2| Royal Decree

1| Mirror Force


It needs work. I know.

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dude i was thinking about making a deck like this but if u want to abuse Lycanthrope use enchanting fitting room. so


-3 Charcoal Inpachi

- 3 Oppresed People


+ 3 hunter dragon

+ 3 sonic duck


this will, give your deck more attack force behind it. also think about droping the two black illiousion rituals for phantom of darkness this will continue to abuse Lycanthrope effect

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2| Black Illusion Ritual


Um...may I ask why? All the low-levels seem to focus on ARA-abuse, and not only does this not benefit that at all, it's also...the ritual spell for Relinquished, if I remember correctly. >_> Relinquished with ARA here isn't bad due to the large numbers of Level 1 Normal monsters, but I wouldn't use the regular ritual spells; I'd prefer to see 3 Lycanthrope/3 Manju/3 ARA or 2 Lycanthrope/2 Relinquished/3 Manju/3 ARA.




-2 Black Illusion Ritual

+1 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

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2| Black Illusion Ritual


Um...may I ask why? All the low-levels seem to focus on ARA-abuse' date=' and not only does this not benefit that at all, it's also...the ritual spell for Relinquished, if I remember correctly. >_> Relinquished with ARA here isn't bad due to the large numbers of Level 1 Normal monsters, but I wouldn't use the regular ritual spells; I'd prefer to see 3 Lycanthrope/3 Manju/3 ARA or 2 Lycanthrope/2 Relinquished/3 Manju/3 ARA.




-2 Black Illusion Ritual

+1 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands




yea that what he said.. and i leveled up ur pokeplushie

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