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★☆Wishing on a Star☆★[OoC/Started/Not Accepting]

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My next post will be the second to last post in the chapter, the one following this wil end it, and start the second one. Now, I am fully aware me and Keto are in an intense battle, so I'll PM you, Keto, for an ending to this battle that works for both of us.

Basically, Admiral, you'll have a last post in this chapter, so give Antalkalabydabydoo a brief intro if you will.

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Admiral, as possibly hilarious that sounds, this is your closing post for the chapter. Also, the "flash" is a very significant character, and I'm afraid its an NPC only I can control, just as, I assume, Antalkalis' reinforcement squads can, or should, only be controlled by you.

Also, anyone seen Gig?

And finally, a last change to the posting rule: I've noticed, and probably you all have to, that I make very large posts in which a lot may occur, possibly reducing your chances of further interaction. So, thanks to a dedicated player, I've decided to allow you all a max of two posts after my own AS OF THE NEXT CHAPTER. And, also, in order to further interaction of my own, I will do short posts to do such. Keep in mind:

[indent=1]1 - My [u][b]Short Posts [/b][/u]will be for interaction, and [u][b][color=#ff0000]not[/color][/b][/u] a round restart.[/indent]
[indent=1]2 - My Long Posts will be for advancing the story, and this is when there [color=#008000][u][b]will[/b][/u][/color] be a restart.[/indent]

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Yay, increase in max posts. That'll get things going ^_^

Also... the "flash" is an actual character? How the hell was I supposed to know that.

Anyway, can I still have Sarah see this "flash" and then go insane, just so she can get some fighting in her before she reverts to normal? [size=1]Pweeeease [/size] [size=1] :rolleyes:[/size]

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