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Pokemon: Future Sight [Not Accepting/Started/IC]

Grunt Issun

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Amber felt stupid. Stupider than usual, to say the very least. She's guarded her tongue, then let slip before one of her dislikes. Best guarding there.
When she noticed what Solo said, she stepped forward a small bit.
"Exactly." She said softly. "If they don't want to tell you, then they don't have to. Coming onto your property was an accident, as far as we are both concerned."
"Besides, there was no clear reason us being her. Merely some fun. Of course, judging as to whom I am speaking to, I wouldn't know if you've had fun other than mincing others with what you say." She stepped around Glaceon, following Solo.
"Now, if you would excuse us, miss superior, we'll be on our way. Best not to irritate you longer." She said jokingly, her tone making it all too clear.
[I]Where did you work up THAT dose of courage Amber? Seriously.[/I] She thought to herself. [i]Before, you were stuttering. Oh well, at least it worked. Hopefully[/i]

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When Charmeleon heard Nidoran mention the "Strongest pokemon" thing, his face instantly lit up. He grew a smug smile and shrugged, "Yeah, I guess it WOULD make sense to go with someone as strong as myself" Charmeleon agreed, slowly nodding, [i][i]'And I was going up there anyway! And just looking at her, she looks practically helpless, I can't leave someone with that great a mind like that!' [/i][/i]Charmeleon thought, "I'll take you up on that, after all, anything up there won't stand a Ghastly of a chance if their Ice-types, and if it's a volcano, I'll be right at home anyway!" Charmeleon exclaimed, "So uh... where's this small team of yours?" Charmeleon asked, now completely forgetting about the two behind him, and the other two fighting nearby

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Glaceon sniffed, a bit more haughtily than she may have intended, but she couldn't be bothered trying to mask that. "Fine then. Whatever," she said, her tail twitching lightly. "I have somewhere to be anyway," she added, turning and setting off towards the village boundaries, where she assumed Nidoran would be meeting her. It didn't matter what those three were doing, because she had her own agenda of going to the mountains, and if everything went well, she'd probably not even see them again. They didn't seem like Pokemon that wanted to live in the village, so even if she didn't find a better habitat up north, she'd still probably not see them in the near future.

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Solo didn't even bother look into the Glaceon's cold eyes as she finally let them pass and walked away. Confrontation wasn't a problem, Solo could handle himself in battle, but he'd learned long ago that he'd be best to avoid it if he didn't want to waste time. The Vulpix beside him had seemed rather meek to this point, which was surprising to him, seeing as how pompously she had been displaying herself before. Honestly it was kind of cute.

Rolly was apparently as awed by the Vulpix as Solo, though probably for different reasons. Rolly jumped off of Solo and landed lightly on Vulpix, putting his arms around her neck so he wouldn't get shaken off. It was a rude gesture, but the smile on Rolly's face made it almost completely innocent. "Well I didn't expect to see you so bold from that, especially with the look you had on your face right before."

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"Can I go? PLEASE!!! wannacomewannacomewannacome!" Shinx danced around Charmeleon, and kept begging to come with him. "PLEEEEEEEEASE!!!" [i]Adventure! I'm gonna go on an adventure! Cus even if he says no, I'm still gonna follow him. [color=#800080]Thats my boy. [/color]Huh? [color=#800080]You said you would-never mind. [/color]OK! funfunfunfunfunfun!!! [/i]Shinx ran around and around Charmeleon as he waited for an awnser. He almost fell down a couple times, but he kept running, and running around. "Canicome!!!" he kept saying.

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