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rainbow neos deck ( idear stollen from e hero andrew


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iv decided that the best way of getting rainbow neos out is to not use neos and rainbow directly. i no it needs alot of editing, this is just the first design.


2| cyber dragon

2| doom shaman

2| Rainbow Dragon



3| Elemental Hero Neos Alius

2| mystic tomato

1| sangan

3| Phantom of Chaos

1| snipe hunter

1| morphing jar

1| breaker the magical warrior

3| Shadow Delver


3| foolish burial

2| dark eruption

2| polly

1| fusion sage

1| heavy storm

1| mst

1| premature burial

2| double summon


2| hero signal

2| royal decree

1| call of the haunted


2| rainbow neos

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I wish I could make this deck, but I don't have some of the cards.


2| Cyber dragon

2| Elemental hero neos

2| Rainbow Dragon


3| Phantom of Chaos (I used to have it, traded and now i regret trading it)

3| Elemental Hero Neos Alius

2| Elemental hero wildheart

1| sangan

1| morphing jar

2| mad reloader

1| snipe hunter

1| breaker the magical warrior


3| foolish burial (only have 1)

2| E - Emergency Call

3| polly

2| fusion sage

1| heavy storm

1| mys

2| lightning vortex


2| hero signal

1| torrential tribute

3| dark bribe (Don't have any)


2| rainbow neos (I rather use 3)

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Andrew' date=' this topic is about maddog's deck, not your card collection. Don't hijack topics please.


Personally, I'd prefer to see Rainbow Dark Dragon with Armageddon Knight to get it in the graveyard, but that's just me.



its a v gd idear but i doubt many people have rainbow dark yet.

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