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Pokemon: Future Sight [Not Accepting/Started/OOC]

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[quote name='Lunar Eclipse' timestamp='1319092147' post='5589296']

Do you get me?
Even with Solo's move, the wind would probably scatter a bit of water on her.
...and yea.
Just making sure she wasn't drenched or something.

I had realized that i may have made it a bit unclear. Good we cleared that up :D

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She's a fox, isn't she?
Besides, Ninetails can swim, so why not Vulpix?

[quote]Ninetales have also been shown on several occasions to be able to swim, most notably in [i][url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/M01"]Mewtwo Returns[/url][/i] and [i][url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/M02"]The Power Of One[/url][/i], which is unusual for most Fire-types. [/quote]

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1319165892' post='5590692']
Well, Rolly would probably faint at this point, so I guess that means Charmeleon will "Hang on with 1 HP" after a explosion, which will cause Shinx to faint.
Honestly I've done a poor job of keeping up with what it is that's been going on in the village. So that may not have been the best advice...

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1319166102' post='5590700']
Shinx and Charmeleon are in the middle of a fight.
Shinx put up an electro-barrier/Charge
Charmeleon is using it to boost his Rage constantly in order to do massive damage
Shinx just fired a giant super mega Shock.
That makes sense.

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[quote name='Lunar Eclipse' timestamp='1319174787' post='5590877']
Spot on.

That fight in the village looks intense.....
And we'll be joining it soon. Lunar, what time zone are you in? Just because where I am, you post around 1-5 AM. Could you respond to this by posting what time it is when you post? That way maybe we could work something out to be on at the same time and move this along faster.

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[quote name='Lunar Eclipse' timestamp='1319175136' post='5590883']
Lovely time zone this is.
4:32 PM? ...Europe...? No Australia. If you're from Sydney, I'm gonna be stupid and ask you if you know someone. xD

From what I can tell anytime between 2pm and 4pm your time can work, or 11pm to midnight your time.

There's like a 16 hour difference.

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No, I'm not from Sydney.

so 2-4, and 11.
On Saturday, or a day before a public holidays, I can almost do 11. Usually.
2-4 most weekends.

That reminds me.
Tommorow I have an exam at my high school, to see if I'm incredibly brainy or not (to see if I can be put in the Accelerated Learning Program).

So I'll be on at 3:15 approx.
Unless bro steals computer.

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[quote name='Lunar Eclipse' timestamp='1319176060' post='5590895']
No, I'm not from Sydney.

so 2-4, and 11.
On Saturday, or a day before a public holidays, I can almost do 11. Usually.
2-4 most weekends.

That reminds me.
Tommorow I have an exam at my high school, to see if I'm incredibly brainy or not (to see if I can be put in the Accelerated Learning Program).

So I'll be on at 3:15 approx.
Unless bro steals computer.
Lol, k, I'll try to be on then, but no guarantees.

Accelerated programs. I forgot a lot of other countries have those types of things. I gotta say, I despise the idea of them. But Good Luck. It's not like your future depends on that one exam... oh, wait... it just might.

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