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Spiral Knights


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It's a Free MMO Dungeon Crawler on Steam.

[spoiler=Some info]The game focuses around you, and if you want, a party of other players, as you delve deep into the different areas of the Clockworks, which is basically where this game takes place. You hang out in the Haven when you're not in the Dungeons, trading, Auctioning, talking, shopping, etc.

Your ability to go into the Dungeons is determined by how much Mist you have. You can have up to 100 Mist at a time, and it takes about 22 hours for it to fully recharge, although 1 Mist comes back every 13.2 minutes. It costs 10 Mist to go down 1 Level into the Clockworks, and you can spend your Mist on different things while in the Clockworks, such as opening gates and activating robots to help you.

The clockworks system is very complex, and it'd take a long time to fully explain how it works. It's very impressive, imo.

No actual linear story, but it has some lore.[/spoiler]

Very fun for being free.

I know that Big Brother Desu plays it, but I know of no other. I'd like to see how many actually play before I create a YCM Guild. I wouldn't want to waste 1000 Crowns (Currency ingame) and 500 Crystal Energy (Other currency, Bought through Micro Transactions) just for 2 people.

So, Discuss, post Steam usernames, the like. I'll make the Guild if we have at least 5 people, counting Desu and I.

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