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Diabolus ex Naturia [S/A via OoC]


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Leon and Rachel were both surprised when they saw the shot heading towards them. Leon hoped in the way trying to protect Rachel from the blast when he heard an explodion behind him. they both looked down at the girl who had just saved them. Rachel was a little ticked off the second she heard the girl call her little, so she jumped down right next to the girl. " Who you calling little? Me and my fool of a partner are way better than you." Leon soon jumped down and put his hand on Rachels sholder and said, " Calm down Rachel we're here on bisness not to start a fight with random indevduals. Sorry miss," now directed at the girl they were standing beside, "We can't leave it kind off our job to handle problems like that," pointing at the demon that had shot at them. leon turned towards the demon smiledand said , "One warning leave or you will be tuminated." Rachel quickly turned in to a sword that he caught in his hand. leon took a few steps foward to see how the demon would react.

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Kazuya raised a hand and shot bolts of ice into the shots freezing them and at the same time drastically slowing their momentum due to the force of impact with his ice bolt both falling just in front of him mostly harmless excluding the fact that they almost crushed his current host body's feet. Kazuya's host body was bombarded by the fragments however only showed aesthetical signs of damage the body however not rendered unusable, which if attacks continued like the fragments however wouldn't be long, being completely functional due to his true form being unharmed and the body still capable of movement. Kazuya then noticed two more people jumping down one turning into a sword and the male warned him to leave or be terminated to which he answered by aiming Kenshi at them who immediately started shooting. "You most likely saw her hit me in the chest with an explosive and you think a sword will do much damage?" he then said laughing at the man before snapping back to a serious composure Kenshi having stopped shooting as Kazuya then threw him a couple cm into the air and shot freezing bolts at both opponents before catching Kenshi and looking towards his original opponent who had shot at him multiple times already.

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Penelope noticed the damage to Kazuya and loaded several more blastbacks before jumping and avoiding the freezing bolt, which she slammed Perrine to the ground and fired a blastback at least a few feet in front of Kazuya, creating a smoke ball that enveloped the entire battlefield, obstructing everyone's vision, except for Penelope's who used her psychic powers to detect even the slightest thought in the battlefield. She disappeared into the cloud, making her position not known...

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Leon was soon bombared with shot that he was just able to dodge by rolling out of the way. Leon soon saw the girl load up some shots and create a smoke cloud that he could defenitly not see through. he then thought to use the smoke screen as a cover to get as close as possible to the demon as he could. He than ran in the direction that he had last seen the demon before. Leon thought to him self before looking at Rachel to make sure the plan was ok with her. He than rushed the first figure he saw which happened to be the demon and unloaded a massive swing. he finally fell back in the smoke not knowing how much damage that one swing had caused. Rachel thought to her self this time about how bad her welder was knowing that he accually was extremly good and she knew it but wouldn't admit it.

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Kazuya abandoned the new body in the smoke deciding that he could easily acquire the other wielder's body holding his human host body in his left hand he saw it sliced in half before he threw it aside and charged forwards his large body chasing the wielder he was falling back hoping to simply crush him or tackle him through a building at least while he ran Kenshi transforming back to human and slipping through the smoke unseen having heard that one talk about having heard thoughts before he started thinking moving one way then moved another constantly doing this to confuse them if they really could read his thoughts moving slowly through the smoke hidden in the perfectness of the smoke.

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Leon moved preety fast as he tried to put distance between him and the deamon. he soon saw a giant shadowey figure over head and tried to stay out its way. He soon found cover behind the remains of a car in the area. "Leon you have any explosives left Leon." Leon looked down at his sword and shook his head no," I used them all on the dragon rember." Leon then started to look around trying to pick out what he can see through the smoke. " Nothing, I can't see anything. First dragons and now this can this day get any worst." Rachrl spoke up and said, "dang it I told you this wasn't a great idea. " leon then foucused in on any sound he could here around him for breathin or any form of movement as rachel tghought to her self about the girl who called her small.

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Kazuya stopped moving as he collided with a signpost breaking it and ending the top half flying forwards turning to try to find which way the man went, sending a Fire bolt which slightly cleared the nearby fog allowing him to see a roughly rectangular shape, a car, sending a fire bolt at it then waiting a few seconds and sending an ice bolt the plan being to hopefully blow whatever it was up with the fire bolt sending it into the air and freeze whatever if anything was behind it. "Come out and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy" he then said stretching his voice mockingly teasing the man who ran from him yet earlier claimed to be able to terminate him.

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Suddenly, As Kazuya shot the Fireball and the freezing bolt, Penelope Shot a shell from behind Kazuya, Causing the Fireball to explode near his face as the shell collided with it, and melting the Icebolt at the same time, Leaving the car pretty much Unscathed. Penelope giggled as she said "Well Well Little Demon, You're outmatched, You're Outclassed, and you're outgunned, I suggest you run with your tail between your legs if you want to live!". Penelope disappeared into the Smoke again, Only to fire a shell into the sky, then move again...

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Leon heard the explotion of the frieball and turned and could see the demon's figure he than thought of a way to attack the enemy who he thought wouldn't notice an attack from close range. Leon ripped the tire off the car he was hidng behind and tossed it at the demon for a distraction. He bolted toword the demon from the ground since the tire was comming by air. As the tire made contact with something he relesed a swing so mighty that it cleared the smoke from aroud him towards the demon. " Told yoou I'd have to terminate you." Leon said as he looked around not knowing rather it was a hit or a miss.

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Kazuya's freball blew up in his face the fire not having much of an effect though the explosion causing a small crack on his forehead, hearing the girl say about him being outmatch he thought to himself about what she said earlier smirking slightly as a tire shot at him, knockiong it aside with his right arm he noticed the man swingiong the sword at him the sword causing a sword-sized crack in the side of his large body and probably partially getting stuck. Kazuya then let out a demonic roar not of pain but at anger that the humans caused him to work for the kill shooting out his left arm to grab the man by the throat as he would most likely be still pulling the sword out, ther speed of the demon's arm probably surprising the man. "Girl if you don't throw the weaple here I'll crush his neck.. or perhaps you don't care?" he then roared angrily through the fog keeping the strength of his hand's possible grip only enough to choke the human but not kil him too quickly.

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Rachel soon noticed that she was stuck in side something as Leon neck started to be crushed by the demon. leon used his foot to u loudge his blade from the demon and used it to cut him in the arm. He also unleshed a kick to free himself to the monsters gut. He fell back into the smoke to hide and recop. He than launched a bolder in the opposite direction to distract the demon. Leon rubed his neck hoping the demon would leave when he relized that he had one explosive left in his pocket. Leon poped the cap starting it's fuse and chucked it at the demon. It exploided as it made contact with the demon. Leon hoped that it had worked.

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Penelope Giggled as she held Perrine tightly, seeing a plan to free the deadweight, only to find that it freed itself. Penelope giggled as she aimed to end the fight, Perrine turned into her more advanced weapon form as Penelope Loaded more shells into Perrine and aimed the shaft end, containing a Gatling shotgun, at Kazuya. When she started to shoot at her Gatling Shotgun, Penelope held Perrine by the dull blades of the scythe, Shooting 15 pieces per shot at Kazuya at a very very fast rate, Then the shell fired quite a while ago shot down from the sky...

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Kazuya watched the human freed them self wondering how they did such before soon after a small object hit him in the chest and exploded leaving a crack before from nearby the started shooting faster with a shotgun like effect forcing Kazuya to take a step back as he realized a shell that must've been shot earlier coming down towards him, sending a bolt of fire up to ignite it and explode it if it was explosive before it could hit him small cracks having now covered the majority of his stomach along with larger ones formed from the shots as he Roared much louder than before. "Kenshi!" he roared as the man appeared from the smoke behind him transforming into weapon form when grabbed transforming further as Kazuya roared, "Time to show them.." Kenshin becoming a futuristic looking gun and shooting ball of explosive energy of hit own accord at the girls' which most likely would land and explode at their feet if they didn't move. "Kazuya then released A much larger version of his normal Flame bolt powered by his own pride in his weapon, that of others who he absorbed recently and possibly those nearby and his Rage which if exploded would cause an explosion of heat energy large enough to clear most of the fog and produce low level burns on any human within it's range, Kazuya's skin however due to it's properties would reflect the heat energy and only be affected by the force of such an explosion. Kenshi then shot a small energy shot at the large ball/bolt of fire Before Kazuya turned to protect him from any damage the explosion would Cause sending them flying a few meters and most likely at least knocking down the others and causing some burns, the fog beginning to clear around the area and thus allowing Kazuya to see his opponents as he stood back up his green eyes glowing much brighter due to his rage his back covered in cracks similar to his stomach as he stomped to a nearby figure clearly burnt who was hiding, a simple thug who had been at the wrong place, and as Kazuya shot him with Kenshi and possessed him he transformed due to the man's many battles he had skills similar to a warrior in close range combat and such triggering an evolution when he was possessed rusted gold armor appearing over him, including a Helment/Mask along with a shield which was held in his free hand made of the same appearance having however strength similar to that of Kazuya's skin. a Dark Purple aura then spreading from his skin along the ground covering roughly 5 Meter radius at which it signaled the range of his Inflicting Aura weakening the physical strength, Defense and even speed of any caught within it. Due to this evolved forms natural regenerative abilities despite there being no chance for Kazuya to find a new body due to how abandoned the area had become his body would heal faster in this one and it would be harder to kill than a human one due to a regenerative this allowing somewhat slow-medium regeneration factor of any damage making it harder to kill though still possible if assaulted heavily enough. Kazuya then stretched the arm holding the shield towards the Girls and pulled it back quickly using telekinesis to pull them slightly closer to him hoping to bring them into close range to maximize damage he could do with Kenshi's shots of energy used by his gun form.

OOC: Revenants (my current form) are weak to fire, Immunity to cold effects and those that would affect the earth/Plants able to be dealt with if you destroy the body fast enough (noting the armor has Kazuya's Skin Strength or so which also covers head as a helmet/mask (note if this post seems OP if you have anything to cause flame it can damage the armor faster than an explosion, and I've eliminated the chance of inhabiting another human)

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[quote name='*~Dark~Magician~*' timestamp='1318603789' post='5579212']
Psaro looked back at Rai, the bird-man didn't amuse him or gather any of his interest. "Don't dare tell me what I need. I know, I've always known." Then he turned to the eight-foot demon, no fear but rather an intimidating glare in his severe red eys. "All I need is power. Power to show all who have opposed me, all who claim us monsters..." Then he started to laugh sadistically. "It's funny. We're the monsters, and yet humanity is the reason war exists. Humanity is the sole cause of all this destruction, yet they say we're monsters. Pitiful humans."

Psaro's aura surrounded him again, though not as strong as before. He used it to contact the monsters of Diabolic hall to ready for his return. As the aura fadded, he raised his hand, from which spawned a black orb, hitting the ground in a splash of the dark liquid, from which an enormous Dragon emerged.

Psaro then decided to offer Rai some sympathy. He hated humans, not demons. "I am Psaro the Manslayer, the Master of Monsterkind, and soon to become the future Lord of the Underworld." He stated as his eyes glanced back at Rai. "My goals are my own, and my followers do what they wish, which is to offer me support. I am independant, they want to work for me. I have no bounds, nor no master. If you want my help, remove any and all binds on you. You are to be independant, a man with no master for my aid. I will ask nothing in return if what you want will get me further to my own goals, that it sufficient payment." Then he barked "But know this, I am a Master, the Master of Monsterkind. I will obey no order except my own."

OoC: Was busy, but busy no more I shall be.

"I lack binds to remove... Killing humans is a pretty fun goal, you sure are a, fun guy..." Rai chuckled. "You are much more serious than me, as it seems. And definitely colder. I like you..."
"I mean, not even I would have a heart to do... [i]this[/i]." He pointed one wing to the village that was not there. "Don't know if independence will allow you to obliterate billions of humans, but that is an excellent target, and a trait to be admired."
Rai then created a portal beneath the dragon summoned by Psaro. "Let that guy have a lil' fun. G.O.D. will have as much..."


In a matter of minutes, the collars were destroyed by Geraldine. Geraldine then reverted back to regular weapon forme, than normal human form, looking pale and worn out.
"And remind me, never to do [i]that[/i]..." Geraldine could barely remain conscious.
"Your Weaple partner is too worn out. That wasn't the right time to use the Enhanced Weapon forme," the Nidhogg spoke. "The portal-manipulating Thunderbird dragged us out of our homes, and we can't get back. I am Nogard, what are your names?"

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[color=#0000CD]"Its alright Geraldine...just take it easy." [/color]Alex said looking over at Nidhogg, named Nogard. [color=#0000CD]"I'm Alex Kudo, a Weaple-Wielder. And this here is Geraldine, my Weaple partner. Thanks for helping us with the others, Nogard." [/color]He put his hands in his pocket and thought for a moment. [color=#0000CD][i]A portal-manipulating Thunderbird...might wanna put a A.P.B. on this guy back at G.O.D. HQ. [/i][/color]Alex looked back at Nogard and then quickly asked him,[color=#0000CD]"Nogard, do you remember anything that happened before you were taken by those collars? People, landscape, etc. It might help us out a lot."[/color]

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"Nice to meet you, Alex, Geraldine. Well, easy, we were gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil-"
"The World Tree?" Geraldine interrupted.
"Yes," Nogard commented. "When this Thunderbird appeared through a portal. Next, he attached these collars to us, and wallah."

"Huh?" Geraldine was puzzled. "Why would a diety-based species do such an evil thing?"
"That's wide knowledge. But it can't be compared to his portal manipulating abilities," Nogard looked extremely frantic, "he could be in one place for a second and another in the next!"

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[color=#0000CD]"So he could be anywhere right at this very moment. I'm calling HQ and ordering an A.P.B. on this guy." [/color]Alex said, pulling out G.O.D. issue cell phones, quickly pressing the HQ button. [color=#0000CD]"HQ, this is Alex Kudo. I need you guys to post an A.P.B. on a portal-manipulating Thunderbird. Tell everyone that he is extremely dangerous and he will be in one place a for a second and then another in the next." [/color]He quickly hung up and then looked at Nogard, before thinking of something. [color=#0000CD]"Nogard...have you heard anything, while being near Yggdrasil about someone called the "New Age Jack the Ripper"?"[/color]

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Perrine had turned back into human form and covered Penelope when that explosion happened, Perrine's Skin became highly resistant to the heat and the shockwave, but after the explosion, Perrine's Skin peeled. Suddenly, As Perrine picked up her skin and bagged it, Penelope Grinned a particularly Evil Grin as Kazuya pulled her and Perrine closer to him, She used her Psychic powers, creating an equal and opposite reaction toward the Telekinesis, causing her to stay where she was. She loaded more and more Blastback shells into Perrine after Perrine turned back into her Weapon form. Keeping the Telekinesis focused on herself, She almost instantly appeared behind Kazuya after creating another Smokescreen using a Blastback shell. She swung Perrine at Kazuya's chest and on impact, She fired a Blastback, which at Point-blank range, can set even fire-retarded targets on fire, with the obvious exception of Perrine, Then Penelope Disappeared into the Smoke...

(> Teehee, Looks like the Kid Gloves came off on Penelope... How in the hell do you think she was able to move so fast earlier, She was using her own Telekinesis on herself, This kind of Travel is not affected by anything that slows a person down as it's actually an attack to herself and Perrine, This type of travel only affects Movement and attacking makes herself vulnerable <)

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Leon was glad because he didn't fell like dyeing just yet. He soon saw an explotion happen he was just able to get behind an car that was still in one peice. Rachel turned back a in to human form as he lifted the car to use as a blast sheild. It mostly worked other than his shirt was now on fire just like the car. He patted the flames out of his shirt before lanching the car so it exploded in a bazeing exploition next to the demon. Leon then shocked that he was being pulled in by the demon as rachel turned back in to wepon form so leon could use her as an anchor so he wasn't sucked in. " That was close," now looking at his sword, " We don't get paid enough for this." he then called out to the girl who was also fighting the demon. " hey if you here me then I say we work togather to handle this problem." he waited for her to respond to his agreement as he got A.P.B. from G.O.D about a portal-manipulating thunderbird. He thought i don't have time for this.

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Kazuya felt an object on his back a split second before feeling an explosion impact the body setting the back on fire as the back armor quickly deteriorated. As Kazuya got up he managed to stop the flames by blasting himself in the back with an energy ball from Kazuya not having much of a physical effect of the body except the removal of fire, and some skin, at which time his armor began regenerating along with the skin underneath. "Well I guess it's time to kick it up further.." he then said as he raised both hands and pulled in the telekinetic force of his pull increasing to roughly 1.5 - 2 times it's original strength the nearby destroyed car flying by and hitting his helmet breaking the piece it hit off as it flew past, the piece however regenerating before the car stopped moving through the air. "You call me a mere problem? Give me a psychic any host that can hold magical energy, and I'll show you a problem but as for now I'll settle with this" he said as the armor finished regenerating the skin underneath taking longer to regenerate however Kazuya stepping towards the man Aiming to simply blast him when he came towards Kazuya. "It will omnly hurt for a second.. dying that is.." he then said mockingly whilst he walked gun aimed.

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Psaro looked at Rai, his attempt for his Dragon to cause a little chaos amusing him. "Fine, I can create another when I so wish." He said, standing and backflipping off his dragon which travelled into the portal, soon to reach it's new destination, little splodges of dark fluid falling from it.

Watching Rai he said "Mankind shall fall. Be whoever's hand not, but mine. I shall be the reason, the consequence to mankind's mistakes, the foolish humans who drag their corrupting stench on this earth does it nothing but injustice. I will eradictate them all, with not a single difficulty if my goal is acheived."

Turning back to Rai, he said "I care not what you do. Follow me, and you have chosen your fate. Stay here, and your fate lies with all humanity if you so happen to cross me. The choice..." he said, interrupting himself with his aura sparking, beginning to float from the floor. "...is yours." and he bolted into the sky, searching for his home, the Diabolic Hall, where he would deposit the Black Hadou he had collected.

(PS: The Dragon can be controlled by anyone who so wishes. It's made up of a dark fluid which reconstructs itself, and one hit from a light-based attack will instantaneously destroy the fluid and all (the fluid) attached to it)

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Penelope giggled from the smoke again and said "You should have stayed down little one!" She loaded a shell into Perrine again and appeared in front of Kazuya from his left and Swung Perrine into Kazuya's Stomach again and fired the shell and a Blastback at the same time, It did not set him on fire as severely as last time, but this action flung Kazuya a rather Decent Distance away from the battlefield, across at least 2 buildings, Allowing her some time for herself and Leon to make a break for it. Penelope was wearing herself out with this pointless battle physically, she said "Lets take this matter to a more private place, Why does the little one even try when he knows the outcome?", Then, using her Psychic powers, She grabbed herself, Perrine, Leon, and Rachel and almost instantly shot out of town with them...

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One instant leon was fighting a deamn the next he was out side of town with a girl he had only just met. Rachel turned back in to uman form and stomped up to the girl and looked up at her. "we had it till you got involved," not payin attenion to Leon and some of his injureys," do you even know who we are." leon shock his head in disbelief that his life was most likely saved by this girl and the injures he suffered could have been worst if things didn't turn out the way they did. leon tried to stand but now that the battle aniexty had died down his body was in to much pain move et alone stand. Rachel then back to leon who was by know siting on a pile of ruble trying his best to get caught up after the amount of strenghth he had just used and said, " Why did you not use the enhanced mode that would have worked this time." Leon responded by saying, "you know and I know you can't handle it and i'm not risking your life for mine." rachel paced back and forth thinking what to do about these two girls they just met.

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Penelope then said "Sadly Little one, It was my fight and you two intervened... And contrary to what you say, the odds shifted to his favor the moment you two had arrived.". Penelope giggled and said with a very grim tone "It's not like I can't tell you're from the Grand Organization of Diviners, or what the hell ever G.O.D. is called..." She sighed and continued "That organization is full of weaklings... I could Likely Storm in by myself and burn it to the ground..."

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Rachel was more upset that she called her little agian than calling her weak. " what make's you and your weple so special, I should end you right now." Before she could do anything Leon made it to his feet holding his ribs and stoped her. " what do you mean you could just walce all up in G.O.D headquaters and burn it to the ground." leon soon fell to his knees and looked at rachel and said, "That wasn't our fight we had no bisness in it. Shoot I almost got killed during it." he stood up tall trying to hide the pain. "As for you whats your name." Rachel blurted out before she could answe, " Who cares what her name is let's just take her in." leon looked at her and shooke his head no.

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