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Yugioh: Counting to Infinity [IC/ Started/ Always Accepting/ Co-Hosts: Stalfos, Chaos Soic, Reina Soho]

Mecha Love

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[color=#000000]Maverick nodded, heeding the warning from Neo, before visually scouting the warehouse to see if he could find this 'Photon chick' as he nicknamed the woman that was duelling this guy.[/color]

[color=#ff8c00]'If this was meant to be a hit 'n' run, she's sure doing a job of it,'[/color][color=#000000] Maverick thought to himself, so far finding no sign of her.[/color]

[color=#000000]Meanwhile, Kira had her eyes on a 7-year old boy that had lost a duel, and was about to move in after him when she smelt something in the air. This smell was strange and hardly identifiable by normal means to say the least, but it definitely wasn't the scent of someone who had gone through a garbage heap and now has blood on her hands, and inside her mouth too.[/color]

[color=#800080]'A Number Monssster,'[/color][color=#000000] Kira thought, [/color][color=#800080]'I'd recognise sat sssssscent srom anywhere.'[/color]

[color=#000000]Kira turned slightly to her left to find a much older boy, the scent seeming to come from his direction. She ignored the crowd's generic comment on how bad of a state she was in as she trudged towards him, and stopped a few feet short.[/color]

[color=#800080]"DUEL ME, YOU...!! Young... asaris, kind of... bird keeping perssson,"[/color][color=#000000] Kira demanded, in a hoarse sounding voice.[/color]

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Suzanne just smashed another duellist to the ground. "Pathetic, I want a real challenge." She now had six numbers and only one would work well with her deck. She didn't really care, she just wanted them all. She was wandering around wondering where she would go next. She lost so many people because of xyz's and now she needed to use them to get her revenge. She jumped on her duel runner and sped off. She didn't go far, only to a abandoned building. She kicked around some of the remains of this place. Then from behind her she heard a foot step, "Bring it on," she whispered ready to duel

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Jane Patrick looked up at the deserted building. She wasn't really sure what the point in coming here was - they knew how the man had died, but his wife had convinced herself Jane was not merely able to see past events but could somehow communicate with the dead. It was a ridiculous notion, but the woman wouldn't accept no for an answer, and paid over the odds for the service, so she'd come along anyway, just in case she was able to see the event itself and pick up on any last words.

As she walked across the threshold, she felt a chill in the air. It seemed over human history this man was not the first to die in this place. She walked on, until she noticed someone else, kicking some junk on the floor.

"Hello?" she called.

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Suzanne turned around instantly. There was a person standing near her. She sensed that this woman had a number in her deck, Suzanne knew what she had to do now. "You, We are duelling, I know you have a number and I want it." Suzanne activated her duel disk and looked down at her deck. She thought of all the Crystals in that deck. She had faith in all her cards, though she needed numbers, that was important. The Crystal Crusader was a powerful number and useful with her deck, though she needed them all. "So, what's your name?" asked Suzanne as she felt the thrill of knowing she is about to gain another number running through her.

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Jane looked at the woman, thinking.

"Excuse me a minute," she said suddenly, pulling out her deck to inspect it. [i]They're my cards, so unless I'm looking through the eyes of someone else with the same deck and who checks it before each duel - or I've started seeing futures with my own - this is the present.[/i] She pushed the cards back into her duel disk, and activated it.

"OK, so you're in the present," she noted, "usually I can tell the difference, but it helps to be sure. So, you want my number? Honestly, that's a terrible pick-up line. The drunk guy at a bar last week did a better job than that?"

"My name is Jane Patrick," she added, "and who are you?"

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Seras had just been standing in the crowd, watching the duel between Mako and his young opponent, and was glad to see him offer his opponent tips, a seldom seen kindness these days. Still watching the main area, she started to move away, turning off the duel gazer function and returning her sunglasses to their usual place on the top of her head. She stopped again at the front of the crowd, when the teenage girl walked up and challenged Mako to a duel. As she did, she slid her sunglasses back down her head until they reached her nose, and restarted the duel gazer in them with a quick tap to the centre, looking forward to watching another duel.

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Mako whipped around, finding that the hoarse dueling request had come from a strange girl with blood all over her. He was slightly put off by this, backing away slightly, but decided to duel anyway.
[color=#00FF00]"Alright... I guess. And I have a name you know. I'm not just a 'Bird keeping person', I'm Mako Atton! Duel, start!"[/color] People backed away as Mako activated his D-Gazer, which glowed bright green, and drew 5 cards. He immediately started to form a strategy in his head, itching with excitement as he always was. [color=#00FF00]"You seem like you been in a bit of trouble lately,"[/color] Mako smiled [color=#00FF00]"So I'll let you go first,"[/color]

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Silas was sucking his teeth loudly, duels were always serious business after all. 'So with Accountant at three, I would have a good chance of drawing, however, shuffling can alter those odds if they were together' he muttered as he shuffled his deck and placed it on a duel mat.

'Given the odds, with Algebraical Paradox and Accountant at three, I should have a decent chance to draw it, however, given what I've seen in my draws, I have an excellent idea of what is going to be drawn' he continued and placed a hand on the top card.

There was a sudden sick feeling in his gut as he touched the card, sliding it off the deck and drawing it. He grimaced at the card, there was only one copy of it, but she appeared way too often. 'And once again he interferes with my draws. Why does it want to be played so desperately?' he considered, his eyes sweeping to the extra deck.

He drew the other five cards needed for a first hand, it was perfectly set up to summon him. 'I play Nerd Call, so whenever I summon a level four Zero Force, I can call upon a level two from my hand or deck' he muttered.

He played the spell, then played a monster card. 'I call upon Zero Force Accountant, whose effect will get me a Zero Force from my deck, thus I get fat kid from the deck' he added, acting out each part on the mat.

'I then use Otaku Call to summon Her Corrupting Influence' he stated, though he didn't seem happy about it.

The third monster was played, and because it wasn't a real duel, nothing happened. 'By her effect, the effects of Accountant and Fat Kid are negated, they are treated as dark and as level 2s. Thus I overlay my three monsters and create the Overlay Network. Coming out from the darkness, arise Number Ninety-six: Black Mist' Silas chanted, stacking the three monsters before taking Black Mist from the extra deck and placing it on top.

He stared at the stack and it's evil headcap. He removed it immediately and stared at it. Its image was unmoving, but he could still feel inherant evil in it. He continued staring at it, and for a brief moment his eyes flashed red. 'The Numbers, I'd best see to them' he decided out of the blue.

He shook his head rapidly, as if trying to remove something from within. 'Where did that come from?' he wondered, but took a wary glance to Black Mist.

'I am never going to summon you in a real duel' he said, as if spiting the card.

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[color=#800000]"If you value your life, then surrender now!"[/color][color=#000000] Salaginto warned his opponent, a Number Hunter, on the roof of a skyscraper, [/color][color=#800000]"As soon as Ignis attacks, the cerebral shocks you'll suffer will force you over the edge of this building and into your imminent death!"[/color]

[color=#000000]"I'll be the judge of that!" the Number Hunter scoffed.[/color]

[color=#800000]"Very well..."[/color][color=#000000] Salaginto's expression changed little, [/color][color=#800000]"You never [i]were[/i] one of my original targets, but you leave me no choice! Machine Emperor Ignis, wipe out the last few lashings of my opponent's Life Points with Face of Armageddon!"[/color]

[color=#000000]"Pah, you fell straight into my trap!" the Number Hunter shouted in a triumphant tone, "Mirror Force, ACTIVATE!!"[/color]

[color=#800000]"Pathetic,"[/color][color=#000000] Salaginto retorted, [/color][color=#800000]"I remove Recycle Rerhinobot from Machine Emperor Ignis to deal damage to the both of us equal to its Attack Power! It's over human, now... it's time for you to say goodnight."[/color]

[color=#000000]The mechanical being shot up in the air, before firing a beam straight down on the ground, which left a massive explosion that engulfed both duelists. As Salaginto said would happen, the cerebral shocks were too much for the Number Hunter to handle, as he fell off the edge from the recoil and screamed at the top of his lungs, before crashing into the road head-first, his skull shattering on impact and his blood spilling all over the place. Salaginto, on the other hand, was unaffected by the cerebral shocks, and simply walked his way down to the ground floor, before stepping outside for a closer look at the aftermath.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Salaginto's LP: 8000 --> 6650[/b][/color]

[color=#000000][b]Number Hunter's LP: 1350 --> 0[/b][/color]

[color=#000000]Back at the square, Kira wasn't so sure about going first. She always wanted to be able to constantly be on the attack, and she [i]knew[/i] she couldn't attack on the first turn of the duel. She drew 5 cards, and one more for the turn anyway.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Let'sss ssssssee here,"[/color][color=#000000] she said to herself, [/color][color=#800080]"I plassse one card in Defenssse and two cardsss sasssedown. End turn."[/color]

[color=#000000]As much as Kira didn't like to go on the defensive, she felt she had to study her opponent in Mako. Right now, she knew nothing of his playing style, and didn't even know what deck he was using. She did know that he had a Number Monster; and likely one that would go smoothly in his deck, whatever it was, and she had to see if she could collect it.[/color]

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Kyra continued to speed along after leaving the boy behind, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. A few thoughts where bouncing around in her head as she rode, the most prominent being what whoever was hunting the Number Cards even wanted with them, she’d heard many rumours about them that varied from wild fantasies to simple over-eccentric collectors, none of which Kyra took seriously. Regardless, it didn’t matter what they wanted with them all Kyra cared about was finding this person and then…Well she’d have to cross that bridge when she came to it.

Her train of thought was broken as she saw the sky light up in the distance, looking in time to see an explosion dissipate at the top of a skyscraper a few blocks away in the direction she was going. A sudden thought raced through Kyra’s mind as she remembered the destruction she’d found at her home and she immediately kicked up a gear and sped forwards. It took her less than a minute to cross the distance to the building and once there she had to brake quickly, skidding several feet and coming just short of what had just recently ceased to be a person and was now street pizza, presumably thrown off by that explosion.

She looked up in time to see a figure making his way out of the building and hopped off her D-Wheel, bracing herself for trouble. She was slightly taken aback by the man’s appearance, his outfit resembling something from some fantasy RPG, nevertheless Kyra stood her ground.

[b]“Stay right where you are!”[/b] She demanded [b]“You’re going to do exactly what I say or there’ll be trouble.”[/b]

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[color="#000000"][color=#000000]All she achieved, however, was a cold, blank gaze from Salaginto. The Sector Security officer obviously had no idea who or what he was and what exactly she was dealing with; he could see it in her eyes. But she appeared to regain her composure... then again, this 'composure' could well be a façade. Salaginto mentally shrugged it off.[/color][/color]

[color="#000000"][color="#000000"]Why would this Sector Security officer try to stop him, though? He just did Sector Security a favour in disposing of a Number Hunter. Perhaps she despised his exact method: he did after all make a man-made road-kill out of his previous opponent. However, Salaginto had one more epiphany across his mind. The Sector Security officer must've seen the explosion from Ignis, and perhaps linked it to that of the Numero Industries building. Because of this, it wouldn't surprise Salaginto if she had thought of [i]him[/i] as the prime suspect. Finally he spoke, to give the Sector Security officer a piece of his mind.[/color][/color]

[color="#000000"][color=#800000]"You waste your time, human,"[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]he stated coldly, [/color][color=#800000]"I'm not responsible for the destruction of the Numero Industries building, nor do I show any remorse for those who've lost their lives. Now... if you'll excuse me, I must find another human by the name of Maverick Iwanage. If you truly wish this 'trouble' to be averted, then I suggest you stay out of my way."[/color][/color]

[color="#000000"][color=#000000]With that, he walked straight past the Sector Security officer and continued on his way. This action seemed effortless enough, but how far he'd manage to get before he was stopped, physically or otherwise, was another story in itself.[/color][/color]

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[color=#00FF00]"Alright, my turn! I draw!"[/color] Mako said. He was already getting in to the duel, and he barely noticed the oddities of his opponent. He had already planned ahead, and made his turn without hesitation.[color=#00FF00] "I normal summon mist valley soldier!"[/color] He yelled, and a stout, muscular man with wings appeared in front of him. [color=#00FF00]"Next, I'll activate spring of rebirth!"[/color] A misty, glowing fountain faded into existence behind the soldier. [color=#00FF00]"Now I'll set one facedown spell or trap... and attack!"[/color] Mako shouted. His Mist Valley Soldier rushed at the girl's facedown, brandishing its knives. Mako stood grinning and confident, eager to find out how his opponent would react.

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Kyra's eyes narrowed dangerously at this response, she was not used to being talked down to and neither did she take it well. The man had barely taken three steps before Kyra was blocking his way once again, her arms folded and a look of pure venom on her face.

[b]"I don't give a rats ass about Numero,"[/b] she said coldly [b]"I don't even give a crap that you've likely commited first degree murder and collateral damage..."[/b] She took a step closer, glaring the man straight in the eye [b]"...You know something and your going to tell me [i]everything[/i], you'll probably get rid of me a lot faster that way and you can go back to your little crusade."[/b]

She already didn't like this person and she already had any number of suspicions about him running around her head, though the one that nagged at her most was the way she referred to her as 'human' as if he where some kind of alien. Regardless that wasn't what she was interested in.

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[color=#000000]Kira let the attack go through, revealing her face-down Jurrac Gallim. The monster was destroyed effortlessly, but in its place was a much stronger monster, armed with two flame-throwers that were pointed straight at the Mist Valley Soldier.[/color]

[b][color=#000000]Dinosaur-type/FIRE/Level 6/2300 ATK/1500 DEF[/color][/b]

[color=#800080]"Big missstake!"[/color][color=#000000] Kira hissed, [/color][color=#800080]"Jurrac Gallim can dessstroy any monssster that deseatsss it in battle, and ssssssince it wasss in Defenssse Mode, I can ssssssummon Jurrac Herra in itsss playssse, asss you can ssssssee. Os coursss, you can negate Gallim'sss dessstruxssin esect by disssposssing of a card in your hand."[/color]


[color=#800000]"What, you think you can order this information out of me?"[/color][color=#000000] Salaginto asked spitefully, not showing an iota of an intimidated feeling from such a venomous look, [/color][color=#800000]"You shall know nothing of it, and I'll make sure of that. You humans are all the same; you thirst for knowledge, and this thirst is enough for [i]any[/i] being to despise of you."[/color]

[color=#000000]Salaginto snapped his fingers twice. Usually, this would bring his coveted giant Yata-Garasu over to him, regardless of where it was in the world. But after a few seconds, it didn't seem to even be within visual range just yet.[/color]

[color=#800000]"So tell me, human,"[/color][color=#000000] he spoke in his cold tone, [/color][color=#800000]"What is it that you [i]think[/i] you have a right to know?"[/color]

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[color=#00FF00]"Maybe I will!"[/color] Mako shouted. He sent a card from his hand to the graveyard, and the scorching flames left by Gallim swirled around the Soldier, not even touching him. [color=#00FF00]*Hmm...*[/color] Mako was in a slight predicament here. This new development was certainly interesting, and had broken his eagerness. He knew he was dueling someone who was good, even if it was a strange girl with blood all over her... blood all over her...
[color=#00FF00]"Gah!"[/color] Mako cried.
He, for the first time, really saw his opponent. There was blood all over her mouth and hands, and she ha a ragged look to her. Something told him this wasn't just a normal person... and this wasn't just a normal duel.
[color=#00FF00]"...I end my turn,"[/color] He muttered.

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[color=#000000]Now was the time for Kira to press the attack. Hopefully her offensive ways would force that Number Card out of Mako's deck, so she could have a closer look at it. However, she already decided that she wasn't going to take his Number Card the minute he placed his monster on the field. Kira currently had six numbers already, four of which were completely useless to her personally. She'd much rather focus on the ones which were going to be of [i]some[/i] use to her, like No. 61, for example.[/color]

[color=#800080]"I draw, and ssssssummon Jurrac Selo in Attack Posssisssin,"[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]Kira declared.[/color]

[color=#000000]A small green dinosaur monster with blue hands and a red head took the centre stage, positioning itself right next to Jurrac Herra. Jurrac Velo looked eager to attack, and dug its feet into the ground as it prepared for a sprint.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Dinosaur-type/FIRE/Level 4/1700 ATK/1000 DEF[/b][/color]

[color=#800080]"Jurrac Selo, dessstroy sat Missst Sally Ssssssoilder and ssssssend it to sa Graseyard!" [/color][color=#000000]Kira commanded. Jurrac Velo charged into the being opposite him, running at full force. The best-case scenario may have been that both monsters were destroyed by the attack, but that's exactly what she was counting on.[/color]

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[color=#00FF00]"Stop right there!"[/color] Mako yelled. [color=#00FF00]"I activate my facedown, Icarus Attack!"[/color] The trap card flipped up. [color=#00FF00]"I can tribute my soldier to destroy two cards you control - namely Jurrac Velo and Jurrac Herra!!!"[/color] Mist Valley Soldier shot high up into the air and burst into a brilliant green-white explosion. From it shot two searing points of light, aiming right for Kira's monsters.
[color=#00FF00]"Unless of course you want to negate it,"[/color] Mako said with a smug smile. But on the inside, he was afraid. The girl had two face down cards, and they were making him nervous. He had a feeling that he didn't want to lose this duel. He felt his number card getting warm in his pocket.
[color=#00FF00]*Don't worry... soon...* [/color]He thought.

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"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what we should do when we find this photon girl. All I know is we need to find out how much of a threat she is and where Number 10: Illumiknight is. Let's attempt to avoid a major confrontation, as we don't know exactly what she is capable of, especially with such a powerful Monster like this Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon....." James confessed, to his 2 friends. "Let's just hope that if we [i]do[/i] duel her, together we are powerful enough to beat her."
Alicia heard snippets of conversation coming from dowstairs, in the lower level of the warehouse. Smiling at their uncertainty, she strolled out of the shadows, to the top of the stairs. [i]"They know I'm here, might as well not leave them waiting.... And more importantly, what do they know about the Numbers?"[/i]
When Alicia next spoke, she made her voice higher, and more afraid sounding, trying to confuse the people downstairs and make sure they didn't realise she was the one they were looking for. "Hello? Please help! I think there's someone up here!"
Alexander reached his home in no time. Upon entering, he raced straight to his computer suite and the moniters blazed to life. He opened up a program and typed in several keywords such as; 'Disappearance', 'Xyz', 'Hunter' and 'Number'. He then continued tyo filter the results, suitably so that all that remained was information he wanted.
"What the hell?" he murmered. "Nothing? Orr...... Interesting. Someone is trying [i]very hard [/i]to keep themselves hidden."

10 Minutes later, he was dialling a number into his phone to call the stranger he had met earlier.

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Neo heard a girl yell and then looked at James. [color=#4B0082]"You hear that? Sounds like there's another person up here!" [/color]he said, running around different rooms searching for this girl that yelled. He stopped and scratched his head, wondering where the heck this yelling girl was. [color=#4B0082]"HEY! If you can hear me...tell me where you are! Can't exactly help you if you won't tell us where you are, miss!" [/color]Neo yelled back, trying to see if the yelling girl was listening. [color=#4B0082]"Man this is not how I wanted to spend my night...playing "Come Find the Chick" in a weird warehouse...just my luck."[/color]

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Kyra's intimidation didn't seem to have any effect on the stranger, it was quickly becoming apparent that Kyra wasn't going to get anything out of this man, not with her usual tactics anyway.

[b]"What makes [i]you[/i] so high and mighty?"[/b] She retorted [b]"If I'm a 'mere human' what does that make you? Or did you just escape from an insane aslyum in the recent chaos?"[/b]

She took a few steps back without taking her eyes off the man nor losing her expression.

[b]"I'm searching for someone myself, or probably more than one person I don't care either way,"[/b] she continued [b]"I might even have found him already if I'm lucky, and given that blast you just made you're at the top of my list."[/b]

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"Haha, Jane, I like that you can have fun in your last minutes, though I will not tell you my real name, I am the Crystal Crusader and I will destroy you." She knew that this duel could be hard though she believed in her deck and she needed her numbers. "You can go first in this duel, though you should enjoy it because I will be taking your number after this." She pulled out her first 5 cards and a strategy already popped into her head. She knew what she had to do to win this and it was a risky strategy though effective if it is pulled off. Suzanne than said, "Your turn, lets get this duel started." She awaited her to make her first move

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[color=#FF8C00]"I don't know guys, that voice sounds forced to me,"[/color][color=#000000] Maverick stated, suspicious of the voice, [/color][color=#FF8C00]"I mean, that [i]is[/i] how this one woman abducted a whole heap of children in this one documentary I watched."[/color]

[color=#000000]Not entirely sure what to believe, he looked around until he found a flight of stairs, and slowly crept up them. He stopped half-way up them, and turned back to Neo and James.[/color]

[color=#FF8C00]"You guys coming?"[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]he asked.[/color]


[color=#000000]Salaginto removed his helmet for the Sector Security officer, revealing himself to be a similar race of being as Astral, except instead of turquoise or cyan, his body appeared to have a gold tinge to it. He smirked, and emitted an evil sounding chuckle.[/color]

[color=#800000]"You truly [i]are[/i] a fool, human,"[/color][color=#000000] he scoffed, his voice sounding much more humane now that the helmet wasn't there to muffle it, [/color][color=#800000]"That 'blast' was merely a holographic projection; it was the cerebral shocks that human suffered that caused his demise."[/color]

[color=#000000]His eyes 'pointed' to the man-made road-kill that was now behind the both of them, only to see that the giant Yata-Garasu had been picking the flesh off his bones the whole time. This one was at least 5 times the size of a normal Yata-Garasu, and was more than large enough to ride on the back of. It performed a demonic sounding squawk, signalling that it was ready to go.[/color]

[color=#800000]"Like I told you before,"[/color][color=#000000] Salaginto added, [/color][color=#800000]"You waste your time..."[/color]

[color=#000000]With that, he jumped on the back of his giant Yata-Garasu, which took off and soared into the sky in a matter of seconds.[/color]


[color=#800080]"You'll has to do better san sat!"[/color][color=#000000] Kira scoffed, [/color][color=#800080]"Ssssssesen Toolsss os sa Bandit, ACTISATE!! I asssume you know what thisss doesss. But in sa meantime, Jurrac Selo, presss sa attack, and Jurrac Herra, follow ssssssuit!"[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Kira's LP: 8000 --> 7000[/b][/color]

[color=#000000]Both monsters charged at Mako, Jurrac Herra stopping short to launch both its flamethrowers at full force.[/color]

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[color=#00FF00]"Aghh!"[/color] Mako cried. Velo slashed at him fiercely, and Herra blew its flamethrowers at him. Fire swirled around him in a scorching torrent.

[b]Mako's LP: 8000 ---> 4000[/b]

He sagged as his LP went down. His confidence was totally broken, and he was scared too. The blood-stained girl had a vicious look in her eyes. He looked at the measly two cards in his hand.
[color=#00FF00]*I was too reckless... I should have paid more attention to card advantage...*[/color] He thought solemnly. [color=#00FF00]*But maybe... just maybe...*[/color] A new strategy was already forming, and hope began to slowly return.
[color=#00FF00]"Alright, end your turn?"[/color] Mako said with a crooked smile.

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[color=#800080][color=#800080]"One sassse-down,"[/color][color=#000000] Kira corrected Mako, placing a card face-down on the field, [/color][color=#800080]"You can do better san sisss, I'm sssure of it. You didn't esen need your Number Monssster during your lassst battle. I'm curiousss, why are you ssstruggling now?"[/color][/color]

[color=#800080][color=#000000]As hopeful as she was in seeing that Number in action, whatever it was, at this rate it was going to be impossible for that wish to be achieved. Nonetheless, she motioned for Mako to make his move, and see if he could make a comeback.[/color][/color]

[color=#800080][color=#000000][spoiler=Kira's Status:]LP: 7000[/color][/color]
[color=#800080][color=#000000]Cards in Hand: 1[/color][/color]
[color=#800080][color=#000000]Cards on Field: Jurrac Herra, Jurrac Velo, 2ST[/color][/color]
[color=#800080][color=#000000]Cards in Graveyard: Jurrac Gallim, Seven Tools of the Bandit[/color][/color]
[color=#800080][color=#000000]Banished Cards: N/A[/spoiler][/color][/color]

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[color=#00FF00]"Alright... I draw,"[/color] Mako said hopefully. For a second, time seemed to freeze for him. Then, he smiled.[color=#00FF00] "Let's do this!"[/color]
[color=#00FF00]"First, I'll play my field spell - Divine Wind of Mist Valley!"[/color] Suddenly, the area around them started to blow with a soft, rainbow colored breeze. [color=#00FF00]"Now I normal summon Mist Valley Thunderbird!"[/color] A strange green-yellow bird appeared on the field.[color=#00FF00] "Now I'll return it to my hand to special summon Genex Ally Birdman!"[/color] A mechanical bird came into existence. [color=#00FF00]"But wait - due to its effect it special summoned out again!"[/color] Thunderbird appeared on the field again in a flash. [color=#00FF00]"Now due to Spring of Rebirth I gain 500 life points, and due to Divine Wind I can summon Mist Valley Falcon from my deck!"[/color] Simultaneously, Mako was enveloped in a green aura and a winged, female warrior appeared on his field. [color=#00FF00]"Now I'll use Falcon and Birdman to synchro summon Mist Valley Thunder Lord!"[/color] The giant green ogre used in Mako's last duel appeared on his field. [color=#00FF00]"Now I'll activate its effect to send Thunderbird to my hand and have Thunder Lord gain 500 attack!"[/color] Thunderbird went to the hand and special summoned itself again, while the winged, muscular beast crackled with static and Mako gained another 500 life points. [color=#00FF00]"Now I can summon another Falcon from my deck with Divine wind's effect!"[/color] Yet another monster appeared on Mako's field.[color=#00FF00] "Now I'll come to my battle phase... and attack Herra with Thunder Lord!" [/color]Mako was practically screaming now, sweat pouring down his face and curving around his wide grin. His number card seared him through his pocket.
[color=#00FF00]*Don't worry, soon... soon...*[/color]

Falcon - 2000 attack
Thunderbird - 1100 attack
Thunder Lord - 3100 attack

[spoiler='Mako's Status]
LP: 5000
Hand: 0
Field: Thunderbird, Thunder Lord, Falcon, and for S/Ts - Spring of Rebirth, Divine Wind
Graveyard: Winged Rhynos (Discarded), Genex Ally Birdman, Falcon, Icarus Attack
Banished: 0

OOC: Sorry for the super long and complicated post :P

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