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Yu-Gi-Oh! Invasion of the Clear Brigade - Arc 1: Hunt for the "Numbers" [IC: Started/Currently Accepting]


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Delilah simply flipped up her Trap Card, not displaying any surprise at the direct attack. She actually seemed a bit...bored... [color=#a9a9a9]"I activate Defense Draw."[/color] The attack from Drill Barnacle seemed to hit some sort of barrier, preventing the monster from doing any real damage, as Delilah drew a card. [color=#a9a9a9]"Also, I believe that, since the amount of Battle Damage your Drill Barnacle inflicted became 0, it does not get its attack boost. I could be wrong, but I hope I am correct."[/color]

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"You are correct. Drill Barnacle must inflict Battle Damage by a direct attack," Natalie admitted. [i]She had Defense Draw? Interesting...[/i]she scanned over the remaining cards in her hand. "I'll end my turn with that," she said, waving her hand to Delilah. Even though Delilah had the advantage with a monster she couldn't yet defeat, Natalie had marginally more control over the duel itself, and if all went well, which she currently doubted it would, then she'd be able to press through in the next turn or so.

LP: 4000
H: 3
M: Gachi (DEF: 2200), Drill Barnacle (ATK: 700)
S/T: 1 f/d, Fiendish Chain.

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Delilah drew her card, still rather impassive. [color=#a9a9a9]"I think it's time for this ball to get rolling. I will first activate Monster Reincarnation, discarding Light Serpent to get back Sacred Pollux."[/color] A winged blade appeared, and a glowing snake slithered onto the field as Delilah got her card back. [color=#a9a9a9]"Next, I will Normal Summon Pollux, and activate his effect, allowing me to Normal Summon another Pollux, which will allow me to Normal Summon Sacred Sheratan from my hand."[/color] Two more warriors that looked exactly alike, followed by the smaller Sacred with the goat-like horns from before, were summoned onto Delilah's field, though Delilah added another card, "Sacred Pollux", to her hand due to Sheratan's effect. [color=#a9a9a9]"Now, I will Xyz Summon twice!"[/color] Two Xyz Summoning portals appeared on Delilah's side of the field, and all of her monsters, save for Pleiades, entered the apertures, the twin Polluxes turning into golden beams of light and entering one portal, while Light Serpent and Sheratan went into the other as golden beams of light. [color=#a9a9a9]"Xyz Summon! Number 82: Mystic Mage Knight and Number 20: Gig-Anto Brilli-Ant!"[/color]
The portals opened up to reveal an oddly-shaped crimson and silver object, and a spiraling gold and silver staff. The numbers "82" and "20" appeared on her hands, and the objects unfolded. The first became a large biomechanical insect with the Number "20" on one of its wings, while the second turned into a gold and silver armored mage with the number "82" on one of its shoulder guards. (1800 ATK|RNK3|XM: 2) (2600 ATK|RNK 4|XM: 2)

Number 82: Mystic Mage Knight
LIGHT/Spellcaster/Xyz/Rank 4/2600 ATK/1200 DEF
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card; Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster (from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard) with equal to or lower to this card’s ATK.

Delilah continued her turn. [color=#a9a9a9]"Now, I will use the effect of my Mystic Mage Knight to send 2 Xyz Materials from him to Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from my Deck with less ATK, so I will choose Keeper of the Eternal Beacon!"[/color]

Keeper of the Eternal Beacon
LIGHT/Spellcaster/Level 10/2500 ATK/500 DEF
When this monster is Special Summoned successfully: Draw 1 card. Once per turn, during your Main Phase: Target 1 card on the field: Destroy the targeted card, but this monster cannot attack during your next Battle Phase.

Mystic Mage Knight absorbed the two orbs surrounding him into his staff, and thrust the staff into the air, calling down a beam of light that turned into a huge grey-skinned hunchback with a black cloak. His face was obscured by the hood of the cloak, but he carried a cube with a shining light inside. (2500 ATK|LV10) [color=#a9a9a9]"Now, I will activate the effect of my Keeper!"[/color] Delilah declared, drawing a card. [color=#a9a9a9]"He will destroy your Fiendish Chain at the cost of not attacking this turn!"[/color] The Keeper opened the transparent cube up, which sent a beam of brilliant light at the Trap Card on Natalie's field keeping the chains anchored.

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((I'm pretty sure you can't stack Pollux's effect. Just like you can't stack Karakuri Komachi, Double Summon, and Swap Frog))

"Wait, what?!" Natalie all but shrieked, completely losing her cool. It wasn't the appearance of two Numbers, it was the appearance of a very specific one. How could this woman have HER Number? She took a second to verify the presence of her own Number 20, and her eyes narrowed. Numbers were supposed to be one of a kind, so how could there be another one?

The chains wrapped around Pleaides shattered apart, and Natalie scowled. This entire duel was collapsing around her. In just one turn, the woman had miraculously brought out two Numbers, a big monster that could nuke her cards, and freed her current Xyz. Now the Sacred Xyz could blast her Gachi again and everything would go downhill.

LP: 4000
H: 3
M: Gachi (DEF: 2200), Drill Barnacle (ATK: 700)
S/T: 1 f/d

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Delilah smirked. [color=#a9a9a9]"You seem shocked that I happen to have Gig-Anto Brilli-Ant. Don't worry. I didn't steal it. I won it fair and square...in another universe. I will explain after the duel, but I believe you will be seeing deja vu again as I use Pleiades' effect once more, sending your Gantetsu back from whence it came, just like I attempted to do last time! Solar Wind!"[/color] Pleiades again swiped at Gantetsu, sending a glowing energy wave at the monster.

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Natalie braced herself against the wind, an action mirrored by her golem. However, the golem soon gave up after a few moments and vanished, its Xyz materials winking out of existence. Natalie scowled, but otherwise seemed mostly unperturbed. Her eyes showed no fear of the duel's outcome, even as her Drill Barnacle's ATK dropped to 300. She was facing four monsters, 3 of them being Xyz Monsters. She knew the effect of Number 20, and at this rate, Delilah could take out all her LP in a single assault.

"You about finished?" Natalie mused.

LP: 4000
H: 3
M: Drill Barnacle (ATK: 300)
S/T: 1 f/d

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Delilah nodded. [color=#A9A9A9]"As a matter of fact, yes I am."[/color] She placed her hand on top of her deck, as if to draw, but suddenly, her holograms went away. She had surrendered. She then walked over and handed Natalie the two Numbers cards that had been wagered, Number 42: Breaker Beetle and Number 52: AMF1-3, before sitting on a nearby bench. [color=#A9A9A9]"Now, I bet you have a lot of questions, and I am more than willing to answer them. And since we have no lack of time, to use the phrase ironically, I figure I can get to them all. So ask away."[/color]

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Natalie just stared for several seconds. [i]That was...anti-climactic.[/i]

"The first question's easy...why did you surrender?" she asked, but only after she had taken the two Number cards. Despite the admittedly absurd conclusion to the duel, the cards had the same warmth to them that Number 17 had when she had won it from Kai. This furthered her confusion, but having two more Numbers in her grasp meant she wasn't intending to complain.

"Second question is who the heck are you? Third is where you got a Number 20 while I still have mine," she said, the questions coming quicker and more forcefully. "That'll do for right now."

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Delilah replied. [color=#A9A9A9]"I surrendered because I saw no point to continuing the duel. The duel wasn't just to see if you could duel well. It was to see if you could duel without your Numbers. However, I do think you are an excellent duelist, which is why I am here. As for who I am, I am Doctor Delilah Atlas, and I am, like you, a Numbers Hunter. However, I am not from your dimension, which answers your third question. I travel in between realities, analyzing the Numbers phenomenon that has swept across the multiverse. Which is why I have a Number 20 when you possess one as well, because the Brilli-Ant I possess is identical to the Brilli-Ant you possess, except for the fact that they originated in parallel universes. Also, you will find alternate copies of Number 42 and 52 in this universe that may or may not be Breaker Beetle or AMF1-3. Curiously, some Numbers tend to differ in between dimensions, such as, in another reality I visited, Number 30 was not Acid Golem, but a card called 'Lavalval Giga Slayer'. Anything else?"[/color]

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Natalie nodded somewhat humbly at the compliment, although her eyes glittered with pride. She listened to what the woman was saying, mulling things over for a few seconds before she could ask her second round of questions, of which she was starting to wonder if there would be no end to.

"Wouldn't introducing parallel Numbers to this universe have some sort of risk?" she asked. "Especially if they may not even match this one's versions?" She had next to no grasp of inter-dimensional logic, but it seemed like an odd version of time travel, which tended to be mired in paradox problems.

"You said you are here because you think I'm an excellent duelist," Natalie continued. "But what does that have to do with you studying the Numbers throughout several universes? I'm interested in them as well, but it's a daunting task already."

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Delilah laughed at the question. [color=#a9a9a9]"Well, I did forget to mention that you should probably give back the Numbers I gave to you before I leave, but you have a valid point. Fortunately, my alternate reality Numbers do not count towards the assembling of the Numbers of this reality, which my theories suggests would be a very, VERY bad thing to do. Therefore, by removing a Number here and there from different universes, I ensure that that universe's set of 100 Numbers can never be completed, and therefore, the universe is safe...hopefully..."[/color] She shook her head from going off on that tangent, and continued. [color=#a9a9a9]"Continuing, I was wondering if you could help me with my study of this universe's Numbers. Save for some assistants that come with me, I usually work more or less alone, but I watched your earlier duel, and I was impressed. It is very rare for someone to best a Photon user so easily. In fact, I use Photon cards myself, though my deck is currently being used by a colleague. Also, I am available for assistance, even if you do not wish to ally with me. I will be masquerading as your school's new science teacher."[/color]

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"Probably," Natalie said, studying the two Numbers before placing them in her Extra Deck box alongside the other cards she used. "That's all very interesting," she admitted. Having another person to study the Numbers with served her interests more than simply collecting them all for unknown reasons.

"So if we were to work together, what sort of work would we need to do? You seem to have better luck finding Numbers, so what strategy do you usually follow to get leads?"

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Delilah chuckled a bit. [color=#A9A9A9]"I don't really use a strategy. I have my assistants, like the 'electrical crew' you saw earlier, set up special detectors that home in on the resonance frequencies Numbers emit, and when one is detected, my asisstants tag the Number holder with a special nanite cocktail that quickly assembles a special device where their appendix used to be. Then, I come in, and a time-compression field is activated. Since the subject has a matrix inside of their body, they will enter the field with me, allowing for as much time as needed to corner them, duel them, and capture their Numbers. Oh, and do not worry. The matrix within your own chest will collapse once I leave, and the nanites that came with it will actually double your lifespan, keep you looking at your prime throughout most of your life, and allow any injuries to heal more quickly."[/color]

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"Fascinating advantages," Natalie mused, not managing to hide her amusement. "And to think, the general opinion is that Number Hunters are crude at their work. Even I have to physically wrench the cards from the owners to gain them, which has an unfortunate host of consequences."

"So...if we work together, a proposition I'm very inclined to take you up on, what would we do as a team that differs from what you do as a solo hunter?"

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Jayce didn't react as Galaxy-Eyes attacked. "Whatever...you're wasting time, fighting a Num-WHAT THE F***?!" He watched in horror as Graam and the dragon disappeared. And he literally screamed in frusteration as the woman's trap removed Zenmaister's material monsters. He did nothing as Crusher charged, and his second monster died. (Life Points:2000 -> 1900) "S***...s***....s***...s***...s***..." Just then, they actually arrived at the high school. Jayce looked around the grounds, but all the students had already left. "GODAMN-" He looked at his opponent. "OK, that's it, right there. You're going down, b****."

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Delilah told Natalie. [color=#A9A9A9]"Well, sometimes, multiple Numbers spring up, and I can only go after the target of opportunity, meaning the other will have to wait for another day. With you on board, we can cover twice the ground. I will even arrange for you to be notified of a Number emergence, and subsequently be able to call in a time compression field upon making contact with the subject."[/color] She then asked. [color=#A9A9A9]"Now, a question for you. You said you usually have to 'physically wrench the cards from the owners to gain them'."[/color] Strangely, during the quote, she accurately copied Natalie's own voice and mannerisms, further distancing herself from being a normal human. [color=#A9A9A9]"Would you like to have a much less...barbaric...method of capture?"[/color]

The woman ended her Battle Phase, at which point the portal opened up again, and her dragon returned, a chewed-on piece of Graam's armor in one hand, and a bitten-into Xyz Material in the other. (3000 ATK -> 4000 ATK) She then ended her turn by setting a card.

???: 4000 LP
Hand: 1
Monsters: Galaxy-Eyes (4000 ATK|LV8), Crusher (2000 ATK|LV4)
Spell/Traps: 1 FD
Graveyard: A lot.

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"What do you have in mind?" Natalie wondered, her curiosity aroused. She shouldn't be surprised that someone with the technology to create a compressed time-field, travel dimensions, and had few qualms with parting with Numbers also had a method of acquiring a defeated duelist's Numbers without needing them to be slow to realize she was going to take them. But what kind of method would she be using?

To say nothing of how tempting the rest of the offer sounded.

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Out of nowhere, Delilah produced a golden ring, the center of which was just big enough to put a Duel Monsters card inside. [color=#A9A9A9]"My Capture Rings. I helped to invent these babies. What you do is that when your opponent loses with a Number on the field or about to be destroyed, you throw one of these at your opponent, and declare 'Capturing Number' and then you say the number and name of the Number you are trying to capture."[/color] Once again, she uncannily mimicked Natalie's voice. [color=#A9A9A9]"Then, the Capture Ring will do the rest. Once it is done capturing, and the Number within is stable, bring the captured Number back to me."[/color] She handed Natalie the ring, and on closer inspection, the ring seemed to be made out of different components that were currently stcuk together, and an intricate set of grooves had been eteched into the device.

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"Hmm..." Natalie took one of the rings turning it over with interest. "Are these able to capture more than 1 Number at once, or would I need to throw two if my opponent had multiples?" she wondered.

"Also, I assume that bringing them to you is some sort of insurance that I don't go abusing the technology selfishly, or is it less...unpleasant than that?" she asked.

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Delilah chuckled. [color=#A9A9A9]"To answer your first question, I will have to give you multiples for multiple Numbers but for the second...well..."[/color] She scratched the back of her head in embarassment. [color=#A9A9A9]"Well, the rings create a special force field around the Number, meaning that they become the containment unit for the Number, and my mobile laboratory has the only device that can extract the card and reset the ring back to being usable again. In other words, if you want the card inside, you don't really have a choice but to bring the ring back to me."[/color]

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"I expected something along those lines, but it seems like an interesting safety protocol, to not allow the user to extract her prize," Natalie clarified. "But no big deal."

She considered for another few moments. "I have no further questions at this time, although do we need some form of communication link between the two of us? It would be ideal if we're tracking Numbers."

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(@ Setsuna/DeckShuffler)

Kuroi notices the youth next to the stupid Card Shop. As if you could get Numbers from pulls. "Bah!" He wonders if the boy has any Numbers. Kuroi decides he needs practice anyway. He smiles from the mere fact the boy wouldn't defeat him but he decides to have some fun. Kuroi remembers his Numbers and gets completely assured he'll win. He knows even without Numbers, he could defeat him with his Karasu Archetype Cards. "Hey boy! You want to duel me?"

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Hearing a challenge, Setsuna looked over at the unfamiliar gent. Sliding his new card into his Extra deck, he turned his D-Gazer on. Watching his deck shuffle automatically, he grinned as he got ready to duel. "Okay! Let's see your burning resolve!" He shouted eagerly as he was challenged.

Staring at the two, the old man smiled and began to laugh. "Well, seeing as you challenged him, I think he gets to go first," The old man said as he looked over at Kuroi, smiling.

Nodding, Setsuna drew five cards and stared at his opening hand. It was a pretty good start, but it all could have changed drastically, depending on what his next card was. "It's my turn! Draw!" He called out as he drew a sixth card. His eyes widening, he smiled happily at his card. "I summon Moonshine Mech in attack mode, then set two cards face-down and end my turn," He said as a grin crossed his face. His favorite of his father's cards had made it onto his field once more and it was going to be his main weapon of the day! Watching as the Mech rose from the circle, he felt like laughing out of amazement at how cool it looked. As the Mech crossed its arms, it seemingly glared at Kuroi, watching him.

Setsuna's LP: 4000
Hand: 3
Monsters: Moonshine Mech (1300ATK/Level 4)
S&T: 2 Face-down.

[spoilers=Moonshine Mech]
Moonshine Mech
Light/Level 4
ATK: 1300/ DEF: 1800
When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position by card effect, activate one of the following effects:
● Draw 1 card.
● Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Mech" monster from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position.
● Destroy Spell or Trap cards on the field, equal to the number of "Mech" Synchro Monsters on your side of the field.

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Kuroi's left eye suddenly flashes and his left eye turns lightning blue. "D-Gazer, Set!" His right arm starts to writhe with shadows. A glob of darkness extends from it, forming a evil looking Duel Disk. Raw malovelence shines from both eyes. "Boy, you do not know who you are dueling! Prepare to be swallowed by my overwhelming darkness! My turn! Draw!" Kuroi glances at his hand. A good draw he thinks, but he fakes disappointment to hide his smile. "Draw!" He thinks for a while. "I special summon Karasu - Tengoku No Karasu through its effect!" A heavenly white raven-human appears on the field. "I then proceed to normal summon Chikyu no Reivun!" An earthy raven angel appears. "Through it's effect I get a field spell from my deck! I activate my Field Spell, Karasu Nest! I overlay Tengoku and Chikyu! Come forth, Numbers 13: Yami Lord!" A shaman-like demon appears, roaring evilly. "I'm not finished yet! I overlay my Numbers 13 and its Xyz Materials to Chaos Xyz Summon Chaos Numbers 13: Incarnation of Darkness! Descend, Lord of Evil!" The ground erupts in chaotic spasms. A dark god-like figure appears in the chaos. "I activate my Number's first effect! I detach 1 Xyz Material to have it gain 1000 ATK and DEF!" One of the circling spheres gets sucked into its vortex chest. It starts glowing with raw malovelent power. "I declare an attack against your Mech!"

LP: 4000
Monsters: Chaos Numbers 13: Incarnation of Darkness (Xyz Materials: 2, Rank: 3, ATK/DEF: 2200) attacking Moonshine Mech

Oops: Put wrong number for hand. was gonna set 3 cards but realizes it was battle phase and forgot to edit hand agaiin
Note to zextra, reina, evilfusion, rainbow dash, etc.: This is a preplanned duel with me completely crushing him but not taking his soul, thats why im like being all 'powerplay' Normally, i would never do this.

Link to my cards: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/264613-part-i-of-the-overwhelming-darkness-pack-the-karasu-archetype/page__fromsearch__1"]http://forum.yugiohc...__fromsearch__1[/url]

Numbers 2,3,9,13, and 18 are the ones i used

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Jayce gritted his teeth. [i]She has a 4000 ATK monster on the field...and Graam can't use its effect. This isn't good...[/i] "My turn! I draw!" Be looked at his card. "Hm...interesting...I activate the Continuous Spell, Machine Assembly Line! All of my machines gain 200 ATK!" Graam glowed, and its power rose (ATK:2700). "Now let's see...nothing else really interesting to do. So...maybe I can actually do some damage now! Take this, b****! Graam, attack Crusher!" The dark angel charged.

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