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whoever dicides to take this spot vs Stardust_Rose_Dragon

Hi-Def Legacy

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The Contest will go like this
Each Contestent in this 1 on 1 contest will make a Windows Movie Maker Video Giving out their Thoughts on the Archetype they like alot
{Archetypes can range from type of monsters like Dragons, Spellcasters, Warriors etc... or too Lightsworns, Gladiator Beasts, etc....} the video will be Narrated and is requested to either be Sent to my Email [[email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]] or be Sent as a private message as a Mediafire Download

The Players will send there entry for me to review and the Person with the Best Detail Given on their video will win an Amv Request made by me to go on youtube [Elemntalherogunman]
but the loser will still get 1000 Points for trying

Contest Starts When Both users accept and are ready

good luck to both Desu the Finale and Stardust_Rose_Dragon

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