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Bleach: Darkest Days [Started/Accepting/Co-Hosted by Blu and Techi/OOC]

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[quote name='Hunderas' timestamp='1318479464' post='5576898']
[spoiler='lieutenant app']Username: Hunderas
RP Name: Nakura Narumi
Race: Shinigami
Position/Rank: Squad 3 lieutenant
Age: looks about 20
Normally Nakura has a very calm personality; she can get a bit moody sometimes depending on the situation. She doesn’t want her captain to find out about what happened after he left so she’s very bottled up about after he left them. She has a certain disliking for those that pick on others that are weaker. Not being able to fight so well with a sword, and losing most of the time in sword fighting, she concentrated most of her training into kidou, getting so high that some captains couldn’t keep up with her kidou ability.

Nakura has black hair that she keeps in a loose braid that goes down the middle of her black. Wearing the normal Shinigami kimono, she keeps the lieutenant badge on her right arm, and her Zanpakuto is strapped to her right hip. She has her right arm bandaged including her hand and all fingers; she does this to cover up burns and scars that have been there since she could remember. On her left shin she has a metal plate for those times she needs to fight.

Coming from the same ‘family’ as Jin Raitou she has a very different view on how the ‘family’ was disbanded. After Jin left many of the ‘family’ left, she sort of took over those that stayed behind. The ‘family’ all but died and those that were left behind went on to other and better things. A year passed after she was the only one left standing in the run down shack, they all called home. 12 years passed and she heard nothing of how Jin or the rest of the family were doing so she burned down the shack and moved on like the rest, when she heard of how Jin was made a captain she decided to join the academy also. After graduation she was put into squad 8, after hearing of her arrival Jin put in a request and had her transferred into squad 3.

Zanpakuto Name: Mizu no yōsei
Zanpakuto Appearance: normal Zanpakuto with a black braid. The guard is shaped like a rain drop.
[i]Shikai[/i] Release Phrase: Mizu rise through the lake.
[i]Shikai[/i] Appearance: It looks like a short dagger with a very intricate design of a thunder storm on the blade, and handle.
[i]Shikai[/i] Abilities: (Ame o hikisaku) rain starts to fall, in the area and it cancels out all noise in the area except for the rain falling in about a 35 yard circumference where she is the center.
Abilities: flash step about 30 yards, kidou up to 65 with incantation.

[spoiler='short beginning']Nakura was in the human world, at her post in southern Japan. Bzzzz she checked her pocket and pulled out a cell phone like device. The screen was all black except from two dots; a green one indicating her stood in the middle, the other was a red one on the top edge of the screen. She flash stepped away leaving the sidewalk blank as if nothing was there.

Arriving at where the red dot was Nakura saw nothing around that looked like a hollow. “Stupid thing must be broken.” She said as she hit it. Roar!! An intense spiritual pressure rose from the ground and out popped a slightly overpowered snake-like hollow. The Hollow looked at her and roared again this time charging straight towards her. “Oh shut up already.” She pulled out her Zanpakuto and held it in one hand, with the blade facing the sky. “Mizu rise from the lake.” The sword shrank in size and small rain clouds formed overhead. “Ame o hikisaku,” She said and rain started to fall in the area drowning out the Hollow’s cries. The Hollow stopped and looked towards the sky making the motion of it still roaring. She mouthed the words. “[i]Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south![/i] Hadō #31, Shakkahō.” A Red ball of spiritual energy formed in her hand, then a beam of energy shot out of it and hit the Hollow, exploding on impact. When the dust cleared the hollow was disintegrating. The rain stopped, and the clouds dispersed. “Good,” she said putting away her Zanpakuto.

Think ---EP-E-
If I give you an ACTD
you get
Which you are.

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[quote name='ANBU' timestamp='1317523270' post='5554095']
Username: ANBU
RP Name: Kazuya Himori
Race: Arrancar
Position/Rank: 4th Espada/Cuatro Espada
Age: Appearance: 25, Real Age: 240
Personality: Kazuya dislikes those of higher power than him often acting cold towards them for all except the leader even acting cold towards the primera espada though still respecting his authority over him. Whilst among those of lower rank than himself including his fraccione he seems friendly even becoming friendly towards those that his fraccione like or at least not as cold if they're higher up until he learns to trust them.
[spoiler=Appearance:] [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/304/5/9/greg__s_arrancar_by_chibikameera-d31wsa7.png"]http://fc09.devianta...era-d31wsa7.png[/url], Skin lighter tone similar to white, eyes steel blue[/spoiler]
Bio: Kazuya remembered only one small part of his previous life, a memory of watching a human 'magician' performing magic tricks, as he awoke as a hollow determined to rise his inspiration being that one memory as he devoured opther hollows hungrily wanting to learn more about that memory and thinking that was how he could achieve such a goal, becoming an adjuchas class hollow within 170 years and thn began devouring much faster his wan t to learn about the memory havinggrown more intense as he devoured until at the age of 237 he had evolved into a Vasto Lorde class hollow shortly before being approached by a group calling themselves Arrancar and offering to make him more powerful. As he accepted giving in to the act he knew notrhing about that memory m,ore than he started with despising those above him who he believed had complete memories as he rose through the ranks after becoming an arrancar. withing the next 3 years Kazuya had become Espada Cuatro (4) having spoken to those he ha becoe more powerful than and developed a social personality with some especially a certain 3 who he chose to become his fraccione serving under him.
Zanpakuto Name: Majutsu (Jap. for Magick)
Zanpakuto Appearance: [img]http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/7605/tek4e883cac9caa90864818.png[/img] (white orb with red-white glow)
Resurrección Release Phrase: Dengen o shimashou, Majutsu! (Jap. for Let out the Power, Magick!)
Resurrección Appearance: [url="http://tektek.org/avatar/46443022"][img]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/6940/tek4e87d5d041bb04136870.png[/img][/url] (floating bunny thing is appearance of magic balls when being used, Magic Balls (used for abilities): [url="http://tektek.org/avatar/46443061"][img]http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/3887/tek4e87d68f4f0766608049.png[/img][/url]
Resurrección Abilities:
Shibaru (Tie) - two of the orbs floats up shrinking from active size to the size of their unused form with a yellow line of energy spreading between them, they are then launching at the opponent to tie them up
Kēji (Cage) - 8 orbs float nearby an opponent shrinking to unused form size and spreading yellow energy to each other quickly this yellow energy then begins to fill the gaps in between the corners of the cube these orbs make around the opponent
Gurū (Glue) - 4 orbs go to a nearby physical object connecting themselfs to eac hother and the object then sending yellow tendrils towards the target these tendrils slow though if touched quickly attacks to the body part nd acts like rubber before shrinking to a 1m max size pulling the opponent in slowly making that the maximum standard size able to be stretched but as soon as forwards pressure stops it snaps back much faster than the initial drag in
Shōmi (Net) - 30 (all but two orbs) shrink down too unused form size and form yellow eergy in squares between each forming a net which is then launched at the opponent and can be controlled to close in and even make itself tied around the opponent
the above technique can be broken with a spiritual pressure release equal to that of captain level or a Kido higher than 32 in number
Dokubutsu (Poison) - one of the orbs turns a dark purple and emits gas that if inhaled poison the opponent and slowly drains their reiatsu can be healed by basic healing techniques used by squad 4 if reached in time
Kemuri (Smoke) - one of the orbs turns dark black being positioned near the opponent before it explodes creating a slight flash and smoke to cover nearby creatures vision.
Segunda Etapa Release Phrase: Ōbāfurō.. Saraundo to watashi ni chikara o ataeru, Majutsu! (jap. for Overflow surround and empower me, Magick!)
Segunda Etapa Appearance: [url="http://tektek.org/avatar/46443174"][img]http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/7272/tek4e87d88ee979c6850355.png[/img][/url]
Segunda Etapa Abilities:
Hi (Fire) - the ghost like lady formed in his Segunda Etapa turns red and shoots from his side like a missile burning him slightly when she comes into contact with an enemy (which she'll follow the closest) she'll inflict medium level burns
Aisu (Ice)- the ghost like lady formed in his Segunda Etapa turns Blue and shoots from his side like a missile Freezing him slightly when she comes into contact with an enemy (which she'll follow the closest) she'll freeze the hit area
Budō no ki (Vine) - the ghost like lady formed in his Segunda Etapa turns Green and shoots from his side like a missile scratching/slicing him slightly when she comes into contact with an enemy (which she'll follow the closest) she'll cause spiked vines to form and tangle around the enemy starting from point of impact
Rēza (Laser) - the ghost like lady formed in his Segunda Etapa turns Purple, Shrinks and shoots from his side like a missile Burning his side open slightly when she comes into contact with an enemy (which she'll follow the closest) she'll Burn into the struck area and possibly shoot through a small section of skin sim9ilar to a laser
Serufuenpawāmento (Self Empowerment) - The ghost like lady formed in his Segunda etapa glows a rainbow like color before merging with him this causing him to glow a variety of colors and control various elements and abilities such a creating blasts of ice, water, fire, light and Earth formed in front of his hands. He can then further create others and manipulate them such as laser, plasma, vines, Mist and even some slight control over gravity (increase or decrease of 2 g max and changing direction of gravity in a 1 m area surrounding him. After 1 minute Kazuya's body begins to burn from the overload of energy and after 10 the ghost like figure leaves his body which severely damaged stops glowing and falls heavily damaged and unconscious needing healing techniques or up to 3 days to recover to perfect condition.
Majutsu Cero (Magick Cero) - Kazuya creates a cero from his hand creating balls of different colored energy which fuse together and then fires equal in power to a cero oscuras
Tate (Shield) - Kazuya can create small shield roughly 30cm in diameter of reiatsu over his body to protect from thin blows not able to form more than one at once though
Short Beginning:

[spoiler=#1]RP Name: Mitsuki
Race: Arrancar
Position/Rank: Fraccione
Age: appearance: 16? real: 180
Personality: Mitsuki often seems happy and nice around others that seem to not act superior just because of their rank becoming cruel to those under them, and fuyrther to this those who do act nice to her she often becomes friends with easily. Whilst battling Mitsuki oiften prefers to stay away from physical confrontation this having influeced her resureccion when she first became an arrancar and has been apparent since.
Appearance: [url="http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/153/0/5/Arrancar_Mitsue_by_angelnablackrobe.jpg"]http://th05.devianta...nablackrobe.jpg[/url]
Zanpakuto Name: Bōrei (Jap. for Ghost)
Zanpakuto Appearance: a cloak similar to but shorther than [url="http://saimain.deviantart.com/art/Cloak-of-Shadows-53267034?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Adigitalart%20cloak&qo=9"]This[/url]
Resurrección Release Phrase: Watashi no fōmu o hanashimasu, Bōrei! (Jap. for Release my from, Ghost!)
Resurrección Appearance: [url="http://tektek.org/avatar/46443997"][img]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/9888/tek4e87e80c4c5cc0610809.png[/img][/url]
Resurrección Abilities:
Bon'yari to shita (Intangible) - Mitsuki can turn her ghost-like form intagible able to move through objects but un able to hit or manipulate anything without becoming tangible again (Kido attacks whilst intangible are also as such)
Toraimāji (Tri-merge) - By matching her spiritual energy levels with her fellow raccione they can fuse together into a form similar to [url="http://hamsterfly.deviantart.com/art/Ghost-of-the-Arena-192943752?q=boost%3Apopular%20Ghost%20Warrior&qo=3"]This[/url] (but blue and transliucent seeming)
Iryūjondasuto (Illusion Dust) - by manipulating her reiatsu she can make small particles cling to a target making the parts stuck to look ghost-like
Tōmei Cero (Transparent Cero) - Mitsuki can form a white ero which by manipulating she can make show what is on the other side from almost any viewpoint making it transparent, it is however not as strong as her normal cero due to the smaller amount of reiatsu inside the actual cero.
[spoiler=#2]RP Name: Loki
Race: Arrancar
Position/Rank: Fraccione
Age: Appearance: 27 Real: 190
Personality: Loki is the most defiant and cold towards others of Kazuya's 3 fraccione having developed a hatred for any who he believes could and even might want to hurt the other two this leading tohim acting similar to Kazuya to some of the higher ranked espada. If Kazuya or both the other fraccione howevert agree that the [person is of low to minimal threat he lowers the shield of hatred he makes towards others and is similar to the opther two in how easily befriended he is if he can trust the person. Whilst battling Loki prefers to take on any physical combat inmvolving the other two fraccione protecting them from harm if he can and often using his abilities to do such having a strong want to protect them however he can.
Appearance: [url="http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/256/0/c/loki_blazblue_by_chibikameera-d2ynrs4.png"]http://th03.devianta...era-d2ynrs4.png[/url] always wears helmet, while not in resurrecion the eye on armguard and horns on the helmet aren't there..
Zanpakuto Name: Mamoru (Jap. for Protect)
Zanpakuto Appearance: His armguard which is always there..
Resurrección Release Phrase: Jibun no namae no hontō no iki, Mamoru! (Jap. for Live true to your name. Protect!)
Resurrección Appearance: look at appearance, add duplicate armguard to other arm
Resurrección Abilities:
Do~ūmuai (Doom Eye) - when he uses this Loki creates a green barrier around those he want to protect before sending out a blue wave of energy with doesnt go inside these green barriers this energy capable of paralyzing an opponent for 10 seconds anjd causing physical damage similar to a normal cero from his leader
Toraimāji (Tri-Merge) - By matching his spiritual energy levels with his fellow fraccione they can fuse together into a form similar to [url="http://colrath.deviantart.com/art/Demon-Warrior-187442392?q=boost%3Apopular%20Demon%20Warrior&qo=6"]This[/url] (make it white with blue eyes open over it's body in variopus places and one on it's Axe)
Kabe (Wall) - Loki and fom his reiatsu into a wall that exdtends from his armguard, this wall able to bl;ock most attacks though only enough to hold weak attacks or lessening th damage from high level attacks, the wall can be separated from his armguard and palced where it will stay allowing him to make mul;tiple of them for increased protection
Defurekutā Cero (Deflector Cero) - a cero made in the shape of a shiled which Loki hold in his hand with the armguard throwing it to be used able to deflect (like a mirror) any SPiritual Eneregy based attack up to Kido # 21
[spoiler=#3]RP Name: Akumi
Race: Arrancar
Position/Rank: Fraccione
Age: Appearance: 16 Real: 179
Personality: Akumi is defensive about herself to those she doesnt know often keeping any personal feelings out of conversations until she feels she can trust a person often following them after they con front her to see if she can trust them and running quickly if spotted. When she trusts a person she usually talks to them whilst atleast one of the other two fraccione or Kazuya are around due to here often staying near them if not following anyone. Whilst in battle she reacts fircely and using any wounds he may receive as incentive to further her offense and she becomes quickly enraged often revealing her power too early though due to this rage.
Appearance: [url="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/297/b/4/akuma_and_starrk_release__by_chibikameera-d31g1vd.png"]http://fc05.devianta...era-d31g1vd.png[/url] one on left pic is in her released form.. non released is similar clothing to # 1
Zanpakuto Name: Urufu no kiba (Jap. for Wolf Fang)
Zanpakuto Appearance: a single one of [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/digitalart/?qh=&section=&q=wolf+sword#/d1mm85w"]These[/url]
Resurrección Release Phrase: Sorera o esa ni, Urufu no kiba! (Jap. for Feed on them, Wolf Fang!)
Resurrección Appearance: look at appearance
Resurrección Abilities:
Ookami no kami kizu (Wolf Bite) - By putting reiatsu into her swofrd when it connects with an enemies skin or armor she can send int into the opponent/armor where it breaks out of in a wolf bith shaped pattern
Toraimāji (Tri-Merge) - By matching her spiritual energy levels with her fellow fraccione they can fuse together into a form similar to [url="http://atenx.deviantart.com/art/Girl-With-Wolf-155753119?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Adigitalart%2Fpaintings%20Wolf%20Warrior&qo=4"]This[/url] (make armor and bow Grey, add grey fur anklets and armbands similar to resurrecion appearance)
Urufuran (Wolf Run) - by manipulating reiatsu around her feet she can form 2 extra legs of reiatsu increasing her speed to roughly 1.5 - 2x normal speed
Urufu Ceo (Wolf Cero) - Aklumi generates a cero of grey energy in her hand before fomring it into a wolf like shape and sending it at the oppoinent being slightly stronger than her normal cerop and able to be manipulated whilst moving
Side Note: Toraimāji (Tri-Merge)'s form they fuse into changes considering who activated it, Mitsuki's being faster, Loki's Stronger and Akumi's more range oriented/Versatile. along with changing form it also allows them to access eachothers abilities (even resurrecion abilities if they were all in resurrecion when they fused)

...quoted app so ppl dont have to go back pages (and i am beginning to sincerely doubt anyone would anyway)

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Username: *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*
RP Name: Kairi "Ai" Shinosake
Race: Human shinigami
Position/Rank: Squad 6 Captain
Age: Physically looks to be about 25 but is actually 176 years old.

Personality: When Ai was human, she was up-beat and cheerful. Nothing really hampered her happiness, except for when people were threatened. Ai would quickly become annoyed and angry, violently protecting people with either words or actions. It wasn't until Ai lost her boyfriend when happiness became scarce for her. Her personality took a complete 180 turn. She would respond to people with either a shrug or a blank stare. The only time her old personality seeps through is when Ai becomes protective. Her fierce behavior, combined with her lieutenant's help, is what keeps her squad from slacking off. When Ai gets protective of people because they couldn't protect themselves, she gives them an earful, screaming at them that they need to train more and become stronger.


On the back of her black kimono is the [url="http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo261/AisuGhost/Flutter.gif"]kanji[/url] for flutter.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 192 lbs
Eye color: Bright blue.

Bio: When Ai was still human, she was a soul inheritor of a successful cherry company when her parents died when she was 20. Her parents died under suspicious circumstances and from day one, Ai's uncle nagged her to get the company from her, saying she was too young to run it. In fact, the opposite happened and the company bloomed (no pun intended). One day, while out on a leisure drive with her boyfriend of 8 years, the couple got into a serious accident. Her boyfriend immediately passed and Ai was in the ICU for a couple of months. Her recovery was long, hard and painful. Because the loss of her boyfriend and parents, Ai's personality went from being happy, go-lucky to depressed. The only thing that brought comfort to her anymore was the butterfly guard her parents gave to her as a child. About a year after the accident, when Ai was 25, her uncle grew tired of asking for the company and decided to take matters into his own hands. As Ai was sitting her butterfly garden, her uncle came in and forced Ai into stabbing herself with a knife. By making Ai hold the knife and using her hand to stab her instead of holding the knife himself, her uncle thought he got away with the perfect crime. But as Ai's soul separated from her body, a hollow appeared and attacked her uncle, killing and devouring him. Swift karma, eh? Anyways, just as the hollow turned to Ai, the butterflies of the area gathered around the hollow, protecting Ai long enough for a Soul Reaper to come and defeat the hollow. The Soul Reaper, seeing how the butterflies reacted to Ai, had Ai examined. It was during the examination that determined that Ai was able to go through training to become a soul reaper. Having nothing else to do, Ai accepted the offer. After 151 years of being a soul reaper, Ai finally achieved bankai. Since then, Ai has been the captain for Squad 6. In the past, Squad 6 wasn't really known for anything. But since Ai's been captain, Squad 6 has been slowly gaining the reputation of being the Nature Squad. A squad that's mostly comprised of squad members who have a specialty with nature. It being anything from tracking, weather predicting, survival gathering, etc. The title mostly comes from the 3rd seat and higher, where the shikai's are unique and tailored to a specific theme of nature, like Ai's butterfly theme. The animal-like squad members help with this reputation also.

Zanpakuto Name: Kyuuchou
Zanpakuto Appearance: [url="http://fav.me/dy3tgm"]Best.. Sword.. Evah[/url]

Shikai Release Phrase: "Be swift and furious.. Kyuuchou!"
Shikai Appearance: [url="http://i522.photobucket.com/albums/w341/ArchDemon_Dusty/DMswordsnormal-1.jpg"]Or is this the best sword(s) evah?[/url]
Shikai Abilities: Shikai form allows Ai some wind manipulation. She's able to send blasts of wind, control the trajectory of thrown objects and manipulate the wind to get her speed boosts.

Bankai Release Phrase: "Flutter and swarm, Kyuuchou!"
Bankai Appearance: Ai's sword completely dissolves into countless numbers of [url="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=33985236"]turquoise, crystal-like, butterflies[/url]. The number of butterflies is reflected off the energy she has. Many compare Ai's bankai to Byakuya's bankai but the only familiarity they have is the fact that the sword disintegrates. Once the butterflies are released, Ai is able to do a variety of things with them.
Bankai Abilities: Ai is able to do a variety of things with her bankai. One thing she's able to do is have some of the butterflies combine to form a variety of weapons. Ai tends to do a simple pair of katanas and throwing daggers when she forms weapons. Another thing she tends to use the butterflies for is a shield. Some butterflies, depending on the strength of the attack, will form together into a larger butterfly to block a single attack. Lastly, combining butterflies, to make a 5' wingspan butterfly, Ai launches her signature bankai attack: Kyuufukushuu. The large butterfly launches at the enemy at fast speeds, the wings becoming razor sharp

Short Beginning:

Ai let out a sigh, slamming her head against her deck. Her lieutenant, hearing the bang, quickly ran into the room. [i]"Captain, are you alright?!"[/i] Ai nodded slowly, [color=#0000cd]"Paperwork.."[/color] Her lieutenant did one of those 'o-I-see' nods, knowing that Ai disliked paperwork more than anything, but with the peace there was, there wasn't much else for Ai to do. [i]"Well.. Lets go check on the squad, Captain. Get ya out of this dusty office.."[/i] the lieutenant said as they walked to the window and opened the curtains. Ai groaned a little sudden brightness but got up anyways. She slipped on her white Squad 6 captain robe and stepped outside her office, her lieutenant following right behind her.

After a few moments, Ai arrived to the Squad 6 training grounds. There, most of the squad was either working on their skill or playing a sword version of tag. The group that was playing tag stopped when they noticed Ai arrived. They ran over to Ai. [i]"Captain, Captain! Look, we've been training almost nonstop." "Yeah! Wanna see how strong we've gotten?" "Yeah! Would you be alright if we all came at you?" "C'mon Captain, let us show you!"[/i] Ai shrugged and walked to the field, unsheathing Kyuuchou.

Before Ai could even turned around, two members rushed at her. While Ai simply raised up her sword to block the two members' sword, the rest of the group surrounded her. As Ai was holding the swords back, a third member rushed at Ai from the front. When the third member swung their sword at Ai, she lifted her right foot up, kicking the sword out of the third member's hand. The sword flew high into the air. As the sword fell, the two member jumped back just before the sword pierced through the ground just behind Ai. Ai smiled for a very brief moment. [color=#0000cd]"Very good so far.. You're stronger and being more coordinating.[/color]" Ai reached back and tossed the sword back to the third member. When the third member caught their sword, he rushed Ai again. Ai deflected the attack with her sword as two new attackers rushed at her from her sides. Ai began using a combination of dodging and deflecting the three attackers assault. A few minutes of this went by, members changing in and out constantly. Then, a Hell Butterfly flew in. Knowing something was up, everyone stopped and gathered around Ai. The butterfly landed on Ai shoulder for a brief moment before flying off. [color=#0000cd]"Hmm.. Captain's meeting.. Sorry everyone.. Job well done, however. Keep up the training."[/color] [i]"Yes, Captain!"[/i] Everyone said as Ai flashstepped towards the meeting.


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[quote name='Makoto Nanaya' timestamp='1318551757' post='5578502']
Hey, I have a question...Can I make for a Hollow that will become an Arrancar later?
You can be [i]any[/i] race [color=white]that I or my co-hosts will allow[/color] and I've changed my character's race like so in other RP's, so go ahead

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Lol! My zanpaktou's been with me for months. Lol. A friend and I used to do Bleach rps between the two of us and that was my zanpaktou. Ya can still do a butterfly theme. I'm not the first to use butterflies. That one chick from the secret squad, or w/e its called, has a butterfly appear where her shikai strikes a person.

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