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Wha? Is this a Zombie OTK?

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Somebody on Gamefaqs has just threw the idea. I want to thank the Chef for it, as it is his brainchild. I'm posting it for kicks, just to see the looks on your faces.




~Monsters (14)~

Zombie Master

Zombie Master

Zombie Master

Toon Cannon Soldier

Pyramid Turtle

Pyramid Turtle

Pyramid Turtle

Goblin Zombie

Goblin Zombie

Goblin Zombie


Cockroach Knight

Cockroach Knight

Cockroach Knight


~Magic (24)~

Gold Sarcophagus

Upstart Goblin

Upstart Goblin

Upstart Goblin

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Giant Trunade

Premature Burial

Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Card of Safe Return

Mass Driver

Mass Driver

Mass Driver

Foolish Burial

Foolish Burial

Foolish Burial

Book of Life

Book of Life

Toon Table of Contents

Toon Table of Contents

Toon Table of Contents

Creature Swap

Creature Swap


~Traps (2)~

Reckless Greed

Reckless Greed


TOTAL – 40


IronChefCHN, you are a genius. That is all.

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Interestingly enough, Cockroaches fit into the surviving nuclear war theme that Zombies claim to do. My first thought for a card that returned to the deck instead of the grave was Outstanding Dog Marron but that shuffled the deck, so I searched for monsters with similar effects and found Cockroach Knight. I think I stumbled into this deck idea when Manticore/Card of Safe Return was mentioned and someone mentioned Zombie Master.


The MT removal in this deck may not be needed IMO. Card Destruction plus other draw cards can replace it.


Seriously tho, if I am the first person to discover this combo, this is probably my biggest contribution to the YGO community. Most of my deck ideas I get from other ppl. I am also not that familiar with cards released in the last 2 years. I'm really quite overrated. It just surprises me that so many ppl remember me while I don't recall them.


So enjoy the deck, surprise your friends or local tournament.

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dude i think iv turned your deck into a first turn kill deck


3| goblin zombie

2| zombie master

3| pyramid turtle

1| toon cannon soldier

1| Sangan

3| Cockroach Knight

3| thunder dragon




3| double summon

3| toon table of content

3| reasoning

2| monster gate

3| Card of Safe Return

3| call of the mummy

2| book of life

3| magical mellet

1| card destruction

1| Giant Trunade

1| heavy storm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn this is my OTK, Really.

It could be coincidence, but I guess not.

I used it on some people and I said they should NOT copy. I used it on BYOND on DragonNeos and another guy, and I think either of them copied my idea in a new deck and posted it on GameFAQs.


So, when did he make that post?


And btw, I said that Cockroach Knight was the worst card there is, but then I thought of it and made a strategy with it.

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how dus this deck work i really dont see it unless you can get coackrach night back to your hand :S


Zombi Master:

Once per turn, you can send 1 Monster Card from your hand to your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie-Type Monster from either player's Graveyard.



Send Cockroach Knight to graveyard to Special Summon a zombi by Zombi Master effect and draw a card by Card of Safe Return you will draw them Cockroach Knight, do damage with Toon Cannon Soldier or Mass Driver

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