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Burai's Inn

Shadow Zero

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I'll just use this post for any characters that I'll be using.

Name: Alexander Abernathy
Age: Early-Mid 40s
Gender: Male


Deck: "My Journey (contains "DH"--"Dimension Hopper"--Monsters, the majority of which involves Banishing them in order to utilize effects which benefit other "DH" monsters)
Deck Strategy: Special Summoning Lower Level Monsters through various means in order to summon stronger Monsters, as well as using the effects of Banished "DH" Monsters.

Duel Spirit: Neo-Spacian Umbra Panther, A.K.A. Umbris
Duel Disk: A terracotta-colored "Battle City" model
D-Wheel: Uses a hoverboard for Turbo Duels

Info: A Dimension-Hopping lombax (and yes, he actually does have the ability to travel to other dimensions/realities) who also possesses a mediocre spiritual sense, enough for him to act as a sort of medium for spirits. Aside from Duel Monsters, Alexander also has skills in physical combat, a sort of jack-of-all-trades with weapons of many sorts, though most of his fighting is improvised. In addition, he has access to low-level magic, such as casting thunderbolts, iceballs, etc., but has not learned fire magic for very personal reasons.

A relaxed, kind individual most of the time, he's the kind who lives--and enjoys--life to the fullest. He has, however, been known to have a slight temper that surfaces whenever any trouble occurs (i.e., friends/innocents are in danger, an enemy making threats [though to clarify, it has to be a major enemy, otherwise Alexander would just be somewhat peeved at the person making the threat], etc.).

As a result of his dimension-hopping, he has developed an "illness" that could eventually claim his very existence. Tell-tale signs include feeling sharp pains, as well as his body seeming to "lose focus" (i.e., look like the static of an old-school television set) for split seconds at a time.

Alexander often wonders whether his father is alive or not, and has been known to go into a "dark place" whenever he thinks too long about it; truth is, he forcefully induced amnesia on himself to forget that his father was killed. In recent years, however, Alexander has remembered a large number of details of his past from around that time and is slowly coming to terms with it, though there are times where he has tried (and succeeded) in "locking away" those painful memories.

He also has an appreciation for music; oftentimes one can see/hear him play the piano, usually slipping into a trance-like state as he gets swept up in the music. He does play other kinds of instruments, but prefers the piano the most.


Name: Umbris, a.k.a. Neo-Spacian Umbra Panther
Gender: Male
DARK/Beast-Warrior/Lv 4/1400 ATK/900 DEF/Fusion/Effect

This card's name is also treated as "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther". This card cannot be Special Summoned except with "NEX". Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field. While you control this face-up card, until the end of your opponent's next turn, this card's ATK is increased by half the selected monster's original ATK, and it gains the selected monster's effect(s).


Info: Tends to be snarky, but is very level-headed and can be nice when necessary. Has a great sense of justice, having been one of Elemental HERO Neos' partners.
Is capable (for the sake of this RP) to take on a physical form at will, but prefers to remain in spirit form. Has been known to possess Alexander when need be. His cloak is able to assume any form; this also makes it his primary method of attacking.

Umbris is also able to switch from this form to his primary Dark Panther form and his Chrysalis form. In addition, he possesses the ability to seal away memories.

More info to be added later

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[quote name='Shadow Zero' timestamp='1320966241' post='5631574']
Accepted. Is that all for that character or are you going to be adding in more for him? If you're adding in more, then please make sure that you do that soon, since I will not be adding that app to the front page until it is completed.

I'll be adding more to him soon.

EDIT: Added a bit more, and included info on his Duel Spirit partner.

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Please note that Vierce will piss with people when there isn't anything to do, even if they're more powerful than her XD

To be technical, Nightingales actually Exist over multiple Dimensions, In Vierce's Case, She currently exists in her home Plane AND the Plane Burai's is on, If Vierce Dies in the Burai Plane, She actually gets sealed from that plane, never to traverse it again...

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Interesting info. So basically a multi-dimensional being is kind of like Shadow Clones from the Narutoverse, but not really. And if they die in one dimension that they are in but that is not the dimension that their main body is on, they are not dead dead, but they cannot go to that dimension anymore.

Oh, and just so you know, when I say that Burai has ALL of my characters powers, I DO mean ALL of them. Including the really broken ones like time based powers, as seen in my most recent post.

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unlike Naruto-clones though, Nightingale Clones do not poof in smoke/water/bugs/whatever when they die, It's almost indistinguishable to a normal death, However, Vierce being a Nightingale Leader, gains a small exception to normal Nightingale Deaths, If she dies, She can actually still remain in that dimension as a Spirit.

And here I go, Reviving a very old habit of Breaking the Fourth Wall

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