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[Finished]Darkplant V.S. Blu. Ended 3-2. Move to Finished please.


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1. Make a Vanilla support card that's both fun and usable.
2. Winner gets 1 rep from loser.
3. First to 3 votes wins.
4. Enter by posting your card.
5. Official Card Grammar cannot be an aspect when voting.

Nothing more.

=Darkplant's card=
Tribute 1 Normal Monster to: Destroy all Spell/Trap cards your opponent controls. You cannot conduct a Special Summon the turn you activate this effect.

=Blu's card=

Lore: Target 1 Normal Monster you control in Attack Position. Banish as many Normal Monsters in your Graveyard as possible: The targeted monster gains 300 ATK for every Normal Monster banished; its Level is increased by 2. This turn, if the targeted monster attacks: Your opponent cannot activate card effects until the End Phase of this turn. At the End Phase of this turn: Banish the targeted monster; you can Special Summon one or more Normal Monsters banished by this card (except the targeted monster) whose combined Levels are equal to or lower than the Level of the targeted monster when it was banished by this card. Those monsters cannot attack or be used as Synchro Material Monsters for a Synchro Summon.[/center][/center]

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I'll take you on :3

[spoiler=My Card][IMG]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/CourageS.jpg[/IMG]

Lore: Target 1 Normal Monster you control in Attack Position. Banish as many Normal Monsters in your Graveyard as possible: The targeted monster gains 300 ATK for every Normal Monster banished; its Level is increased by 2. This turn, if the targeted monster attacks: Your opponent cannot activate card effects until the End Phase of this turn. At the End Phase of this turn: Banish the targeted monster; you can Special Summon one or more Normal Monsters banished by this card (except the targeted monster) whose combined Levels are equal to or lower than the Level of the targeted monster when it was banished by this card. Those monsters cannot attack or be used as Synchro Material Monsters for a Synchro Summon.[/spoiler]

lol, I'm probably a little rusty on the OCG portion of the card, luckily OCG isn't an aspect to be worried about xP And I added the image code just in case you wanted to post the card in the first post for convenience

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Blu's card:

1: It's correct OCG. You don't write "Tribute 1 Normal Monster to:", "to" is unnecissary.
2: Blu's is excellent use for Xyz monsters. Also, instant Blue Eyes/Dark Magician, so it could run well in those archetypes.
3: Blu's is much more comical!
4: No offence, but Darkplant, the name is a little dull.
5: Darkplant, your card is useful, but not very fun. Blu's is both.

So, my vote undeniably goes to .:Blu:., my pal and an excellent card maker apparently.

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I was gonna vote for Blu. but after the [b]"Banish as many Normal Monsters in your Graveyard as possible"[/b] part...yeah I change my mind. It's quite oped imo as how easily you can boost an already powerful monster(insert 1 random level 5 or higher monster). Not only that, the target monster is immune to card effect seeing that they can't be activated. And in the end I thought it would balance it out with only letting the targeted monster became like divinely powerful for a turn but that would only trigger in the special summoning of one or more Normal Monsters banished by this card whose combined Levels are equal to or lower than the Level of the targeted monster when it was banished...um...this make it easy to special summon 1 blue eyes white dragon or anything that's remotely as powerful.

so my vote goes to Darkplant. His card(your a dude right?) might be simple and maybe dull to others but it's not over the top op.

anyway, I need votes to...[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/263681-3-way-1on1-phantom-stranger-vs-liquiddj11-vs-y2jgrave-start-voting/"]http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/263681-3-way-1on1-phantom-stranger-vs-liquiddj11-vs-y2jgrave-start-voting/[/url]

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