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Alright then. Welcome. Though I need you to be warned:


Your Deck: take the criticism and don't act like an ass and shoot down every suggestion you're given. You post in this section to get suggestions for your deck, not to just show it off.


CC: make sure you post stuff in the right sections; go to TCG section to learn the meta and understand what the term OPed means before posting any cards


Everything else should be self explanatory, just follow the rules and you'll be fine.

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Hey, welcome to the cesspit of coolness that is YCM. Before you take a delve into Creative Cards (Abbreviated CC), I suggest you learn correct OCG. It'll earn you respect if you're new and know the right stuff.


The TCG section is... indescribable. It's the funniest part of YCM besides the debates outside of the debates section, so you may want to drop in there once or twice. But be forewarned; know the god damned meta before even thinking about posting there. It'll save you a lot of horrible jokes and name calling if you do ^-^


If you're into it, why not drop into the Roleplay (RP) Section? It's one of the nicer areas of YCM, if I do say so myself, and if you're even cooler you could even give Written Cards a go.

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