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Avatar: The Invasion (Not Started/Accepting)

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[spoiler='Plot']Many Avatar cycles have passed since Aang, and all was right with the world. The new Avatar, a Waterbender, has been called on to help with rebuilding the Air temples, and the Air nomads have repopulated, as well as the dragons, skybisons, and lemurbats. All technology has been upgraded to near extraordinary class. Disturbances keep being found all over, and they happen more frequently each time. Then, it all happened. One day, alien spacecrafts began landing, and aliens, armed with strange technologies, as well as very powerful benders, began spilling out, and they warned of an upcoming war for supremacy over the planet. Now, it is up to the Avatar to unite the nations and learn to control the elements in time to fend off the aliens. But can they do it? Only time will tell.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Rules']1. No spamming
2. No godmodding, powerplaying, etc.
3. Keep it PG-13
4. Once spots for the Avatar team are filled, unless someone quits, they are off the market.
5. All YCM rules apply.
6. To ensure that you have read the rules, you must have at least one word in your app [color=#0000ff]Blue[/color][/spoiler]

[spoiler='App (Human)']Username:
Character Name:
Age: (Keep it logical!)
Bender: (Y/N)
If Bender, what nation?:
Any special skills?: (Swordsman, strategist, etc.)
Appearance: (4+ Lines or pic)
Bio: (4+ Lines)
Any special items?: (Like Aang's staff, Sokka's sword or boomerang)
Avatar's group?: (Y/N, limited spots!)
Already part of the resistance in your nation?: (Y/N)
If so, what position?: (Commander, captain, etc.)

[spoiler='App (Alien)']Username:
Character Name:
Age: (Keep it logical!)
Bender: (Y/N)
If bender, what element?
Any Special Skills?:
Appearance: (4+ Lines or pic)
Bio: (4+ Lines)
Any special items?:
Position?: (Commander, captain, mercenary, etc.)

[spoiler='My Apps']Username: Blaze - God of Blastoise
Character Name: Kori Akaris
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Bender: Y
Nation: Avatar, so basically all.
Special Skills: Strategist, diplomat, telekinesis
Appearance: [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vzhtS23iRqk/Ta8SqNO846I/AAAAAAAAB3s/gQToR8LLuL4/s1600/1227740329_7756_full.jpeg[/img]
Bio: Kori is the Avatar, the manifestation of the planet in the form of a human, and is able to bend all four elements, just not yet. He was born into nobility in the Northern Water Tribe, and was trained as a warrior from a young age, which for a fairly long time, went unimpeded, due to the fact that he was not supposed to leave the palace until the day of the invasion, when he found he was the Avatar, which is also when he came into the possesion of a Polar Bear Dog named Shui. He then left to train as Avatar, followed by his closest friend.
Personality: He is kind, caring, and a genius, basically the opposite of the alien's leader, Anakis Dru, but doesn't exactly hate killing. He doesn't want to kill Anakis, but reveal his true heart, but at the same time, he knows that he will likely have to kill him. He was born with the rare ability of telekinesis.
Special items: The hilt of a lance, which lets him convert water in the air into ice, and turn it into an ice lance. He also carries a pendant given to him by his father.
Avatar's group: He [i]is[/i] the Avatar

Username: Blaze - God of Blastoise
Character Name: Anakis Dru
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Bender: Yes
Element: Water, Fire, Earth, Wind
Special Skills: Commanding, Strategizing, mind control, fighting, telekinesis
Appearance: basically like this:[img]http://images.wikia.com/dragonball/images/b/bb/PiccoloVsSpiceBoysNV.png[/img]
Bio: Anakis was born into alien nobility, his father was the Supreme ruler. While his father reigned over their planet, it was peaceful, kind, and caring. However, Anakis disagreed with his father's ways, and, when he was 17, he assassinated his father, and by default, took his place. He turned the planet into a savage planet, and began taking over, if not destroying, neighboring planets. He then set his sights on Earth, and sought to enslave the humans, and use Earth as a base for their quest for universal domination.
Personality: He is an evil genius, cruel and calculating. He has led the slaughter of many races, and many times had no qualms about it. He is extremely evil, however, there is occasionally a sign that he may have a heart.
Special Items: His mind, which is able to control things.
Position: Supreme Leader of the aliens[/spoiler]

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seems interesting.. reserve alien 2nd in command? (your alien leader's mind control seems OP don't you think?..)

Username: ANBU
Character Name: Ren`Tikhuak
Age: 29 human years
Bender: Y
If bender, what element?: Fire, Wind
Any Special Skills?: Flight, highly Strategical,
Appearance: (4+ Lines or pic)
Bio: (4+ Lines)
Any special items?: Black staff with has an opening which can shoot air, flames or sharp needles stored inside it
Position?: 2nd in command

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