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[Finished]Dark Necromancer's Contest! Round 2 had begun!

Chaotic Angel

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Right on it! I'll give the contestants my scores NOW, then the other 3 really needs a good kick in!

[SPOILER=Dark Necromancer's Scores]
[SPOILER=1. Clear Vice Dragon]
OCG: 9.8/10
Image: 9.9/10
Effect: 10/10
Name: 9/10
Total: [b]37.7/40[/b]

[SPOILER=2. greenfrog100]
OCG: 8/10
Image: 9/10
Effect: 9.5/10
Name: 7/10
Total: [b]33.5/40[/b]

[SPOILER=3. ✪✪✪~Star~✪✪✪]
This contestant has 2 cards, so I rated both of them, then halved the totaled score between the 2 cards to make the overall score.

[u]Nova Destiny Fiend[/u]

OCG: 9/10
Image: 7/10
Effect: 9.9/10
Name: 5/10
Total: 30.9/40
[u]Nova Fiend[/u]

OCG: 8/10
Image: 9/10
Effect: 8/10
Name: 9/10
Total: 34/40

[u]The 2 cards added together[/u]

OCG: 17/20
Image: 16/20
Effect: 17.9/20
Name: 14/20
Total: 64/80

[u]Overall Score[/u]

OCG: 8.5/10
Image: 8/10
Effect: 9/10
Name: 7/10
Total: [b]32.5/40[/b]

[SPOILER=4. WolfFan16]
OCG: 9/10
Image: 8/10
Effect: 7.5/10
Name: 7.9/10
Total: [b]32.4/40[/b]

[SPOILER=5. Sekiiro Ren]
OCG: 8.8/10
Image: 10/10
Effect: 9/10
Name: 8/10
Total: [b]35.8/40[/b]

OCG: 9/10
Image: 10/10
Effect: 10/10
Name: 8.5/10
Total: [b]37.5/40[/b]

[SPOILER=7. lightdiversion]
OCG: 8/10
Image: 7.8/10
Effect: 6.1/10
Name: 7.9/10
Total: [b]29.8/40[/b]

[SPOILER=8. DynaBladeX96]
OCG: 8/10
Image: 8/10
Effect: 5/10
Name: 6/10
Total:[b] 27/40[/b]

[SPOILER=9. liljramos88]
OCG: 7/10
Image: 7/10
Effect: 6.9/10
Name: 5.1/10
Total: [b]26/40[/b]

[SPOILER=10. (W.I.M.M)]
OCG: 9/10
Image: 9.3/10
Effect: 8.9/10
Name: 10/10
Total: [b]37.2/40[/b]

[SPOILER=11. -The Bahamut-]
OCG: 9.9/10
Image: 9/10
Effect: 8.2/10
Name: 9/10
Total: [b]36.1/40[/b]

[SPOILER=12. n8thegr8]
OCG: 7.1/10
Image: 8/10
Effect: 5/10
Name: 6.7/10
Total: [b]26.8/40[/b]

Some of the scores may be baised, but if you want my opinions, then say so, dood.

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[quote]1 non-tuner "Infinity" Monster+ "Infinity Twisted Mind"
In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card. Cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If there is no face-up "Diverse Plane" on the field: Destroy this card. When a monster on your opponent's side of the field is destroyed: Inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent. Once per turn: You can negate the effect of a Continuous Spell/Trap Card you control until the End Phase to activate 1 of the following effects:
• Destroy 1 card on the field. This card cannot attack in the turn this effect was activated.
• Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card, or the Special Summon of a monster, and destroy it.[/quote]

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Dark Tuners and Dark Synchro are so hard to make -.- anyway here's my card:
This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a Dark Synchro Monster. Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. (Damage calculation is applied normally). If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters your opponent controls becomes 0 until the End Phase.

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