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Small Soldiers: Anarchy among the Troops OoC [PG-13][Not Started][Always Accepting]


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[size=4]Among the Commando Elite, anarchy is brewing. two more bands of Elites have been thrown into production, the original and 2.0. you are the next band of Elite.[/size]
[size=4]Or, you can defend the original six and their honour. Be one of the six, and obliterate all of the new Elite, trying to break your confidence. Use real-life objects as your weapons,[/size]
[size=4]and pick some up on the way. you can build vehicles, implanting a chainsaw on a skateboard, etc. who will win? it's up to you and how you post. and remember...everything else...is just a toy.[/size]

[size=4][spoiler=rules]all ycm rules apply.[/size]
[size=4]remember, you can't stamp on each other unless one is on the floor.[/size]
[size=4]no god-modding.[/size]
[size=4]my rule is law.[/spoiler][/size]
[size=4][spoiler=Commando Elite(The Original)]Me-Major Chip Hazard[/spoiler][/size]
[size=4][spoiler=Commando Elite 2.0]ANBU - Kazuya Himori[/spoiler][/size]

[size=4][u]Application Form[/u][/size]
[size=4]Appearance(this applies to both. Commando Elite post what they look like in the movie or if it has changed.):[/size]
[size=4]Personality(Same again.):[/size]
[size=4]Job in the Squad(what your toy was meant for, explosions, etc.):[/size]
Sample Paragraph(show me that you belong here. four lines minimum.):

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[size=4]seems interesting.. (but didnt they all get fried in the movie so wouldn't it create less of a plot hole simply by being 2 new batches [one made like the originals then the 2.0 batch] fighting for superiority or something likle that?)[/size]

[size=4]oh and wouldn't weapons be improvised along the way since we w/shouldn't start out wth anything but the plastic weapons made with the toys?..[/size]

[size=4]Name: Kazuya Himori[/size]
[size=4][spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/170/b/5/va__xuan_le_kudratsyeva_by_megumi_pixels-d3jcmsn.png[/img] obv. more toy-like shape, clothing mainly the same except, remove undershirt, wearing over is normal Elite flak jacket and the pants are dark green/black similarto the other elites..[/spoiler][/size]
[size=4]Personality: Kazuya is usually more reserved then most elites keeping very little if any relations with his fellow elites to the point where he would be almost unfazed by their death as not much more than a chink in the plan. Whilst Kazuya fights he often gives orders based on plans he is constantly running in his head so as to keep his fellow elites at a tactical advantage over their predecessors noticing the small things and often pointing them out such as nearby objects able to be manipulated to get others that they need.[/size]
[size=4]Job in the Squad: Tactician/Hand to Hand Specialist[/size]
[size=4]Sample Paragraph: Kazuya watched as the others charged seemingly wanting to stay bacl for now despite his hand-to-hand expertise. "[i]Well if I go around to their right we can flank them and if that doesn't work we could move that to get that buzz saw.. yeah[/i]" he thought top himself as he began to move running towards the right side of the opposing group adn seeing one coming towards him standing and readying himself as he knew that them coming closer would be a bad choice for them. "wrong move.." he muttered as he began to strike them first light blows made from blocking their blows increasing in strength to hard palm thrusts and eventually knocking his opponent down after a very longwinded battle despite his avantage. "[i]well that set me back atleast I should still be able to...[/i]" he thought to himself before looking over noticing the broom knocked over and the buzzsaw already gone.[/spoiler][/size]

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