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Uh, okay...? It is for kids. :|

You needz:

  • MSN
  • Time
  • Patience
  • Quick learning
  • Photoshop CS3
  • My brush sets
  • A few other brush sets

Anyone that wants to learn to make stuff like this only needs these 7 key things. Just PM me / post in this thread,. :D

Note: I will do 1 free banner request, because I'm bored. It must only be 1 render. And the text should be 3 words or less, preferably.

Edit: I'm not bored any more. :P

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i like the CyberDark banner the most' date=' rest are ok but i dislike the motor bike banner.



well i dislike the bikes, not to many details on them. font is plain, 6/10.

Elaborate moar.

The font is good. Not plain.

There aren't supposed to be many details on them. :/


backgorund is great.


Motor Bike sucks.


Font isn't that detailed, preety plain to me.



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no details on bikes at all. hardly any.


new banner gets 9.8/10.


what is the first letter? that lost the marks.

  1. Ah' date=' so you're comparing it to the background. I see. So, would it be fine if the background was less detailed? (BTW, I like the bikes without details, they look smooth, like chocolate. Damn, I'm hungry. Once I finish typing out this message, I'm going to get get something to eat. lol Randomness).
  2. P

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no details on bikes at all. hardly any.


new banner gets 9.8/10.


what is the first letter? that lost the marks.

  1. Ah' date=' so you're comparing it to the background. I see. So, would it be fine if the background was less detailed? (BTW, I like the bikes without details, they look smooth, like chocolate. Damn, I'm hungry. Once I finish typing out this message, I'm going to get get something to eat. lol Randomness).[/b']
  2. Thanks!
  3. P


yes as the background looks very detailed and perfect but the bike looks good but lacks details like lines and stuff like real hard shading so no match.


i'm hungry too so i will go eat oranges um...

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3 people have downloaded the background pack? 3?!?! :x


I'm mega bored now, as you might have noticed, so I opened a free shop! Yay! Link in siggy.

Oh, and I'd love to see what you make with my backgrounds, so feel free to post a link to your thread! ^_^

Also, please post detailed reviews, so I can learn to be more awesome! 8)

I added 3 new banners. Yay!

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